17 mars 2025

Daily Impact European

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Learn to manage your business with Rivalis

Monday April 22 took place the 6th edition of the Driving Day of Rivalis, support network for VSEs, which brought together nearly 80 VSE bosses who were able to test their reflexes on a road circuit.

Monday April 22 took place the 6th edition of the Driving Day of Rivalis, support network for VSEs, which brought together nearly 80 VSE bosses who were able to test their reflexes on a road circuit.

This Monday, some 80 managers of VSEs and SMEs from all over Ile-de-France were confronted with this situation on the secure circuit of the Centaure center, in Réau. Objective of this course, organized by the Rivalis network of entrepreneurs: to establish parallels between risky driving and managing your company. Structured around practical workshops – aquaplanning, therefore, but also simulation of tires bursting or impact against a wall.

It was through a driving course on a circuit that the TPE bosses were able to test their limits in terms of driving. A fun scenario organized by Rivalis Ile-de-France to draw parallels with business management and particularly in terms of risk management, anticipation and reflexes. “Through this annual event, Rivalis makes these supported bosses aware that they are not alone and that they can rely on Rivalis advisors to decide calmly based on indicators, rather than in an emergency and by intuition.”

Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of small business managers do not earn the minimum wage even though they do additional work between 54 and 70 hours per week. Stress, loneliness, lack of time to manage and develop, lack of knowledge… the difficulties are numerous, not to mention the inflationary economic context which adds a few more pitfalls to the journey of the fighting boss. For those who have decided to be supported by Rivalis, it is on average +96% peace of mind, +22% turnover, +45% leave per year, +105% annual result (source: survey carried out in 2022 by the Rivalis network on a panel of 254 clients).

Rivalis is above all a network of advisors where the advisor forms a trusted pair with the manager and advises him on possible options.

Henriri, artificial intelligence, comes to the rescue of small business owners

Henrri, an easy-to-use management software package with real-time visibility on profitability, margin rate, payroll, etc. Launched last year on the path of Augmented Intelligence, the software package allows bosses to have innovative functionalities and, above all, Rivalis advisors to access a powerful analysis tool which will give them more information according to the characteristics of each client.

How was Rivalis born and why?

Since 1994, Rivalis has developed methods combining human and digital support by putting the interest and development of the small business manager at the heart of its strategy.

In the 1990s, Henri Valdan, entrepreneur and industrial tribunal advisor, was the first to take “revenge” for this abandonment of “small bosses”.

Every week, Henri Valdan watches helplessly as certain companies go bankrupt at the Alsace commercial court. He then decided to get involved to find a response adapted to all these leaders, invested all his own funds and involved his family, his wife, Danièle, and his two sons, Lionel and Damien (today co-directors of Rivalis). , in the adventure.

Henri, Lionel and Damien Valdan gathered around them the needs of numerous entrepreneurs to create the first version of a management software package dedicated to the questions of small business leaders. Inspired at the time by the idea of a car’s GPS, this software has only one objective: to give the manager a precise vision of his business (turnover, results, unpaid debts, etc.) and help them make the best decisions, all in real time.

The concept is simple and revolves around three players: software (GPS), Rivalis expert (co-pilot) and business manager (pilot). Rivalis offers several services such as intra-company organization, fundraising, team cohesion or even organizational consulting with a single objective: the profitability of the company.

The consultants, aged on average around fifty years, gain the status of independent consultant and rely on Rivalis training and methodology to develop their clientele. They undertake to physically visit business leaders at least once a month. The installation costs and their royalty, which amount to 65,000 euros over five years, can be partially covered by Pôle emploi or covered by bpifrance. Rivalis also derives between a quarter and a third of its revenues, also confidential, from subscriptions to its digital tools. Its software solutions facilitate administrative formalities, human resources management and financing options. The fundraising should allow Rivalis to better exploit this valuable data.

Lionel and Damien Valdan, co-founders of the Haut-Rhinois group, will remain in the majority in the family group founded 30 years ago. The fundraising should enable it to enrich its digital management support tools, such as the petite-entreprise.net site and its assistant Henri. This also paves the way for external growth.

“An entrepreneur who encounters difficulties tends to focus on his area of expertise. Cash flow problems, for example, scare him because he is not trained for that. It is therefore on this point that Rivalis helps you, by putting in place precise tools, which will allow it to set objectives and adapt its activity according to the results obtained.

Experts with strong human values

Success and this longevity are the result of an entrepreneurial adventure based on strong values:
-the human,
– pragmatism,
– the presence,
– innovation.

But a decision is not made just with a number. To get a manager to make the best decisions for his company, you also need a co-pilot alongside the manager.

The Rivalis advisors are all business leaders, their management support for businesses in difficulty primarily aims at the loneliness of the manager and is specifically targeted at stress management, emotional intelligence, positive communication, and motivation. This support for the entrepreneur makes it possible to achieve objectives more quickly while being more serene on a daily basis in administrative, financial and even organizational processes.


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