9 février 2025

Daily Impact European

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Benalla business, catch of width: prolonged surveillances, Collomb heard Monday with the Parliament and suspended police officers placed in police custody…

The business does not finish any more taking proportions of scandal.

The surveillances of Alexandre Benalla and Vincent Crase, filmed forcing demonstrators on May 1st, were prolonged this Saturday. The three suspended police officers Thursday, them, were placed in police custody. The Home Secretary Gérard Collomb will be auditioned Monday with the Parliament.

The business does not finish any more taking proportions of scandal. Alexandre Benalla, collaborator in the Elysium, in charge of the security of Emmanuel Macron, was placed in police custody Friday, July 20. He is suspected of violences in meeting by anybody charged with a public service mission, usurpation of functions, illegal port of badges booked with the public authority, complicity of diversion of images resulting from a system of video protection.

The three police officers, them are suspected of having provided to Alexandre Benalla the videos showing it striking a demonstrator and one expressing on May 1st, while carrying a helmet and an armband of police officer, whereas it had only one statute of observer.

After being suspended by their hierarchy, these three police officers were placed in police custody Saturday, July 21 for diversion of images resulting from a system from videoprotection and breach of professional secrecy. Alexandre Benalla, saw his residence with IssylesMoulineaux (HautsdeSeine) searched Saturday morning.

Its apartment of function, located Branly quay in the 7th district of Paris, will be doubtless searched, indicates franceinfo.

Alexandre Benalla was to marry, this Saturday, July 21, in his town of IssylesMoulineaux. The ceremony was envisaged at 11:30 and was to be celebrated by André Santini, the mayor of the city, confirmed a member of its team with franceinfo. The former deputy was in direct contact with the engaged couples to organize the ceremony with the town hall. The weddings were cancelled.

The Home Secretary Gérard Collomb will be auditioned Monday at 10:00 within the framework of this business, by the commission of the Laws of the National Assembly equipped with the powers of investigation, announced Saturday his president Yaël BraunPivet (LREM). The commission will also hear the prefect of police of Paris Michel Delpuech Monday at 14:00, and could also audition several police chiefs, as well as the principal private secretary of the president of the Republic, which was the hierarchically superior of Alexandre Benalla.

The scandal burst after Le Monde revealed that Alexandre Benalla had struck demonstrators at the time of the procession of May 1st. A video shows it forcing people, and carrying a helmet as well as an armband of the police, whereas it had only one statute of observer. The Elysium initiated a procedure of dismissal in its opposition.

Alexandre Benalla was the neighbor of the child saved by Mamoudou Gassama, according to nordpress quoting like Closer information source.

Alexandre Benalla would be the man at the origin of the incident of the child of SaintDenis. As one can reexamine it on these images which are not from now on any more any doubt, it is well Alexandre Benalla who held the child at the time of the heroic act of Mamoudou Gassama.

The investigation must from now on include the link which existed between the child and Benalla and this one and Mamoudou Gassama.

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