An exciting and frightening journey to the heart of the human soul.
Jean-Benoît Dumonteix and Joseph Agostini, both psychoanalysts, attempt, in this very fascinating general public work, to circumscribe the infernal circle in which these four serial killers, Michel Fourniret, Marcel Petiot, Guy Georges and Thierry Paulin.
The authors’ intention is to decipher in an analytical way, with references to Freud, Lacan and other practitioners, how human beings come to play with the lives of others casually and to perform acts. monstrous.
Are they monsters?
Yet they are men, with a developed intelligence, capable of emotion, endowed with reason.
But, at one point, everything changes … they can strangle, stab, rape … children, young girls, old ladies …
The authors emphasize the perverse mental structure of these individuals and their ability to reach the climax of manipulation.
When all goes well, the organization of the ego is built on moral prohibitions.
When trauma occurs during childhood, sudden separation from the mother, negative image of the father … respect for these prohibitions can be shattered.
« Oddities » can appear, « strange » behaviors, obsessions, self-loathing, an inability to enjoy life linked to an abysmal inner void, and always sexual deviations.
For Fourniret, « the world collapses » when he discovers that his wife is not a virgin. He sinks into despair and will develop an obsession: virginity … an infernal gear is triggered then put into action by delusional ideas …
Feeling himself the victim of a female plot, he goes hunting virgins, « he needs two, three per year », prey he calls « membranes on legs » … raping them, torturing them. .. non virgins are whores … Then, very quickly, the pleasure of killing invades him, a satanic enjoyment associated with an inordinate pride and a feeling of omnipotence … he holds the supreme power to give the dead. At his trial, he even distilled the story of his crimes with relish.
Fourniret calls himself a « monster ». Marcel Petiot, a doctor who arouses horror by committing more than 27 murders, a monster too?
It is now up to you to read the book to discover the psychic journey of the three other killers studied by our two psychoanalysts.
Marcel Petiot, the polymorphous perverse child, very early sadist who installs a « fecal pump » on a cat, suffers from encopresis, disgusted by his first sexual intercourse, who feels misunderstood and persecuted … abnormal? megalomaniac? crazy? schizophrenic? psychotic? neurasthenic, melancholy?
During the German occupation during the 1940’s war, he set up a diabolical plot …
Guy Georges, the child of no one rejected by his mother, « a predator who hunts to save himself from his own misfortune »
who kills seven young women, rapes, ties up, tortures, gags, slaughters …
Thierry Paulin, abandoned by his parents, transformist drug addict in the Latin Paradise, killer of old ladies … a paranoid claimant « …
A characteristic common to all serial killers: perversion, a predominantly psychopathic relationship with the law of men. The pervert’s motto: « The law is me. »
Serial killers on the couch at Éditions Envolume
… the book came out the same day of Fourniret’s death in prison …
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