14 mars 2025

Daily Impact European

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No to the closing of the churches in Algeria

Between 150 and 200 people gathered on Thursday October 24 in front of the Algerian Embassy in Paris Rue de Lisbonne in the image of other cities in France such as Lyon, Marseille, Strasbourg or Metz. These Christians and other sympathizers responded to the call of the Union of North African Christians in France (UNACF) chaired by Pastor Saïd Oujibou.

All want to make their voices heard after the closing of the largest Protestant church in Algeria on October 15 in Tizi Ouzou. This is the 13th since the beginning of the year.
The reason invoked by the authorities: the lack of authorization to practice.

According to the evangelical organization « Portes Ouvertes », the Algerian administration is reluctant to give these authorizations, thus violating Article 42 of the country’s Constitution, which guarantees « freedom of conscience » « freedom of opinion » as well as freedom of expression. exercise of worship.

The slogans read: « They pray for you, why persecute them? « , » No to the unjust closures of churches « , » Freedom of religion for our Algerian brothers! « .

Several pastors and faithful followed one another at the microphone to give a testimony on the condition of these Christians. Their only claim today is to be able to practice their faith freely, in a place of worship open to all.

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