23 février 2025

Daily Impact European

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World Milk Day: On June 1st, one celebrates milk throughout the world

The World Day of Milk is celebrated every year on June 1st. It puts at the honor the actors, women and men who work the every day to offer dairy products of quality.

France is a ground of milk which does not count less than 58,000 farms and 760 processing undertakings.

The French dairy sector enters three main roads of sustainable development. On June 20th, 2017, the Interprofessional National centre of the Dairy Economy (CNIEL) ratified the Joint Declaration of Rotterdam signed in October 2016, FAO (Food and Organization Agriculture) and of the International federation of Milk (WIRE) in favour of a durable French dairy sector.

The French and world dairy sector is the first agroalimentary sector to have taken up the challenge to achieve the goals of UNO by 2030 and to fight against climate warming according to its commitment adopted in September 2015.

Thanks to carbon storage to fight against climate warming, the breeding of ruminants is one of the 2 activities able to compensate for part of its clean gas emissions for greenhouse effect. In France, one counts today 6150 farms engaged in the program Firm Dairy low carbon «  on 63,000 firm Frenchwomen. The print carbon average of milk to the farm is slightly higher than 1 kg per liter of milk, but it falls to 0.9 if one takes account of the sequestration of carbon in the hedges and the meadows.  Each year, an average French dairy farm thus succeeds in storing more than 17 tons of carbon, the equivalent of more than 300,000 km in the car. Between 1990 and 2010,23,8% of carbon emissions was realized by the stockbreeders. The objective is an additional reduction of 20 % between 2010 to 2025.

90 hectares of biodiversity are maintained on average by the firm Frenchwomen thanks to pastures, hedges, isolated trees, ponds A true paradise for the earthworms or earthworms, bat, birds, bumblebees, orthoptères, graminaceous, leguminous and plants aromatic

A cow raised in France is equivalent to maintained meadows, maintained hedges and biodiversity, carbon stored in the ground.

Does the World Day of Milk comprise 4 key periods starting with a societal debate in Paris on June 1st Place de la République, the unveiling day before of Biodiversiterre, its topic is Then milk, it is before or after cereals? Not far from the cows come to Paris for the occasion, the participants have to subject themselves to a referendum while answering the question: Is it necessary to pour milk before or after cereals? or via Internet. The examination was done at 2:00 and the proclaimed official protocol just afterwards. A foodtruck stationed on the place proposed tastings.

In order to better make known the universe of the dairy breeding and milk, the CNIEL accommodates the public on its stand at the time of Biodiversiterre from June 2nd to June 5th place of the Republic and takes along to you to make the Travel to the country of milk, an initiatory walk through a room of virtual draft, scientific experiments on the transformation of milk into dairy products and a workshop Milk Job S which approaches in a ludic way the trades of the dairy sector. Conferences, exchanges with the dairy producers present near as of assembled heifers in Paris for the event, as well as tastings in the various dairy bars (bar with milk, bar with cheese, bar with frozen yoghurt, bar with milk shake, cocktail bar) will be proposed.

To celebrate World Milk Day became normal through planet. In 2017, 587 events took place in 79 countries in order to show the universal character of milk and the economic impact of its production.

At the beginning of June, days open doors on the slides of milk are organized for submission to the general public and of school in several areas of France. Single opportunities to discover the transformation of milk into dairy products, since the farm until the dairy. The consumers will be able to exchange directly with the staff of the companies.

This year, for the 5th French edition of the World Day of Milk, 6,000 professionals engaged of the farm to the dairy and opened from May 26th to June 9th in all France to make discover the various trades of the sector: dairy stockbreeders, driver milk collector, line conductors, responsible quality, etc Their knowhow of point and their respect of the good practices, guaranteed by the Professional Institute of the Drinking milk (IPLC), make it possible to offer a milk of quality, easily identifiable thanks to the logo Milk collected and conditioned in France affixed on bricks and the bottles sold in stores. Here dates of opening of the 8 present sites:

DAIRY LACTINOV in Braine (02) on Saturday, May 26
DAIRY CORALIS in CessonSévigné (35) on Wednesday, May 30
ISCED OF MILK LACTOPOLE/LACTEL in Laval on May 30th with visit of the farm and the museum
CANDIA in Vienna (38) on Saturday, June 2
CANDIA with Lons (61) on Saturday, June 2
LSDH with Saint Denis of the Hotel (45) on Thursday, May 31 and visits farm
LSDH in Varennes on Fouzon (36) on Friday, June 1 and visits farm
DAIRY OF HOLY FATHER with Holy Father in Retz (44) Friday afternoon June 8th and on Saturday, June 9 all the day as well as the visit of the farm.

The professionals answer the questions of the visitors about all the stages of pre with the setting out of bottle of milk. Tastings take also place with the discovery of bars and fountains with milk.

For the school ones, specific visits are arranged by taking appointment near the 100 participating farms of the teaching network.

The World day of Milk aims to make known all the facets of milk, nutritional or local specificities: products and their qualities, modes of production and of conservation, the organization of industry and the dairy sector, assets nutritional, importance in the local economy, consumption, etc

Among the countries having taken part these last years, one finds Germany, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, China, Colombia, Croatia, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, the United States, Finland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, the Dominican Republic, Russia, Thailand, Tanzania, Turkey, Venezuela, etc

The dairy economy holds an important place in world food agro industry, the dairy sector while being a leader. Europe with at its head France and Germany occupies a choice place of it. With international, the emerging countries like China and especially India, first nation milk producer of planet in 2001 dissociate themselves. In addition, the innovations allow investments more and more.

With regard to the dairy products, they are in the middle of the human nutrition since thousands of years. They are regularly consumed in Europe and in the United States. The French are the largest amateurs, the quantity and the tastes vary according to the ages or the products.

The strong dairy tradition of the country returns there the industry of milk powerful, modern, making it compete with chemistry and the iron and steel industry. France counts 5 dairy groups classified among the first 25 world dairy groups. It also exists there of many artisanal exploitations. The west of France is registered like the first dairy area of the country. Europe is one of the dairy world great powers and the EU of the 27 is the first milk producer of cow in front of the United States, in Asia India and China is characterized by the development from their dairy economy.

If the French are the champions of consumption of butter and cheeses, the Irishmen hold the world record of milk consumption with 142litres/an. In IEA, India remains heading for its milk consumption thanks to well anchored traditions, in China the trends evolve quickly.

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