14 mars 2025

Daily Impact European

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“Yellow waistcoats”: 84,000 demonstrators at the time of act 10 and large legal work allows to distinguish the breakers more clearly

The mobilization reached a record in Toulouse (10,000 participants), in front of Paris (7,000) and Bordeaux (4,000).

84,000 yellow waistcoats to express in France this Saturday, January 19, indicated the ministry for the Interior in the end of the day.

It is their tenth week of mobilization. Whereas president Emmanuel Macron launched the Great national debate this week, the yellow waistcoats continued to express in the street, on the roundabouts or tolls etc

The large legal work which is fact makes it possible more clearly to distinguish the breakers from the demonstrators waistcoats yellow. That made it possible to draw aside from a certain number of processions of people which came for very bad reasons, which came to undo some, to break, to destroy and force, explained Saturday, January 19 on franceinfo Maddy Scheurer, spokesperson of the national police, after the new day of mobilization of the yellow waistcoats.

In the capital, while waiting for the departure of the procession of the esplanade of the Invalids, a first demonstrator pointed the difference between the claims of the yellow Waistcoats and the topics proposed by Emmanuel Macron in the Great national debate: That does not have anything to see, he estimated. For the moment, Emmanuel Macron speaks with the mayors for his electoral campaign about European, another yellow Waistcoat affirmed, adding that in its eyes, the Great national debate was a great masquerade.

Act 10 whole just completed, certain yellow waistcoats turn already to Saturday, January 26 whereas act 11 is already on the rails. It should be said that many demonstrators are not convinced by the great national debate initiated by Emmanuel Macron. This great debate seems skewed, there are certain numbers of subjects which seem prohibited and in addition, the technique used is an open door (…) to divert the debate, explains Frederic, demonstrator in Paris.

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