Some 10,500 “red scarves” according to the police headquarter of Paris ravelled Sunday, under the rain, of the place of the Nation in Paris “to defend the democracy and the institutions” vis–a–vis violences which enamelled the crisis of the “yellow waistcoats”.
The demonstrators raise some French flags and a handful of European flags. Some carry t–shirt on which “I am printed like my republic”, and “stop with violences”.
They are two collective citizens, “STOP. Maintaining that is enough” and “the red Scarves” which had called with this gathering in full heart of the capital. An action in reaction to the violences made in margin of the movement of the “yellow Waistcoats” which has shaken France for more than two months.
If the procession wants to be “apolitical”, it is in fact difficult not to see there a movement of support for the government. Indeed, the independent group on the social networks of call to the mobilization for January 27th was for the first time entitled “republican Walk of support for Emmanuel Macron”. It for summer renamed “republican Walk of freedoms”, Co–has organized by the red Scarves and the collective of Laurent Soulié, “Stop now, that is enough”.
To prevent that he is not regarded as a form of support for Emmanuel Macron, the organizers of the event announce it like “apolitical” and driven by the concern first of denouncing violences and of calling with the dialogue.
Whereas the head of the procession stressed “Yes with the democracy, not with the revolution!” under a streamer “Stop with violences”, the demonstrators, whose sympathizers of the Republic moving (LREM), raised some French and European flags. According to Laurent Soulié, the initiator of walk, the demonstrators answered a “call in the majority quiet which has remained been in hiding at it for ten weeks”.
About twenty deputies – of which Olivia Grégoire and Jean–Michel Fauvergue – and of six senators to the demonstration.
“This walk and this approach have all my sympathy, and yet I will not take part in it”, because “it would be said immediately that it is a recovery”, thus Richard Ferrand, the president of the National Assembly declared, with the microphone of Large Jury RTL it Barber–LCI.
On the side of the “red scarves”, one endeavours to dissociate the concern of releasing the word of those which do not feel “yellow waistcoats”, and any support for the Head of the State. The deputies LREM who take part in walk make it with in an individual capacity.
Number of the “red scarves” envisaging to take part in the demonstration say to have shared certain claims of the “yellow waistcoats”, but to reject violence “against the institutions”.
Number of the “red scarves” envisaging to take part in the demonstration say to have shared certain claims of the “yellow waistcoats”, but to reject violence “against the institutions”.
On the course, the procession of the red Scarves crossed a few tens of yellow Waistcoats on the steps of the Opera, places Bastille.
Today, they disappeared the “breakers”, once the senators and politicians LREM came…!
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