26 juillet 2024

Daily Impact European

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6 min read
According to the French point of view, no party is worthy of current politics. Whether left or even center or right, not to mention the extremes, they have greatly disappointed and even disoriented their supporters over the past 12 years.


4 min read
French President Emmanuel Macron spoke with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping at the Élysée on Monday May 6, as part of the sixtieth anniversary of Franco-Chinese diplomatic relations.


The torch relay is a tradition that continues at each Olympiad. Lit according to ancient tradition on April 16, 2024 in the sanctuary of Olympia in Greece, it reached Athens from where it boarded the Belem to cross the Mediterranean to Marseille where, on May 8, its journey in France began. It is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the history of France.



Around thirty feminist marches against the far right are organized this Sunday in several cities in France to denounce the "facade feminism" of the National Rally and the "real danger" it represents for women's rights.


A charity evening took place on November 20 at the Alhambra in Paris. All of the money collected during this evening was redistributed to the "Neuf de coeur" association founded by the footballer Jean-Pierre Papin and his wife and to the "Adrien" association, created by René Molines following the death of his son Adrien.