9 février 2025

Daily Impact European

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The Carlton hotel reopened this year after 3 years of work. It is thus ready to welcome the celebrities who will walk the red carpet.

The Carlton hotel reopened this year after 3 years of work. It is thus ready to welcome the celebrities who will walk the red carpet.

While the Prefecture of the Alpes-Maritimes has banned all demonstrations on the public highway around the Croisette, during the period of the Cannes Film Festival, a small group of employees from the hotel and restaurant sector gathered under the rain in front of the grand hotel at the call of the CGT.

Skilfully circumventing the decree, this fixed demonstration on the forecourt of the Carlton was not subject to the ban because it was held in a private place. However, the number of participants had to be reduced by the union, so as not to enter the forbidden zone. Ange Romiti, CGT representative of the Croisette palace, was at the head of this gathering.
« …We had to limit the number of people we expect to gather to avoid encroaching on the no-go zone… » he explained.

By this action, the CGT wants to protest against the pension reform but also to denounce the working conditions of a hundred Carlton employees (out of a total of 600) deprived of natural light in the basement of the establishment. The labor inspectorate was seized. If there were no slogans or music so as not to disturb the customers and the celebrities, you could see a banner « Retirement, no to reform » and some flags. Asked by AFP, the deputy secretary general of the CGT des Alpes-Maritimes said: « It is a mobilization of employees of hotels, cafes and restaurants in Cannes. By choosing to gather in front of the Carlton, this allows us to to have visibility on the Croisette with the population and festival-goers to show that the festival is not only about glitter and bling-bling, but also the world of work and, without these workers, the Festival would not could not take place,

Another declared demonstration is scheduled for Sunday, May 21 in the morning, at the call of the inter-union CGT, Solidaires, FSU and Unsa. It will take place on Boulevard Carnot, outside the prohibited perimeter.

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