2 mai 2024

Daily Impact European

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The choice of Max

The change, being for now, it is the help of the public that Max will take them and take action. They will depend on the entire history, for better, worse or for laughter...

Max is thirty-five years old, the age when normally everything smiles. He is not satisfied with his life. His record falls like a slut. He feels like he has not benefited and is losing confidence. He does work, but what he does is far from what he really wanted and on an emotional level, he never dared to confess his feelings to the one whose heart is in love. In short, he has many regrets, uncertainties, depressive disorders and questions. He is at a turning point in his life. With five years in advance, he suffers from the quarantine crisis. He needs to take his life back, give him a new direction. Important decisions are needed. The change, being for now, it is the help of the public that Max will take them and take action. From them, will depend on the whole history, for better, worse or for laughter, but for Max…

“L’embarras du choice”, the new interactive comedy of the author, director and producer Sébastien Azzopardi in collaboration with Sacha Danino, assisted in the staging of Guillaume Rubeaud; a very current, introspective piece on the meaning of life where the public makes the story. “The Embarras of choice is an entertainment but we hope that the public will ask themselves real questions about their own life, about the paths we take or don’t take. We want to ask them about their regret, their guilt. We have built a hero who is constantly torn between desire and duty. And we hope that it will provoke real public debate. How far are we willing to go to fulfill our dreams? What should be done when the desire fades in a couple? When we no longer love our profession? Should we choose passion or comfort? What happens when we mix work and friendship? What should we do when we know a painful secret about others? “explains Sébastien Azzopardi.

The different possibilities will write Max’s way of life while respecting the consistency of the game. Alysée Costes, Margaux Maillet, Sébastien Azzopardi, Erwan Creignou and Benoît Tachoires – Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse (Paris XVème) from Tuesday to Saturday at 6.30pm, as well as Saturday at 4.30pm and Sunday at 5pm – Bookings: 01 43 20 60 56

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