Saturday, April 4 is the date that the Chinese government has chosen to pay national tribute to its nationals victims of the coronavirus.
The date of this tribute corresponds to that of the Day of the Dead, Qingming (Chinese All Saints Day) which takes place every year. On this day, people will generally maintain the graves of their deceased loved ones. However, this year, following the crisis linked to the pandemic, it was advised by the authorities, fearing a second epidemic wave, to commemorate the dead at home in order to limit displacement. Live videos of the cemeteries, showing the staff caring for the graves in their place, are offered to families to honor their dead. You can also light a digital candle on websites that also offer to maintain a virtual grave.
To date, the latest official assessment in China is 81,639 contaminations including 3,326 dead. It is to pay tribute to them that the country stopped for 3 minutes on Saturday April 4, (at 10 am local time), decreed a day of national mourning. All the flags were at half mast, the sirens, the horns of the cars, trains and boats sounded as a sign of respect. The passengers of a subway train, stopped at the station, stood up, masked their faces, and marked the 3 minutes of silence motionless. All public leisure activities were forbidden out of respect for the deceased, certain Chinese online video games made inaccessible.
The whole country, starting with its president Xi Jinping, as well as the soldiers, the medical personnel and the anonymous gathered to show their respect to the victims among whom are the 14 people qualified Thursday by the government as « martyrs of the epidemic « , mainly deceased healthcare workers. Among them, Doctor Li Wenliang, who died at the beginning of February of Covid-19 in Wuhan. The 34-year-old ophthalmologist was sanctioned by police for alerting colleagues about the spread of a SARS-like virus and disseminating what, at the time, « presented as rumors ». Following an amplified public reaction against power, the government has since restored the doctor’s honor by designating him as one of the martyrs of this epidemic.
In Wuhan, where the pandemic started, the streets were dead, the staff of Tongji hospital (some in protective suits) gathered headlong, facing the main building. Today, 2,500 patients remain in the city’s hospitals.
In the Chinese capital, pedestrians remained stationary while motorists stopped to honk their horns. The flag was at half mast at Tiananmen Square, as in the whole country. President Xi Jinping and the other main Communist leaders have gathered in the vast complex that houses the seat of power.
In France, during the retransmission on television of the national tribute in China, the inappropriate words of the editorialist Emmanuel Lechypre were revealed when the latter believed his microphone cut (« They bury Pokémon »). Following the many reactions on social networks, the journalist of BFMTV and BFM Business expressed his mea culpa (« This morning on BFM TV I allowed myself a completely inappropriate remark during the broadcast of a tribute to the victims of the virus in China. These inappropriate remarks were broadcast on the air when I thought the microphones were closed. I sincerely apologize « ), the channel apologized in its turn and decided to withdraw the journalist during one week.
Following the inappropriate words of the editorialist, the Chinese Embassy in France issued a statement calling on the international community to unite to fight the pandemic while opposing any form of racism.
« Today is Qingming Day, a day of meditation for the Chinese, in memory of the deceased. National flags have been flown at half-mast, and commemorations have been held across the country and in all Chinese diplomatic and consular missions abroad, in tribute to the martyrs and compatriots who died in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic.
The remarks made by a BFMTV editorial writer at such a time without the respect due to the deceased are sassy. The Chinese Embassy in France expresses its strong dissatisfaction and its condemnation in this regard. We have noted that this columnist and the relevant television station have openly apologized.
The epidemic has no borders. Our thoughts are with all those who have lost their lives due to the epidemic in China, France and around the world. We oppose all forms of racist and discriminatory speech and acts. Humanity is a community of destiny, and the fight against the epidemic calls for joint efforts by the international community. We hope that everyone will be united and united in order to win this battle together.
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