March 8 is International Women’s Day. In order to celebrate this event, the Feminist Strike collective and 5 trade union organizations (CFDT, CGT, UNSA, FSU and Solidaires) called for a strike and mobilization.
There were nearly 160 demonstrations throughout France. In Paris, claimed by the CGT, the procession set off from Place Gambetta (75020) towards Place de la Bastille (75011). It brought together 100,000 people according to the union but the police headquarters gives the much lower figure of 28,000 participants. Other large cities also hosted demonstrations to celebrate the event, such as Rennes (4,000 demonstrators), Marseille, Nantes, Lille, Lyon…
The rally was organized to call for a strike on work, domestic tasks and consumption. In order to move society and power, these visible actions will allow women to obtain equality. It is a call in solidarity with women around the world, faced with wars, bombings, exodus, victims of inequality, rape and who are struggling to feed their families. All these women are fighting to regain their rights and freedom. Through its actions, the collective says NO to reaction and NO to the extreme right whose ideas (hatred of others, mysoginy, racism, etc.) are becoming commonplace.
The revendications
-The immigration law, passed last December, which attacks undocumented immigrants and the right to asylum.
– Wage inequalities. Low wages and inflation degrade living conditions. Women represent 62% of people paid the minimum wage and 70% of food bank beneficiaries. There are more than 9 million people living below the poverty line, 300,000 people including 3,000 children living on the streets, some dying.
-The rise in wages. Women’s jobs are poorly paid, often impacted by imposed part-time work. Their salary is on average 1/4 lower than that of men and pensions are 40% lower than those of men.
-The revaluation of social minimums.
-The construction of social housing.
-Decent work and wages, particularly for single mothers who have to deal with the high cost of living.
-The repeal of Macron’s pension reform and laws that penalize the unemployed and RSA beneficiaries.
-The revaluation of feminized professions (teaching, care, cleaning, etc.) with equal pay.
-Prohibition of imposed part-time work.
-Transformation of CDD into CDI.
-Retirement at age 60 with 37.5 annuities.
-No to the privatization of public services (hospital, school, EHPAD, housing).
-No longer have to plan everything (house, children, etc.).
-Quality public services.
-The creation of public services for early childhood and loss of autonomy.
-Time to live.
-Equal sharing of tasks.
-A reduction in working time for everyone.
-The reopening of all closed abortion centers.
-The inclusion in the Constitution of the right to abortion in a truly protective manner.
-LGBTQIA: Being able to make your life choice, freely live your sexual orientation and identity.
-Economic independence and universal accessibility to all public spaces and all places and buildings for people with disabilities, victims of violence and deprived of the rights to autonomy, education, employment, care and precariousness.
-Stopping sexist and sexual violence, implementing concrete actions and protecting victims
-Fight prostitution and pimping trafficking networks.
-Restoration of the CIIVISE (Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Against Children) to its initial goal and follow its recommendations.
-3 billion to fight against violence.
-The application of existing laws.
-The vote on a framework law against male violence against women, children and gender minorities.
-Education in equality which allows children to understand the mechanisms of domination operating in our society.
-Non-sexist education.
-The effective implementation of education in emotional and sexual life which integrates the notions of desire and pleasure, education in consent and equality.
The ceremony at Place Vendôme
During the ceremony to seal the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution, the President of the Republic spoke from the square of the Ministry of Justice, Place Vendôme, reaffirming his wish to include abortion in the Constitution. Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. For the occasion, singer Catherine Ringer (Rita Mitsouko) changed a few lyrics. “Impure blood waters our furrows” became “A pure law in the Constitution”. After receiving a kiss from the President, she dodged a hug and left without looking back.
March 8, International Women’s Rights Day and day of feminist strike with the slogan: « All in the streets in demonstration! »
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