Exactly two weeks before the first round of the presidential election, the candidates are multiplying their speeches and chaining meetings.
On the eve of the opening of the official campaign and on D-14 of the first round, the pace of the campaign is accelerating for the main presidential candidates, the vast majority of whom have planned public meetings and trips this weekend. -end.
Yannick Jadot, who bet, at the start of the campaign, on the multiplication of small gatherings here or there to “put politics in the street” canceled his last three outdoor events in Bordeaux, Toulouse and Poitiers before gathering his troops this Sunday in Paris. A festive afternoon with Yael Naim’s mini-concert.
Yannick Jadot (EELV) is trying to relaunch his campaigns at the Zenith, even if the score crumbles over the days in the polls.
In a meeting this Sunday, the environmental candidate hopes to carry out the biggest militant meeting ever organized in France by environmentalists and to impose a dynamic that is long overdue.
« In 15 days, it will be up to you to choose for your present and for our future », declared Yannick Jadot at the opening of his meeting at the Zénith de Paris. « Rarely has such a choice been so decisive. The catastrophe is approaching. Houses swept away by the floods, gigantic forest fires, summers without rain, winters that are too mild… It is the survival of humanity that is played today. » Yannick Jadot also wished to salute « the admirable resistance of the Ukrainian people » under the « Putin assassin » of the public.
The green candidate for the presidential election was organizing his big meeting at the Zénith de Paris, in the north of the capital, two weeks before the first round.
A turning point in this campaign, according to the promise of the EELV executives, at a time when their foal is stuck around 6% of voting intentions in the polls. No matter. “We will make things clear right away: this is not the end of the campaign meeting, it is not even the beginning of the end of the campaign”, launched Julien Bayou to galvanize the 4000 activists present. including many young heads and chasing the idea of a last stand.
« Tomorrow is ours. And it’s tomorrow, not five years from now, that we have to take our lives back into our own hands. So defy the odds, outdated outdated labels, silence the watchdogs of the old world », hammered Yannick Jadot, credited with around 6% of voting intentions, and whose campaign never really took off, despite French concerns for the climate.
Yannick Jadot, notably called on the youth, often abstaining, to join him: « Young people from France, burst into this ballot, come and shake us up », he urged.
There are « two weeks left to lift the smoke screens », he said, inviting to « oppose Jadot and Macron » in the second round, because « it is the survival of our humanity that is at stake today » .
In the presence of a « reunited ecological family », bringing together its former competitors in the primary, including Sandrine Rousseau, yet ejected from the campaign, many elected officials and former presidential candidates, Dominique Voynet, Eva Joly and Noël Mamère (José Bové being absent due to covid), Yannick Jadot tackled Emmanuel Macron’s balance sheet and the power of lobbies.
« In 2017, many French people, especially on the left, thought they elected Mendès-France or Rocard. They had the arrogance of Giscard and the brutality of Sarkozy », he lashed out, inviting voters to « liberate our Republic of the interference of the lobbies with which and for which Emmanuel Macron governed for five years ».
« Outside the lobbies » of pesticides, factory farming, for-profit Ehpad, car manufacturers, hunters », shelled the candidate who denounced once again TotalEnergies, which « must leave Ukraine now ».
The one who has often been accused of being too smooth defended himself: « I hear people say that I wouldn’t shout loud enough to make myself heard. It’s because I want to address the intelligence of women and men, not their instincts, » he said.
The candidate criticized « the mirage of a useful or effective vote on the left », in favor of the rebellious candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in a meeting at the same time in Marseille. « We do not vote forgetting the ambiguities in the face of the conspirators of the health crisis, forgetting the support for the Russian intervention in Syria and the ambiguous contortions on Ukraine. We do not vote for those who refuse to call a dictator , a dictator, » he said.
« It was a great meeting, I’m very proud, » says Yannick Jadot backstage at the Zénith de Paris. By gathering this Sunday afternoon between 3,500 and 4,000 supporters in the Parisian performance hall, the environmental candidate can congratulate himself on having broken a record: that of the largest meeting of French ecology.
Nothing is less certain, but the ecologists have done everything for it. The ex-candidates Noël Mamère or Éva Joly made the trip to give the keys to the “new generation”, according to the formula of the first. Michèle Rivasi, David Cormand or the afternoon hosts Éric Piolle and Karima Delli were also in the room… as were the mayors of Lyon, Strasbourg or Poitiers (Gregory Doucet, Jeanne Barseghian, Léonore Moncond’huy) installed just to the right of the stage. Even Sandrine Rousseau, excluded from the campaign at the beginning of March, was in the game… although silent.
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