14 mars 2025

Daily Impact European

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Italy: « An agreement found » for the 5 Stars and the Democratic Party to form a new government without the League

The 5 Stars Movement and the Democratic Party « reached an agreement » on Wednesday to form a new Italian government, which will replace the national-populist M5S alliance with Matteo Salvini’s League.

After three weeks of uncertainty and eight days without a prime minister, Italy will find a government. The 5-star Anti-System Movement and the center-left Democratic Party agreed on Wednesday to form a government headed by outgoing Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. But uncertainties remain on its implementation, which will only occur in the coming days.

A « political agreement has been reached with the Democratic Party » to form a new majority of government, announced Luigi Di Maio, coming out of a meeting with President Sergio Mattarella. The future government will again be led by Giuseppe Conte. This « will be a guarantee » for the 5-star movement, said Luigi Di Maio, criticizing his ex-ally Matteo Salvini (the leader of the League, the far-right party) for having August 8 « cut off the current « of the coalition they formed for 14 months and left » 60 million Italians without government « .

Although at odds for years, the Democratic Party and the 5-star Movement have been negotiating for several days a coalition agreement to avoid a return to the ballot very risky for them, while the far-right League is largely in head of polls.

Italy is plunged into a deep political crisis, since the blasting August 8 by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini, the coalition formed with the Five Stars, and the resignation on August 20 of the head of government Giuseppe Conte . Giuseppe Conte, very popular in Italy, has won support in the last few days, first from Europeans at the G7 in Biarritz, then on Monday from US President Donald Trump, who called him « a very talented man ». The 5-star movement exerted strong pressure for the maintenance of Conte, to which the Democratic Party criticized its silence for 14 months against the anti-migrant diktats of Matteo Salvini.

They can escape voting for a while, but sooner or later the word will come back to the Italians!

Matteo Salvini, explains regardless of the majority achieved in 2018 by the 5 stars, one day the Italians will return to the polls to decide the fate of Italy.
As Italian President Mattarella has said, the minority in parliament and throughout Italy, as we have seen in recent years, is the only party to lose the Democratic Party in all political and European elections .
I think that the Italian people do not deserve to be held hostage by the armchairs of the parties that have no stable project and only a destabilization in which it provides for the increase of taxes on housing and taxes, in the political system, announced
Matteo Salvini.

« I have the feeling that there is a goal from far away, that does not come from Italy, to sell off the country and the companies to powers that are not Italian, which would be a lack of respect for the Italians, « he told reporters after meeting President Mattarella.

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