February 1 begins the year of the Water Tiger. It follows that of the Metal Ox and will be followed by that of the Water Hare (or Cat). It will end on January 31, 2023.
The Chinese calendar
The Chinese calendar dates back more than 5,000 years, it is based on a lunar system, while taking into account the seasons (solar system). The Chinese year begins in spring and has 12 months. Every 3 years, a 13th month is added, calculated according to the seasons.
Based on years and not months of birth, the Chinese zodiac has 12 signs, each represented by an animal that returns every 12 years. These animals were chosen in relation to daily life or according to a positive meaning. The European sign corresponding to the Tiger is Aquarius.
The Chinese New Year is celebrated in several Southeast Asian countries (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Brunai, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea). The various diasporas celebrate it all over the world as well as among the Hmong, the Mongols, the Tibetans, the Nepalese, the Bhutanese and also the Japanese who call it kyushogatsu.
Also called the Chinese New Year, Spring Festival or Tet Festival The festivities last 15 days and end with the Lantern Festival.
Zodiac signs
The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit (Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig (Boar). Each animal is listed by the principle of Yin and Yang, i.e. every 2 years. This classification is based on the number of toes, with the exception of the Rat which is YIN and YANG (4 toes in the front and 5 in the back)
The YIN animals (even, feminine, receptive and passive) are: Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Goat, Rooster and Pig.
The YANG animals (odd, masculine, energetic and active) are: Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey and Dog.
The legend says that the Jade Emperor, leader of the Gods, wanted to choose 12 animals to be his close guard. For this, he sent an immortal to Earth to organize a race to the celestial gate. The order of arrival determined the rank in which the animal presented itself before the Emperor. The rat was the first although having used the buffalo to get there. and the slowest was the pig.
The elements
The Chinese calendar is based on a sexagesimal system (60 years). It associates the 12 signs with the 5 elements which each group together 2 consecutive signs.
The Chinese zodiac has 5 elements associated with a zodiac sign every 60 years. We thus distinguish Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal (Gold for the years of the Dragon, because more noble), Water.
Each element is associated with a color: Green for Wood, Red for Fire, Yellow or Ocher for Earth, White for Metal, Black or Blue for Water.
The Tiger is also associated with lucky numbers: 1,3 and 4. Their combination like 31 or 41 is particularly favorable. On the contrary, the numbers 6, 7 and 8 correspond to bad luck and their combinations like 67, 78 or 87 are harmful. It is therefore important to take these figures into account in order to determine the amount of « Red Envelopes » (Hongbao) distributed during the Chinese New Year.
Some colors are lucky for Tigers: blue, gray and orange, only brown is an unlucky color, to be absolutely avoided.
The main years of the Tiger are: 1914, 1926,1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022.
The characteristics of the sign of the Tiger
The Tiger ( 虎 , Hu in Chinese) is a powerful animal, considered in China as the king of beasts. It is characterized by its strength, which can also be a weakness and its impetuosity. They are sure of themselves, ambitious and unpredictable, developing neither sweetness nor carelessness. His enemies fear him and his allies trust him.
The Tiger is very present in Chinese culture. Whether in art or architecture, religion or literature, it gives its name to many buildings or mountains such as the « Mountain of the Tiger of the Dragon ( 龙虎山, Longhu Shan), the cradle of Taoism, in Jiangxi province.
It is also found on children’s clothes and shoes.
Traditional Taoist culture represents him as the servant, avenger of justice. Opposed to evil spirits, they are divine providence and in tales he kills the « Evil ».
Tiger is also an ingredient widely used in Chinese medicine for over 10,000 years, as an aphrodisiac or analgesic for example. Wearing one of his claws is synonymous with strength and invincibility.
In order to prevent the extinction of the breed, the Chinese government has decreed heavy penalties against poachers for several years.
Famous careers and natives
The natives of the Tiger sign tend to find themselves in leadership professions such as CEOs, managers or managers. They are also found in art as actors, comedians, or writers. Queen Elizabeth II, Fidel Castro, Marylin Monroe, or Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world, are representatives.
The Tigers are compatible with the Dragon, the Horse or the Pig. On the other hand it is better to avoid his alliance with the Ox, the Snake and the Monkey but also with another Tiger.
How will the year of the Water Tiger 2022 be?
The year 2022 will bring all kinds of favorable changes related to the Water element which corresponds to wealth and prosperity. This year will be conducive to romantic and financial advantages for all signs.
The Dragon, Goat and Monkey will be the most successful. The year will also be favorable to the Ox and the Horse. It will remain stable for Snakes, Rooster, Dog and Pig. They will experience ups with surprises and downs with small problems at certain times, which they can solve.
Rat, Tiger and Rabbit will experience challenges that will turn into opportunities.
Summary of the sign of the Tiger
Chinese name
East – North East
Favorable month
Chinese zodiac signs friends
Horse, Dog
Enemy Chinese Zodiac Signs
Enthusiasm, Liveliness, Charm, Courage, Audacity
Pride, Egocentrism, Impulsivity, Impatience, Instability
This year, following the different waves of the pandemic, there will be no New Year’s Day parade in Chinatowns.
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