Exhibition: “Precious Stones” Great Gallery of the Evolution ofGarden of plantsMinerals and Gems are born from nature and they represent a fabulous sourceinspiration for Jewelers around the world. Since its formation the Earth has produced aincredible diversity of Stones and Minerals. Precious Stones fascinate and are an object ofpower and seduction.
These wonders were formed at particular times in Earth’s history. During hisformation, 4.6 million years ago, the Earth experienced geological episodes and by thegeodynamics which is one of the engines of the formation of minerals, it produced deposits.Continental drift and the collision of tectonic plates that form the chains ofmountains crystallize various minerals. Water also has an important role in the manygeological mechanisms, at depth as well as at the surface, by erosion to depositsediments. Oxygen is another important weathering agent on the Earth’s surface. It acts onminerals exposed to the air and also dissolves in water which seeps into the rocks, thenoxidize.
Fabulous Gems have been fashioned into Adornments and Jewels, such as Crowns,Specters or Insignia. Precious Stones are classified according to their physical properties.chemical. The large jewelry houses all have a Precious Stone department, aunion between the Scientist and the Jeweler. A good knowledge of the properties of mineralsallows them to be faceted better. Nature inspires artists with an infinity of patterns and compositions.Their creations reflect the beauty of the world around us.
France produced precious stones in the Middle Ages such as Sapphire, Amethyst, Crystalde Roche for the most famous. Others have since been discovered such as the Ruby, the Emerald orthe Turquoise. The Diamond is the most captivating gemstone, it is made of carbonalmost pure.
A classification is made by:
■ The Precious Stone, is intended for Jewelers and represents any natural or shaped body,colorless or colored, transparent, durable and shiny.
■ The Mineral is a homogeneous substance with a chemical composition and atomic structuredefined.
■ La Roche, is an aggregate of minerals forming rocky massifs.
■ The Gem, is a shaped precious stone.Natural Crystals grow over long geological times. The exhibition « StonesPrecious ”is a journey to the heart of Stones and Minerals to let yourself be surprised andto marvel.
Hours, Prices and Access, until August 22, 2021
Great Gallery of Evolution
Garden of plants
57 Cuvier Street
75005 Paris
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