18 mars 2025

Daily Impact European

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Out of gold: the prices of visibility LGBTI were decreed this Tuesday in Paris

The Association of journalists LGBT (AJL) militant and policies with rewarded the media, personalities and initiatives which increase the visibility of sets of themes LGBTQI, contribute the fight against the homophobia and change the glance of the société on these communautés.

The evening rich in surprises was animated by the journalist Marie Labory, like last year and Rebecca Chaillon which named the summary for the 10 categories as of this year.

YouTube chain
Artistic creation
Committed drawing
Personality of the year
Foreign press
Committed drafting

The 2nd edition brought together actors and journalists such as Camille Cottinla, the journalist Bovas Spilbeeck, or the defender of the rights Jacques Toubon and the singer Marianne James belonged to the personalities which gave of the prices during this ceremony to reward the nominated OUT ones For GOLD 2018.

OUT of gold of the personality of the year Price of the public:
The Out ones of gold chose, Tuesday, June 19, to designate Jonas Ben Ahmed personality LGBT of the year 2018, at the time of a ceremony. He is the first actor transgenre to incarnate a character, itself transgenre, in a French fiction, Plus Belle La Vie diffused on France 3.

OUT of gold of artistic creation:

The singer Eddy de Pretto, revealed by the success of its first album Cleans, and the Moroccan draughtsman Soufiane Ababri, for his series Bed Work and Haunted Lives, were preceded in the category artistic creation, rewarded because they déconstruisent the models of oppressive masculinities, the AJLGBT underlines.

OUT of gold of the sporting personality:
Marinette Pichon is one of the first sporting high level Frenchwomen to have made his out coming, that it evokes in its autobiography never anything to release, appeared this year. In October 2012, Marinette Pichon becomes the second homosexual woman in France, Marie with Ingrid Moatti, champion of tennis shoe handisport on September 7th, 2013.

OUT of gold of the foreign press:
The drafting of the Spanish daily newspaper El Pais was rewarded to have published in April a video entitled Day of the visibility lesbian: 26 women cope.

OUT of gold of the documentary:
Elodie Font for his series of podcast It was once the LDC diffused by Cheek Magazine, on the course of fighting which is that of the LDC and the podcast Coming In diffused on Arte Radio, account of the awakening of its lesbianism.

OUT of gold of the committed drafting:
RTL Girls which, with its categories equality, company and sexuality, the word gives to the first concerned and contributes to fight against the stereotypes.

OUT of gold of the investigation/report:
The defender of the rights Jacques Toubon, rewarded MarieViolette Bernard and Louise Hemmerlé for discomfort for patients LGBTI in the doctor published on March 1st, 2018 by franceinfo: Web.

OUT of gold of the committed drawing:
Muriel Douru whose last book Chronicles of a committed citizen compiles hundreds of tickets of news drawn on selfishnesses but also the aspirations of our company, publication in 2017 with the editions Hugo image.

OUT of gold as a result of mouth:
Giovanna Rincon, militant for the rights of trans, its video denouncing the insecurity of the women transgenres in public space, published on March 3rd, 2018 by Huff Post.

OUT of gold of the YouTube chain:
MX Cordelia with its two chains. The first Cordélia likes flushes out and shares recommendations of books queer, while the second Princ (be) E is a space of debate and reflection on the questions sexo of the minorities of kind and sexual.

For 2 years, the AJL has decreed the prices in the 10 categories. The next edition of the next year should discover new names, but also how each one of us can fight against the homophobia, racism and discrimination on highly significant subjects, met the every day in the daily life of community LGBTI in France and in the world.

OUT 2018
Marie Labory et A. trapenard
Marianne James

Jacques Toubon
RTL Girls
OUT d’or de la chaine YouTube

OUT d’or de la chaine YouTube

Rebecca Chaillon
Jonas Ben Ahmed
Muriel Douru
Marinette Pinchon

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