Eric Zemmour tried to pose as a unifier of the rights in front of a galvanized crowd, shouting « we are on the right » or even « Macron assassin ».
The far-right candidate multiplied the calls of the foot towards LR and the RN, in a performance successful in form, but very radical in substance.
Eric Zemmour brought together tens of thousands of supporters: an excited crowd claiming to be right-wing, and of all ages, strollers included, transformed into a tide of tricolor flags.
Two words, however, cast a worrying shadow over this gathering: “Macron, assassin! “Throughout the afternoon, the crowd had taken up vindictive slogans: “Macron, motherfucker! “, “Fuck him! « , » In the plane ! “, “Out, the Arabs! », « France to the French »…
Clips of relatives of people killed by men with foreign-sounding names played on giant screens. Then, at 4:40 p.m., Eric Zemmour quotes the murders of Sarah Halimi and Mireille Knoll, and evokes the attacks by « scum »: « You think it’s you who should be ashamed. But no, it is the state that should be ashamed! I am here to fight against fate! Suddenly, the crowd resumes in chorus: “Macron, assassin! Eric Zemmour stops, twelve long seconds, the time to let the slogan resonate ten times. Then he picks up the thread of his speech.
Very quickly, many political leaders – the candidate of the Les Républicains (LR) party, Valérie Pécresse, the president of the LR group in the National Assembly, Damien Abad, his counterpart for La République en Marche (LRM), Christophe Castaner, or again the President (LRM) of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand – sometimes denounced “a delirium”, sometimes “a shame for democracy and the Republic”.
Deaf from cowardice or from fear of controversy!
The far-right candidate’s campaign team ended up telling the press that Eric Zemmour « did not hear it and that he would not take up the expression on his own account », before specifying that he condemned her.
A more diffuse embarrassment hovered over the Trocadero. The Reconquest candidate! long galvanized his audience and, beyond that, the mass of those who follow him on social networks: “Nothing and no one will prevent us from writing the destiny of our country! Nothing and no one will steal this election from us! He claimed « a life-size survey, a taste of the surprise to come », and insisted on the usefulness of the last two weeks of mobilization. “Time is running out, he repeated, it is a quarter to midnight. »
This Sunday March 27 at the Trocadéro, Éric Zemmour got what he wanted: pretty images (vaguely) reminiscent of those of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2012. « You are 100,000 gathered under the blue sky of Paris », exaggerated the candidate of Reconquest ! arriving on stage, after a scenography mimicking Emmanuel Macron’s march to the Carrousel du Louvre after his victory in 2017.
Conversely, the candidate had sweet words for a whole section of the right and the far right that he dreams of bringing together. “I chose the Trocadero because we can no longer stand the divisions of the patriots who are the cause of our defeats”, launched Éric Zemmour, who reached out to personalities from the Republicans and the National Rally.
“Yes, I will need Eric Ciotti, applaud him. Yes, I will need François-Xavier Bellamy, Laurent Wauquiez, Nadine Morano, Jordan Bardella, applaud them”, continued the polemicist. This amused Geoffroy Didier, director of communication for Valérie Pécresse, who recalled that all the personalities mentioned are committed to the candidate LR, except of course the interim president of the RN.
The candidate’s « war prizes » first followed one another on stage, like Gilbert Collard and Nicolas Bay (ex-RN), Guillaume Peltier (from LR) or Philippe de Villiers. Between the usual anti-immigration diatribes, calls for mobilization have multiplied in the direction of « the France of the hidden vote ».
As in previous rallies, Marion Maréchal emerged largely victorious in the applause meter. Criticizing the « small political and media world », Marine Le Pen’s niece painted the picture of an « African France » from 2060, knowing the fate of Lebanon, Kosovo or « Eastern Christians ».
This large gathering on the emblematic Place du Trocadéro, in Paris, must be the ultimate show of force of a campaign with saw teeth. His last opportunity to show that it is not too late – even 14 days before the first round of the presidential election – to turn the corner.
Éric Zemmour, imagining himself the « only right-wing candidate in this election », without citing a concrete proposal or developing a specific point of the program he presented in
the week. Threading nationalist incantations, the founder of Reconquête! posed as a representative of the “vital vote”.
Gilbert Collard evokes him, “rigged polls” when Philippe de Villiers “salutes France of the hidden vote”. In the process, Eric Zemmour is on the same tone: “They said everything and they were wrong about everything. You are giving the greatest show of force of this campaign. It’s a sign, it’s a signal, it’s a life-size survey. A taste of the surprise to come. You are here and spring is here, hope is here, here we are! »
“The future will be proud of us. It’s a quarter to midnight, join me in the reconquest of our country, ”he implored one last time. Two weeks before the first round, it remains to be seen whether it is not already too late.
This is the last hope of the zemmourists in the home stretch. That a hidden vote, impossible to detect for polling institutes, is revealed on the evening of April 10.
Will the journalist and polemicist Eric Zemmour be responsible for the accusations made during the last Trocadero meeting by his supporters, to President Macron?
It remains to be seen after the presidential election if the Public Prosecutor has taken note of it!
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