14 mars 2025

Daily Impact European

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The Foire du Trône celebrates its 60th anniversary

This year, the Foire du Trône, formerly called the "Gingerbread Fair", will be shorter than in recent years.

This year, the Foire du Trône, formerly called the « Gingerbread Fair », will be shorter than in recent years. Organized by Paris City Hall, it was inaugurated on March 22 and will end on April 21 because of the Olympic Games.

The origin of the Foire du Trône dates back to medieval times. The faorans sat near the royal throne to celebrate the coronation of a new king. Over time, the festival evolved and became what it is today. Every year, an inauguration evening takes place, the profits raised go to a charity. This year again, it was the Cékedubonheur association founded in 2004. Its goal is to improve the daily lives of hospitalized children. It is chaired by Hélène Sy and offers several activities including creative workshops.

Following the installation on the Reuilly lawn (75012) of a military camp responsible for security during the next Olympic Games, the largest traveling funfair in France is being cut short for the celebration of its 60th anniversary. This year, the event will only last one month, which worries the fairgrounds although the period is marked by bridges and spring holidays. For 1 month, it opens from 12 p.m. and closes at 11 p.m. but also at 1 a.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and public holidays for the greatest pleasure of young and old. Nearly 350 attractions are present on the site which brings together all generations, from all professional categories to have fun with family or friends.

The 35 main attractions

HAPPY SAILOR, SIROCCO Delahautemaison, matterhorn Sobema, AMNÉSIA Moulin, remix Tivoli EX TREME Profit, top scan Mondial Rides,TRILLER 2 Camors, ghost train Effel Rides, VOLTIGEUR Campion, wellenfliger Zierer, FLY MAN Profit, fly man Troisne, TAXI DRIVER Rannou, zyklon Pinfari INFERNAL TOBOGGAN Lapère-Roopers, coaster S.D.C., CRAZY MOUSE Degoussée, spinning coaster Reverchon, TRAIN FANTÔME Maury, ghost train Mack Rides, FREE DANCE Alliot, afterburner KMG Rides,POWER MAXXX Jacquier, mistral Mondial Rides FLY ZONE Bourgeois, loop fighter Technical Park LIVE HORROR SHOW Traber, artisanal haunted house, ROYAL HORSE Profit, chenile Bosetti, X FACTOR Frechon, Rides, BOOSTER MAXXX Cohen, booster maxxx Fabbri Group, THE CORSAIR Frechon, pirate ship Hanuš Rides, DROP ZONE Dussollier, tower SBF Visagroup, COUNTDOWN Fleur, shot’n drop Huss, PIRAT Hoffman, pirate ship Huss, TAGADA Vancrayanest, tagada Spaggiari & Barbieri, TAGADA 2 De Almeida, tagada SBF VISA GROUP, KING Vancrayanest, coaster Soquet,TOP SPIN FRESH Fleur, top spin Huss, MAXXIMUM Laurier, capriolo Mondial Rides, GRANDE ROUE M Montaletang, ferris wheel Jensen, WONDER WHEEL Degoussée, ferris wheel Bussink , NIAGARA Fleur, flume ride, KONGA AVENTURE Frechon, flume ride Reverchon, SATAN SALSA Bournet, insider Cavazza, ROTOR STAR WARS Remilly, rotor Schwarzkopf, ROTOR ESPACE, rotor Amusement Rides Manufacturers, INSIDER Bonamy, shake R5 Mondial Rides, KATAPULT Profit, sling shot Funtime

Entrance to the Foire du Trône is free but there is a charge for attractions. Located on the current Place de la Nation, it bears its name because of a huge throne installed there where the king sat and the population came to pay homage to him. Later, the name was given to the festival which was held along the neighboring Avenue de Vinennes. Today it is held at Pelouse de Reuilly.

Extension request

While the duration of the Foire du Trône 2024 is shortened, the fairgrounds who will lose in turnover regret that charges and insurance are not subject to a 50% discount. However, they requested an extension until May 1, which unfortunately was refused. They were therefore advised to write to the President of the Republic to ask him to make a gesture in order to finish on May 1, this date being that of the best day of the Throne Fair. To date, the President of the Fair, Louis Joubert is awaiting the response. No financial compensation having been provided, the Paris town hall nevertheless granted them a reduction in location costs in proportion to the duration of the event.

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