For its 24th edition, the Living room of the chocolate chose a conciliatory topic pleasure and lifestyle: “It takes all kinds to make the world go round”.
Discovered, tastings and events for unquestionable impossible to circumvent are with go door of Versailles to the exhibition site, Hall 4 for a visit of lime pit foot on a surface of 20,000 m ².
The Living room of the Chocolate was created in 1995 under the impulse of creative of the agency of communication total and creative of events International Vent, Sylvie Douce whose grandfather directed a chocolate biscuit company, and of her husband François Jeantet. Since, the adventure is reiterated every year and with the international one. If the first edition brings together only 30 exhibitors over 3 days, the following ones will become real successes attracting more than 130,000 visitors each year over 5 days, the number of the exhibitors when to him is assembled to 230 and that of the participants in 500 including 200 chiefs resulting from 60 countries. From now on, it is an international success on 4 continents with 32 destinations, putting the image of France, its gastronomical culture and its greedy specialities ahead. In the United States in 1998 then in Japan in 2000 with the group of distribution Isetan Mitsukoshi, the adventure was not gained, these countries being beginners in the consumption of the chocolate. It was in the same way for China which also discovers new flavours. The Living room of the Chocolate is also the occasion to make discover with the public the worldwide production of the cocoa and the new trends. Today, the living room counts 224 editions distributed in 32 cities throughout the world.
This new opus, placed under the high patronage of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, was inaugurated on October 30th by Maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo in the presence of Babette de Rozière, cheffe cook Frenchwoman and regional advisor of Ile de France.
The inaugural evening organized with the profit of the association Cardiac Patronage Surgery and whose collected funds make it possible to operate ill children of the heart, was the occasion of launching the international final of Chocolate World Master degrees 2018, organized by cocoa Barry in the presence of 20 candidates and of the members of the jury: Frank Haasnoot (NL), Naomi Mizuno (Japan), Cédric Grolet, elected official Better Pastrycook of the World by World‘ S 50 Best Restaurants (for France); one could also find impossible to circumvent living room like the processions of chocolate dresses or the performance “Pop Choco Tag” of the artist Richard Orlinski and the pastrycook Yann Couvreur; the Podium Pastry Show with the receipts of great creators where the public can put the shoulder to the wheel but also Masterclass animated by Mercotte with Christelle Brua (Pre Catelan), Nina Métayer (Pouchkine Coffee) and Johanna Le Pape (world champion of Sweetened Arts); Chocosphère and its public conferences; Awards of the Chocolate, organized by the Club of the Devourers of Chocolate and decreed with the most emblematic chocolate sellers of the year; shows of the cocoa producing countries; Space Bookstore where a dozen authors, chiefs and craftsmen deliver to the game dedications; “They” cook which gathers the new female guard of pastry making and the kitchen (Hasnaa Ferreira, Ika Cohen, Marjorie Fourcade, Maya Kanaan or Mitusha Letuppe); the price Relay Desserts Charles Proust whose topic was the chestnut, in the presence of all the MOF chocolate sellers stars and gained this year per the Japanese pastrycook Keita Ishiguro thanks to his “small present” made up of a white to eat and cream maroon flaring, truffle of a raspberry jelly; Chocolate World Master degrees; the Trophy of the French pastry; the Workshop of the directions and its greedy workshops and of course the Living room of the Chocolate Junior, workshops of awakening to the taste for the children and young teenagers.
For this edition, within the framework of “Japanisme 2018”, “Japanese Kitchen”, spaces tastings dedicated to alliances mets and chocolate, gathers the largest Japanese chocolate sellers. In another register, Jean–Luc Decluzeau made a country cottage worth visiting of 18 m ² and his furniture with 1.5 ton of chocolate (4 months were necessary for its construction).
This year, the procession of chocolate dresses was animated by Laurence Routandjee and the electro–pop duet Kiz as well as the Animal show Totem. 13 celebrities of which Tristane Banon, Brahim Zaibat, Djibril Cissé, Natasha St–Pier, Joyce Jonathan and of the dancers of “Dance with the stars”, new creations of duets of chocolate sellers and dressmakers presented of which the House Devernois and François Pralus, Julien Bonnet and Maxence Barbot for the hotel Plaza Athénée, Solène Martin and Gaetan Fiard for the hotel Lutétia or Jean–Paul Benielli and Jeffrey Cagnes for the Stohrer House. Moreover, each day, duets of chocolate sellers and dressmakers present a collection of new dresses.
Among the exhibitors, are the cocoa producing countries, of which representatives of South America (Peru, Brazil, Costa Rica…), of Asia (Japan, Taiwan), of Africa (Gabon, Sao Tome…), of Europe (Swiss, Belgium, Italy…) and of the United States.
