Although very contreversé with the Parliament, the Asylum–Immigration bill proposed by the Home Secretary Gérard Collomb was adopted Wednesday, August 1 by the Parliament.
Adopted by 100 votes resulting from the LREM–Modem presidential majority against 25 of the right–hand side which judges the text too much laxist and of the left who it finds the text too hard and 11 abstentions (8LREM and 3 Modem).
Deposited last February by causing an outcry of associations of assistance to the migrants but also the reaction of the Defender of the Rights, Jacques Toubon, then rejected by the Senate on July 31st, this government bill underwent well vexations until its adoption. It rests on a controlled immigration, a right of asylum effective while re–examining the management of immigration in France by simplifying expulsion of nonsuited and a successful integration by facilitating the reception of the accepted people, which brought divergences even within the majority. It was necessary some additions for the text so that it is adopted like the de–penalisation of the offence of solidarity on a decision of the Constitutional council but also the withdrawal of the reduction from thirty to fifteen days of the time to appeal in the event of rejection of a request for asylum.
The text aims at consolidating the right of asylum, a right sovereign and crowned in France while limiting a massive immigration and while avoiding in France calling it into question as in a certain number of European countries.
In spite of the many amendments deposited by the deputies LR of which to restrict the medical assistance of State, the right of the ground, to found migratory quotas or to expel card–indexed the S but also the qualification by Marine Le Pen (goes away Wednesday) of “Law of organization of an additional immigration”, the law was voted. On their side, the left elected officials, Socialists, Communists and Unsubmissive people denounce the prohibition of the retention of the families with minors, that the majority returns to a future bill, and on standby criticize the doubling of the maximum duration of retention from abroad of expulsion from 45 to 90 days.
From now on, thanks to this law, a 6 months deadline instead of 9 before is necessary so that an asylum–seeker can make a request of authorization of work at the OFPRA (French Office of protection of the refugees and stateless people). In addition, the request handling of asylum is tiny room to 6 months against 11 front.
On its side, the CIMADE (Committee Inter Movements Near the Evacuees) which since its creation in 1939 fight in favour of the persecuted populations, migrant and taken refuge, denounces “a true fall of rights for the foreign people”.
According to it, this government bill “considerably will very degrade the situation of one a large number of foreign people by a weakening of warranties and basic rights, and the stressing of the institutional ill–treatment. Except rare protective measurements, this law founds mainly reinforced measurements of restrictions, controls and “sorting”, at ends of prevention of entry or expulsion and banishment of the territory. In that, it comes to amplify the current migratory policy, already strongly attentatoire with the dignity and the respect of the basic rights of the people “.
Parallel to the adoption of this government bill in France, of another European country must cope with these migratory flux as Italy which already was condemned in 2012 for the return in 2009 of migrants Libyan in their country by a military ship and recently brought back to Libya 108 migrants helped in the Mediterranean by a supply craft which had recovered them on a boat in the North–West of Tripoli.
With the closing of the doors of Italy, the Mediterranean migrants turn to Spain whose Gibraltar and Ceuta, enclave Spanish north of Morocco where little time ago 800 African migrants tried to pass the barrier violently by throwing quicklime and excrements against the police, 602 of them succeeded in reaching the Spanish ground, the others were driven back and returned to Morocco. For a few days, more than 2000 migrants have entered to Spain which practises a policy of the helping hand. Indeed since the beginning of the year, 22,858 people entered to Spain by the sea of which 304 died by trying the crossing according to the IOM, making of Spain the first country accommodate them in front of Italy and Greece.
Let us recall that Spain collected 630 migrants (about ten pregnant women, 130 minors not accompanied and also by the adults) on June 17th in the wearing of Valence whereas the latter had traversed 13,000 km by a sea agitated during 8 days.
All were survivors of Aquarius, humane ship of MSF and S.O.S the Mediterranean. In addition, Wednesday, 60 migrants fished out with broad as of Syrian coasts arrived at Barcelona on board a ship of ONG Proactivia Open Arms.
France as for it accommodated 78 migrants being able to claim with the statute of refugee, 42 of them were directed to Lille in an old establishment for elderly people, the others were directed in Top–of–France, in Provence–Alpes–Côte d‘Azur, Auvergne–Rhone– theAlps.
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