15 mars 2025

Daily Impact European

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Marianne Guillerand, Meeting with a Plasticienne Artist

Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticiennedans son Atelier à Montpellier, 2018, France

Marianne Guillerand is before a a whole woman, delicate, opened out and turned towards the others. Its Calabrian origins gave him this spontaneous and natural human heat from which it makes profit quite naturally the people that it likes, that it protects.

All its being is turned towards others, in a word an Artist; Ella grew in a merry environment and passed his childhood, liked his. Marianne Guillerand built himself carefully and with the wire of our conversation the Sentence which characterizes Marianne Guillerand so much is unambiguous and represents it so well.

I like to work with happiness

The artist explores each moment of life, very attentive and with the listening of others. Like all the artists, his personal course forged its personality and all its work.

Its various artistic careers led it to become this artist plastician with the multiple talents and which one discovers with international with much pleasure.

Marianne Guillerand sought and found his style and knew to dissociate himself in this new environment which is Joining.

Marianne Guillerand travelled much, it adapted and continued to seek


The travel granted this force to him and learned how to him to relativize the events of the life.

Its model of creation follows a personal logic, it needs to explore, innovate and is in perpetual evolution, the artist accepts the risk of the change and all that can comprise of uncertainty. It is a natural sequence which takes place in it. Its form of art pushed it to agree to release taken and to release themselves from the material constraints in order to create with complete freedom.

Marianne Guillerand always had the certainty to succeed, always trusted each other and never ceased, an interior force pushed it to go beyond

The artist with always have the capacity to feel the people

Marianne Guillerand offers in his workshop of Montpellier a kingdom of freedom not to block his creativity.

Its works are exposed to GalerieArt & Design of Sophie Lacasse in Paris.

The Imaginary Arch of Marianne
The artist presents to it a bestiary made up of various animals such as Fish, the Tortoise, the Parrot, the Swallow, the Doves, the Horse, the Butterfly, the Cock, the Squirrel, Snail and to finish the Elephant. All have a significant symbolic system.

At one time, Joining had a return of regard, a wave, a movement, it was done on fabric.
Marianne Guillerand was locked up during two years, it worked and practised his discipline in order to find his identity, his style.

One will like or one will not like, it will assume.

All around Marianne Guillerand, escapes a zone from softness, one will have luminous, it gleams light. Its schoolmistress called it Douce Marianne, we will not reveal all

As much of artists, Marianne Guillerand was timid girl and with learned how to domesticate this character trait and she S is discovered desires, needs for creativity to go to counter this timidity of child. Through its multiple career, it developed a strong and affirmed personality.

Sometimes, the artist retains himself, a river of life is in it

Marianne Guillerand passes more and more from time to Montpellier and starts to seek tracks abroad, his glance turns to other horizons, the creativity seeks himself, explores

How Marianne Guillerand does she choose an object to be created, how makes her choices, by which advance it passed?

Its project leaves by far, the object is chosen, sometimes, a bronze, a terra cotta, a wood, a porcelain. A coloured chromatic trend is binding it, to Marianne Guillerand seeks, pickaxe in his equipment, its coloured papers;

The artist poses all papers on his work table, it assembles various papers where all the styles of his career are found, the jewelry, the Art history, Penmanship, the fabric and the Mineral All papers mix to form only one after many meticulous work hours.

These papers form a palette like a painter. It poses the first paper and a coloured outline occurs, the color decides according to the season. Marianne Guillerand works with the instinct, at the moment T, it poses and starts again to this its eye is satisfied.

Marianne Guillerand always makes the eyes and the mouth or nozzle of these animals at the end after the body.
The artist octroye of the moments of pause when its creativity is in fall, it makes profitable his moment for the reflection.
She works in music and puts herself in a contemplative state to arrive at a new creation.
Each phase is paramount with its work and makes evolve its Article the artist benefits from his stages for ressourcer.
Marianne Guillerand has a characteristic in his work, the artist uses the gold sheet, his technique of installation is very delicate and personal, its secrecies will not reveal us

Fingers of fairy of Marianne.

Marianne Guillerand, an artist to be discovered absolutely.
GalerieArt & Design of Sophie Lacasse with 33 rue Bellechasse, 75007 Paris
Tuesday to Saturday of 10:30 to 19:00.

Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticienne dans son jardin à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticienne dans son jardin à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticienne dans son jardin à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticienne dans son jardin à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticienne dans son jardin à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticienne dans son jardin à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticienne dans son jardin à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticienne dans son jardin à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticiennedans son Atelier à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticiennedans son Atelier à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticiennedans son Atelier à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticiennedans son Atelier à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticiennedans son Atelier à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticiennedans son Atelier à Montpellier, 2018, France
Marianne Guillerand, Rencontre avec une Artiste Plasticiennedans son Atelier à Montpellier, 2018, France

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