With regard to French, a wide selection is offered to the visitors between Benoit, Aleph House, Pralus, With small the Size, first creator of French mini–chocolates, chocolate Creations, creator of original objects containing chocolate in the Essonne or Capon, one of the rare chocolate sellers in France to torrefy itself its cocoa.
Chocolate creations is based in the Essonne where the workshop is, gathering the manual manufacturing of the models, the moulds and the mouldings with chocolate of higher quality. For the people wishing to give an original and personalized present, it is the ideal place to make manufacture a gift except standards by choosing the model (bouquet of flower, pump, handbag.), the type of chocolate (color, perfume, flavour), origin of the chocolate (Africa, South America.) and its mode of culture (biological, equitable…) A message on a chocolate map printed out of cocoa butter and on a map Bristol–board accompanies the compositions (manufactured starting from the couverture chocolates by Cocoa Barry, worked out chocolates the finest prémiums who takes account of the rigorous selection of best cocoa broad beans until good torrefaction and the meticulous conchage.
With Small the Size is based in Pas–de–Calais since 1997. Its range comprises more 70 varieties combining Belgian chocolate and French know–how. In 1992, the family LipPour her 24th edition, the Living room of the chocolate chose a conciliatory topic pleasure and lifestyle: “It takes all kinds to make the world go round”.
Discovered, tastings and events for unquestionable impossible to circumvent are with go door of Versailles to the exhibition site, Hall 4 for a visit of lime pit foot on a surface of 20,000 m ².
The Living room of the Chocolate was created in 1995 under the impulse of creative of the agency of communication total and creative of events International Vent, Sylvie Douce whose grandfather directed a chocolate biscuit company, and of her husband François Jeantet. Since, the adventure is reiterated every year and with the international one. If the first edition brings together only 30 exhibitors over 3 days, the following ones will become real successes attracting more than 130,000 visitors each year over 5 days, the number of the exhibitors when to him is assembled to 230 and that of the participants in 500 including 200 chiefs resulting from 60 countries. From now on, it is an international success on 4 continents with 32 destinations, putting the image of France, its gastronomical culture and its greedy specialities ahead. In the United States in 1998 then in Japan in 2000 with the group of distribution Isetan Mitsukoshi, the adventure was not gained, these countries being beginners in the consumption of the chocolate. It was in the same way for China which also discovers new flavours. The Living room of the Chocolate is also the occasion to make discover with the public the worldwide production of the cocoa and the new trends. Today, the living room counts 224 editions distributed in 32 cities throughout the world.
This new opus, placed under the high patronage of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, was inaugurated on October 30th by Maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo in the presence of Babette de Rozière, cheffe cook Frenchwoman and regional advisor of Ile de France.
The inaugural evening organized for the benefit of the Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque association and whose funds raised to operate sick children of the heart, was the opportunity to launch the international final of the World Chocolate Masters 2018, organized by Barry cacao in the presence of 20 candidates and jury members: Frank Haasnoot (NL), Naomi Mizuno (Japan), Cédric Grolet, voted World’s Best Pastry Chef by World’s 50 Best Restaurants (for France); we could also find the inescapable of the show like the parades of chocolate dresses or the performance « Choco Pop Tag » of the artist Richard Orlinski and pastry chef Yann Couvreur; the Podium Pastry Show with the recipes of great creators where the public can get their hands dirty but also the Masterclass animated by Mercotte with Christelle Brua (Pré Catelan), Nina Métayer (Café Pushkin) and Johanna Le Pape (world champion of Sweet Arts); the Chocosphère and its public lectures; the Chocolate Awards, organized by the Club des Croqueurs de Chocolat and awarded to the most iconic chocolatiers of the year; shows from cocoa producing countries; the Espace Librairie where a dozen authors, chefs and craftsmen engage in the game of dedications; « They » cook that brings together the new female guard of pastry and cooking (Hasnaa Ferreira, Ika Cohen, Marjorie Fourcade, Maya Kanaan or Mitusha Letuppe); the Desserts Relais Charles Proust award whose theme was brown, in the presence of all MOF chocolate stars and won this year by the Japanese pastry chef Keita Ishiguro thanks to his « little gift » consisting of a white eat and brown burnt cream, truffle raspberry jelly; the World Chocolate Masters; the French Pastry Trophy; the Atelier des sens and its gourmet workshops and of course the Salon du Chocolat Junior, awakening workshops to taste for children and young teens.
For this edition, as part of « Japanisme 2018 », the « Japanese Kitchen », a tasting area dedicated to food and chocolate alliances, brings together the greatest Japanese chocolatiers. In another register, Jean-Luc Decluzeau made a visitable chalet of 18 m² and his furniture with 1.5 tons of chocolate (4 months were necessary for its construction).
