The summer 2018 is particularly hot in the whole world that one is in Europe as in Greece or France but also in Asia as in Japan or Australia. The specialists in the climate predict that these exceptional heats could become increasingly current.
The heat wave is present on all the sphere, this year it does not save anybody. A peak of heat to 65° was even raised in the south of Algeria with Adrar in the Sahara, the temperatures pass very close to the 50° C in certain countries like Australia, Pakistan where they made 180 died, Philippines and certain states of Mexico where the emergency state was issued.
North America was not saved since 88 deaths were declared in Canada including 54 in Quebec. In Japan, one raised 80 deaths and 35,000 people hospitalized in 3 weeks following temperatures between 35° and 40° C in the shade and a hygroscopy of more than 80% person in charge of the weakening of the natural forces.
All Europe is touched by this unusual Scandinavia, heatwave in the United Kingdom via Germany and the Eastern Bloc countries like Latvia but also Greece which undergoes “standards fires up to now having caused 80 deaths without forgetting France which undergoes since mid-June temperatures exceeding the 30°C in the large metropolises. These extremely hot temperatures are due to the return of the anticyclone of the Azores of return in the country since Monday, July 23 and to its high pressures related on those of the Scandinavian anticyclone but also to the masses of hot air coming from North Africa. Between the 25 and the weekend, the temperatures should take 1 to 2 degrees per day and one should undergo 4 days of heat wave, in particular in the East and the South of the country with temperatures which can reach 36 with 37°, involving peaks of pollution in the big cities and the installation of the heat wave plan. In spite of storms which should arrive the next weekend, a new wave of heat is planned for August, at least until the 15.
Some words to reconsider the history of the heat wave. The word heat wave was born in the years 1500 and comes from Italian canicula, who means small bitch (of Latin canis, dog). It was given to Sirius, the most brilliant star of the constellation of the Large Dog. Sirius rises and lie down with the sun from July 22nd to August 22nd, period when strong heats are frequent
The very high thresholds of temperatures, of day and night, during at least three days consecutive are at the base of the definition of the heat wave; they are different according to the areas and the local aptitude to support heat. To decide installation of the plan, one is based on the minimal temperature bus it–here which makes it possible the bodies sufficiently to recover the night. The most exposed populations are young people, oldest and the sick people.
The heat wave plan” was set up after the heat wave of 2003 which lasted 2 weeks from August 1st to August 15th, to anticipate and reduce the medical effects of the exceptional heatwaves.
The summer 2003 was hottest since 1950; summers 1976.1983 and 2006 were also marked by canicular periods. Each year, the ministry for Health the set up for the summer period and is based on the expert testimony of Weather–France and Public health France.
One counts there 4 levels of vigilance characterized by colors:
green vigilance/level 1 – seasonal day before, activated in 2018 from June 1st to September 15th of each year.
In the event of late heat, the seasonal day before could be prolonged after September 15th.
Yellow alert/level 2 – warning heat, corresponds to a phase of reinforced day before making it possible the various services to prepare with a rise in load for a possible passage at the higher level and to reinforce actions of local call and targeted, in particular the day before of weekend and bank holiday.
Orange alert/level 3 – alarm heat wave, started by the prefects. She takes into account the local situation (level of pollution, other factors, like the large gatherings, etc) and the medical indicators in link with the Regional agencies of health.
Red alert/level 4 – maximum mobilization, relates to the exceptional proven heat waves, very intense and durable, with appearance of collateral effects in various sectors (drought, drinkable water provision, saturation of the hospitals or the undertaker‘s, power failure, forest fires, required arrangement of working time or of stop of certain activities…). This situation requires the implementation of exceptional measures.
In Paris, in order to fight against the pollution which had reached a peak last Sunday, it was decided by the executive to set up the residential parking free Monday and Tuesday and to use more respectful modes of transport of the environment. Restriction measures of circulation were installation according to the regulation (skirting of Ile de France for the heavyweights, reduction speed on the main roads from the Île–de–France, installation of a differentiated circulation of which the crit‘ air 4 and 5), others in favour of the fragile people, level 3 of the heat wave plan having been reached (rooms refreshed open in public equipment such clubs of CASVP, information on the panels and the EHPAD, exchanges between neighbors, contact with people registered with the Chalex file with possibly assumption of responsibility by doctor or social worker (registration to the 3975 or CA)). In addition, 5 new parks will be open the night besides 13 already what exists in order to be refreshed.
In the event of strong heats and heat waves, some care are to be taken in keeping with its age or its health; it is thus recommended to have the good reflex:
To regularly drink water without waiting to be thirsty. To avoid leaving at the hottest hours and spending several hours per day in a fresh place (cinema, public library, supermarket, museum…).
To refresh and wet the body (at least the face and the fronts arm) several times per day (showers, baths, brumisator or glove of toilet wet without you to dry).
To eat in sufficient quantity and not to drink alcohol. To avoid the physical efforts. To maintain its housing fresh (to close windows and shutters the day, to open them the evening and the night if the weather is fresher).
To think of regularly giving news to its close relations and, as soon as necessary, to dare to ask of the assistance.
To regularly consult the site of Weather–France to get information.
To help most fragile and to ask of the assistance, in particular near the town hall.
In the event of discomfort, call the 15.
At the time of long ways in the car:
To think of carrying water and a brumisator during the ways in the car.
To stop regularly to rest and refresh themselves.
On certain surfaces of motorway of the fountains with water or zones of brumisation are placed at the disposal, not to hesitate to use them.
If possible, to shift its way at the least hot hours.
Never not to leave a person alone or an animal in a car, especially a child because the temperature in the cockpit can increase very quickly.
In the event of problem; to address itself to Heat wave Information service of 9:00 to 19:00 to the 0800 06 66 66 (Free call from a fixed telephone in France)
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