18 mars 2025

Daily Impact European

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Invited Gilberto Gil of honor for the washing of the steps of the Madeleine

Every year, for 17 years, the Brazilian cultural festival has organized the washing of the steps of the Madeleine.

With this occasion, many personalities of the sport and the show, of Brazilian origin are present. This year, the footballer Spoke and the singer Gilberto Gil took part Sunday, July 1 in the procession whose topic was Culture and Sport. The father Bruno Horaist, priest of the Madeleine and the ambassador from Brazil in Paris, Paulo Cesar de Oliveira Campo accommodated the procession whose members all dressed in white followed dancers, musicians and groups of will capoeira, resulting from schools of dances and other collectives, before the prayer symbolic system.

The Brazilian Cultural Festival of the Washing of the Madeleine is more the Brazilian great event in all Europe. With its creation in 1998, it was held with the church of Crowned Heart then was transferred to the Madeleine in 2002. It accommodates each year more than 30,000 people and is generally held in September except this year when association Viva Madeleine, organizing of the event wanted to make it coincide with the Football world cup, sport impossible to circumvent of the nation thus marking the link for social inclusion and peace between the people.

The procession crosses during approximately three hours, five districts of Paris, on 4 km with 250 singers and artists, percussionists and dancers, via the Grands Boulevards of the Place of the Republic to that of the Madeleine where proceeds washing symbolic system of the steps.

Created in 1998 by Roberto Chavès, dancer born in Santo AmaroBahiaBrésil, it has as a godmother the presenter TV, Cristina Cordula since 2014 and for new godfather, Spoke, former captain of the PSG and currently directing known Sao Paulo FC, president of the Foundation Golde Letra and that of the actresscolumnist Gysèle Soares Free. The artist invited this year on the Large Procession for Peace was Gilbrto Gil, largest star of the Brazilian popular music and former minister for the Culture.  The event profits from the support of the Town hall of Paris and the Ile de France Region since 2005, of that of the permanent Delegation of Brazil at UNESCO since 2011 in time that cultural value and fact part of the Road of the Slave, programs world for the reconciliation, of the duty of the memory and historical truth, but also of the embassy of Brazil in France.

The cultural Festival Brazilian it is also the Brazilian Village which exists since 2013 and was held this year Places Baudoyer in the 4th district of the capital July 1st and 2nd of 10à 20:00. One found there the presence of a big screen for the retransmission of the matches of the Football world cup as well as many animations (dances, will capoeira, DJ, Worked Nova) in a festive atmosphere and coloured with stands of restoration which made discover the Brazilian gastronomy, but also a exposuresale and a procession of bathing suits Sunday at the end of the afternoon.

The culture Brazilian Negro in the local popular music was presented to UNESCO on June 28th by the projection of a documentary film Buoyrope: Música para bone Orixás in the presence of the director Henrique Duarte, followup of a round table with this last; André Valeco; Small Ayrald; Giba Gonçalves; Laurène Levif and Leticia Campos.

In addition, the Brazilian dancer universally known Ranny Lee Joy was in Paris after close his many representations of King Lion in New York and Singapore.

Born in Salvador de Bahia, the tradition of Washing exists since more than two centuries and half in Brazil, and represents the second greater popular holiday after the carnival.  At the origin, it was called the Festival of Senhor C Bonfim and was celebrated second Sunday of January after the day of Kings (Dia de Reis).

To prepare Senhor C Bonfim, the members of the fraternity of the laic excessively pious people obliged the slaves to wash the new Church of Bonfim, baroque masterpiece.
Join together in front of the closed door of the church, the slaves then decided to celebrate the festival on the square and the steps of the building since 1774, with their ritual of Candomblé by founding a procession put rhythm into by musical songs.  still today of the Church of Notre Dame of the Design of the Beach, sponsors of Bahia, until Bonfim, with its famous ribbons bracelets carries happiness. In 1998, the first Parisian washing takes place and in 2002, on an idea of Roberthino Chavès, dancer with the Latin Paradise, freeBrazilian Association Viva Madeleine «  is created to develop the Brazilian culture in Europe.

This year, Gilberto Gil honoured with his presence the Festival of the Washing of the Madeleine while taking part in the Large Procession for Peace. He benefitted from this passage to Paris to announce the exit of a forthcoming album in solo and to speak about the news.

Gilbert Gil, from his true name Gilberto Passos Gil Moreira was born on June 26th, 1942 with Salvador de Bahia in Brazil. He grows in Ituaçu, a small village of the State de Bahia. At 10 years, goes to school to El Salvador. It is at this age that it begins the accordion and the guitar, it decides at 20 years to launch out in the music.

Graduate in management, it obtains his first job in the company Gessy Rising (current Unilever) in São Paulo. But the music becomes its main activity in the years 1960 when it becomes famous within the movement tropicalist. Very quickly, its music located between worknova and reggae propel the singer, musician and composer at the top of his Article It plays of Worked Nova then composes of the political songs with his friend Caetano Veloso. They leave in 1963 their first individual; it will be necessary to wait until 1968 for the exit of their first album Tropicalia or Panic grass and Circenses.

Stopped for subversion following creation of their political movement of the tropicalismo, they spend 3 months in prison, and decide to fly away for London where Gilberto Gil collaborates with several great groups, of which Pink Floyd. During years 1970, the musician carries out a round in the United States where it meets Jimmy Cliff with whom it works and writes in 1980 a Portuguese version of No Woman, No Cry.

Parallel to its musical career, it is implied in the political life of its city. In 1980, he becomes town councillor with Salvador de Bahia, fighting for various social causes, he is named Ambassador of good will by UNO. Coldly elected. In 2003, president Lula da Silva decides to appoint it Minister for the Culture.

After five years spent to this station, Gilberto Gil decides to turn over to its first love, the music while travelling to the four corners of the world, in the places most moved back as to Australia U country of the Aboriginals, in the townships of South Africa or to Amazonia in contact with the Indians, with the mounting of new tonalities; it is what one finds in the film carried out in 2013 about it, Viramundo «  of PierreYves Borgeaud.

In spite of its return to music and its troubles of health in 2016, Gilberto Gil continues policy through his concerts given in one moment critical for country following dismissal of president Dilma Rousseff and among which one counts those carried out by the trio that it formed with Gal Costa and Nando Reis for the centenary of the birth of the Brazilian politician Ulysses Guimar ães (19161992), celebrates opposing to the military dictatorship (19641985). More recently, it protested against the assassination with Rio de Marielle Franco, young municipal advisor of left and voice of the activists of the human rights which fought against police violences.

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