Cette année, le défilé de robes en chocolat était animé par Laurence Routandjee et le duo électro-pop Kiz ainsi que le spectacle Animal Totem. 13 célébrités dont Tristane Banon, Brahim Zaibat, Djibril Cissé, Natasha St-Pier, Joyce Jonathan et des danseurs de “Danse avec les stars”, ont présenté des créations inédites de duos de chocolatiers et couturiers dont la Maison Devernois et François Pralus, Julien Bonnet et Maxence Barbot pour l’hôtel Plaza Athénée, Solène Martin et Gaetan Fiard pour l’hôtel Lutétia ou Jean-Paul Benielli et Jeffrey Cagnes pour la Maison Stohrer. De plus, chaque jour, des duos de chocolatiers et couturiers présentent une collection de robes inédites.
Parmi les exposants, se trouvent les pays producteurs de cacao, dont des représentants d’Amérique du Sud (Pérou, Brésil, Costa Rica…), d’Asie (Japon, Taiwan), d’Afrique ( Gabon, Sao Tomé…), d’Europe (Suisse, Belgique, Italie…) et des Etats Unis.
En ce qui concerne les français, un large choix s’offre aux visiteurs entre Benoît, Maison Aleph, Pralus, Au petit Grandeur, premier créateur de mini-chocolats français, Créations chocolat, créateur d’objets originaux à base de chocolat dans l’Essonne ou encore Chapon, un des rares chocolatiers en France à torréfier lui-même son cacao.
Créations Chocolat est basé dans l’Essonne où se trouve l’atelier de fabrication, regroupant la fabrication manuelle des modèles, des moules et des moulages avec du chocolat de qualité supérieure. Pour les personnes désirant faire un cadeau original et personnalisé, c’est l’endroit idéal pour faire fabriquer un cadeau hors normes en choisissant le modèle (bouquet de fleurs, escarpin, sac à main..), le type de chocolat (couleur, parfum, arôme), origine du chocolat (Afrique, Amérique du sud..)et son mode de culture (biologique, équitable…) Un message sur une carte en chocolat imprimé en beurre de cacao et sur une carte bristol accompagne la compositions ( fabriqués à partir des chocolats de couverture de Cacao Barry, élaborés des chocolats prémiums les plus fins tenant compte de la sélection rigoureuse des meilleures fèves de cacao jusqu’à la bonne torréfaction et le conchage minutieux.
Au Petit Grandeur est basé dans le Pas-de- Calais depuis 1997. Sa gamme comporte plus 70 variétés alliant chocolat Belge et savoir-faire Français. En 1992, la famille Lippens a l’idée de créer en Belgique, une gamme de petits chocolats pour accompagner le café, aujourd’hui les Mini-Chocolats sont connus et vendus dans plus d’une dizaine de pays. Le catalogue contient des confitures sans sucre, des ballotins, des sujets à thèmes, des coffrets de bière.
La chocolaterie Chapon a été créée par Patrice Chapon, l’un des sept chocolatiers français qui torréfie eux-mêmes leurs fèves de cacao. Il est aussi le créateur du bar à mousses au chocolat, il y a 7 ans, inspiré par celle que lui faisait sa mère; Actuellement Patrice Chapon est installé à Chelles pour son atelier de fabrication que l’on peut visiter, il possède aussi 4 magasins (3 à Paris et 1 à Neuilly) ainsi qu’une au Japon à Tokyo, Jiyugaoka. Patrice Chapon se rend régulièrement en Amérique du Sud afin de choisir ses cabosses de cacao puis les torréfie.
Il reste encore deux jours avant la fin du salon qui se termine le 4 novembre.pens a l’idée de créer en Belgique, une gamme de petits chocolats pour accompagner le café, aujourd’hui les Mini-Chocolats sont connus et vendus dans plus d’une dizaine de pays. Le catalogue contient des confitures sans sucre, des ballotins, des sujets à thèmes, des coffrets de bière.
La chocolaterie Chapon a été créée par Patrice Chapon, l’un des sept chocolatiers français qui torréfie eux-mêmes leurs fèves de cacao. Il est aussi le créateur du bar à mousses au chocolat, il y a 7 ans, inspiré par celle que lui faisait sa mère; Actuellement Patrice Chapon est installé à Chelles pour son atelier de fabrication que l’on peut visiter, il possède aussi 4 magasins (3 à Paris et 1 à Neuilly) ainsi qu’une au Japon à Tokyo, Jiyugaoka. Patrice Chapon se rend régulièrement en Amérique du Sud afin de choisir ses cabosses de cacao puis les torréfie.
Il reste encore deux jours avant la fin du salon qui se termine le 4 novembre.
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