22 décembre 2024

Daily Impact European

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THE SYNDIC: a satire on the current functioning of the building of the 28 countries of the European Union

By staging each country through real people, it is easy to show the sometimes caricatural character of all these neighbors living together in the same building created in 1957 by 6 economic countries (Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) after the two world wars.

In 1957 the first 6 families moved into this building where each owner embodies a country of the European Union, this co-ownership is managed by a funny syndic operating at least original since it is modeled on that of the Europe of Brussels and the European building, registered UE28 in the cadastre of the city, located at No. 2 Avenue de l’Atlantique in a private and guarded way, such as the UN or UNESCO.

The building is managed in three parts, the first part a very nice place, the second a model building and the third part a funny life. By showcasing each country, it is easy to show the characters living together under the same roof and their Chinese concierge of the building, Shen Ghen, creating a space where the owners always leave their door open to facilitate the delivery of mail .

The construction of a future common to all European countries has taken place in several stages, from the aftermath of the Second World War to the present day. From six founding countries in 1957, the European community has grown steadily to 28 members today where the UK is about to leave the European building, as it considers the progress of the economic evaluation system very weak.

The six countries founded the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC), the origin of the European Union, which grew to nine, ten, twelve and fifteen initially, these states are traditionally regarded as the former member countries of the European Union. To date, the EU has grown from 6 countries in 1957 to 28 with 7 waves of new member states, commonly referred to as « enlargements ».

In 2004, 10 countries entered the EU (Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Malta and Cyprus), joined in 2007 by Romania and Bulgaria, then in 2013 by Croatia.

Today, the European Union is composed of 28 Member States, representing more than 500 million Europeans but following the referendum in the United Kingdom on June 23, 2016 in favor of Brexit, it should end at 27 but the date of departure of Great Britain is not yet determined to this day.

During the 1950s, the United Kingdom had kept clear of all attempts at European integration that might call into question its sovereignty, its relations with its former Empire and its privileged relationship with the United States. But during the 1960s, the British reoriented their foreign policy towards an increasingly prosperous continental Europe.

In 1971, after two refusals from France, which feared a weakening of the Communities, the United Kingdom saw the doors of the common market open. He was officially admitted on 1 January 1973, accompanied by Ireland and Denmark. The Communities (ECSC, EEC, EAEC) thus go from 6 to 9 members.

THE SYNDIC: « a book with a satirical tone written by the author Gonzague DEJOUANY » transforms every country into real people, starting with the establishment of European unions by the first six countries, through a beautiful satirical and caricatural description; « Number 2 therefore, the atypical building of the street, built in 1957 by the famous architectural agency of world reputation, MONNET, SCHUMAN, and referenced parcel N ° CECA in the cadastre of the city Jean MONNET and Robert SCHUMAN , the two associate architects, played their career on this project.They are not the only ones on the grill, because it has simplified for commercial reasons the extended name of their architectural agency which is entitled to the full suit: Cabinet MONNET, SCHUMAN, ADENAUER, SPAAK, GASPERI, BECH AND BEYEN.  »

By replacing each country with its representatives, it transforms the image of each State into a character telling the launch of Europe through a caricature sarcasm and facilitating the understanding of all readers.

The building has changed since its inauguration in 1957, when the first 6 families moved in. These founders, the men, the Von und Zu Viel (who can be translated by the « Too Much »), the Forzza, the Polder, the Van der Union and the Dr Holding have had to make room for new neighbors until the youngest, Ante Novoric, a Croatian, recently arrived in 2013.

The author describes how the name of the building was modified during the installation of each new tenant, C.E.C.A. in EC (European Community) finally in the EU (European Union); « The occupants have all wanted to change the name to find a more consistent with their new standing and their image and have all opted for CE (…) » But as it changes all the time, not easy to follow. It’s not very sexy either for such a beautiful building. « (…) » It is important to know the historical framework of a building before an intervention, the different evolutions may have profoundly modified the structure of the building itself. ‘building. As usual, the trustee still voted for the umpteenth change of name in 2013, because there are in the building 28 co-owners today, in any case, 28 apartments on eight floors, say rather 7 floors and half. To celebrate this figure and this beautiful evolution since the beginning, the inhabitants finally agreed on UE28 which is none other than the updated number of the parcel in the municipal land registry.  »

And yet, the author amuses us, by a slight narrative of the German Chancellor Angela, perceived by the neighbors as a queen of the building when they speak to her, a bit like English when they speak of the queen.

« She is so well known and respected in the building that we rarely use her name when we talk about her: we simply say » her. « A bit like in England with the Queen. » (…) First of all, this couple of Germans, Konrad and Angela von und Zu Viel, are among the oldest owners with their son, Karl-Otto.  »

Gonzague DEJOUANY, manages to intervene in a dialogue with the concierge of the building, to present a new project establishing the economic and sustainable level of the environment in relation to the ecological system, by making an extremely simple introduction, observing to what point guardian, of Asian origin, is afraid of losing the economic pillars of modern technology, she wants to see what the project proposes to facilitate copying. In fact, the babysitter does not know the sustainable system of the environment, but is very interested.

A paragraph from the book « The Trustee » shows how China wants to conclude a global economic agreement and manages to settle easily in the European Union;

« Gonzague DEJOUANY: -Yes, I have a mission signed by the City Council and I must establish a plan to make this building more modern.

Shen Ghen: – That is to say?

GD: – I have to digitize the building, see how we can install artificial intelligence and make it as durable as possible.

SG: – Intelligence you say? Good idea, this house will need it! And sustainable I hope it will be, sustainable. (…)

SG: – Ah! But for that, I think we have what we need too. I mean the very artificial side. (…) I’m Chinese (…).

In the second chapter, the authors describe the modernity of the building, trying to describe the importance of the 28 inhabitants of the EU and their role for the citizens of the 28 countries.

The question is common knowledge of when to achieve common interests on the 28 countries.

While going through each sub-chapter, we find common explanations under a European interest, known for free movement, the right to live, but also certain rules where there is no intervention in each of them (each apartment As one thinks, everyone in his apartment decides as he wants according to a law that he respects according to the legislation of the Member State.

Trying to understand exactly certain agreements, respect external relations, trade and international exchanges, human rights in France or equality of life are common points for the EU-28.

A funny life is the part 3 of the book where we discover a flying tortilla, ok but also refusals or abandonment, for example the Brexit a real difference between England and the European Union, but also a misunderstanding between English citizens and the government, an opportunity to merge sarcastic humor or even many humorous explanations.

A pill that goes bad, not easy to swallow, trying to swallow to ingest it, has become a real disaster with many stress-related side effects, for so many who served as guinea pigs during the campaign … if you follow well, this is the merger of Brexit and Brexin (for and against) leaving the EU.

After the day’s problems of varying importance, the choice of a new search engine that « does not confuse privacy with a paid public place », brings clarification in the current EU28 column on important events behind the Mediterranean square, in the southern suburbs of the city where trafficking of all kinds led to a war of gangs that until the arrival of DECH (name drawn from their place of origin , the garbage dump), a new band very violent, kept a relative balance. As a result of the growing insecurity and misery of the people associated with the clashes, the EU28 building is becoming a refuge, ideal for generations of poor people who are trying to enter after suffering caused by car or bus accidents used by mafias… .

« The cause of this flare-up was a relentless struggle between rival gangs to get their hands on the neighborhood and enjoy a monopoly on all kinds of trafficking: drugs, human trafficking, prostitution, weapons. (…) The police and the judiciary have never dealt with such extremist and uncontrollable criminals. Several hostage-taking took place, these people are real suicide bombers from another time. (…) As a result of the increasing insecurity in the city and the misery that afflicts all these poor people, the EU28, when it is not prey to gangs, is an ideal refuge and Eldorado for an entire generation. (…) For all those unfortunate, the EU28 HAS BECOME THE PLACE TO REACH ANY PRICE. »

This book is a true literary work of a satirical style, but it also draws on an economic theme that has proved its worth during the 60 years of the construction of the European Union, but also on the failures and daily problems experienced during those years.
For example, we can see Turkey’s application for membership, the desire to integrate the countries of Eastern Europe, the Greek economic system, or even the clashes of emigration to the Mediterranean, as well as the waves of attacks suffered during those years of construction.

Having studied graduate studies in economics in Germany and graduate studies in business in Paris, Gonzague DEJOUANY has performed most of his professional duties in the German-speaking area (Germany, Switzerland, Austria).
In 2007, he became CEO of Veolia Environnement for Switzerland and Austria, and CEO of EDF Germany and CEO of Berlin in 2011.
A convinced European, Gonzague DEJOUANY is deeply convinced of the essential role of Germany and France for the future of Europe, but in a spirit of renewal in line with this new century.
His willingness to participate in the Franco-German relationship on a daily basis led him to become involved in the Berlin Business Club, which he transformed into the « Franco-German Economic Circle », assuming his Presidency from 2012 to 2016.
Today, Gonzague Dejounany is president of The Nesting Company, expert on cross border Franco-German activities and president of the new Franco-German citizen movement, « Ensemble ».

In order to understand this book satirically, it is good to know what is behind it . Recommending the book « The Trustee » is a tribute to the author’s career and his interpretations.

Expert in new urban technologies and particularly involved in Franco-German relations, Gonzague Dejouany wrote this true European saga to express his commitment to this continent and to the European construction, a garden in constant construction.

« The great mistake of the European Union is to believe that it is Europe… » Gonzague Dejounany

About The Author