17 mars 2025

Daily Impact European

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Paris inaugurates the « Rekindle the fires of our bookstores » operation

Every day at 3 p.m., writers will come to a bookstore as a sign of resistance and solidarity to rekindle its lights symbolically.

After the curfew, the government introduced a reconfinement from October 30 to December 1 at least.

Culture is at the center of a lively debate, including the opening of independent bookstores.

This time, containment implies the maximum reduction of contacts and movements throughout the territory.

Permanent certificates are online for commuting to work and bringing children to school. For other reasons, individual certificates will be required for each trip. Failure to comply with confinement entails a fine of €135.

Permitted Activities

  • Shop for groceries (basic purchases, supply purchases necessary for professional activity). Home delivery.
  • Accompany your children to school.
  • To go back or return from his place of work, to carry out his professional activity if telework is not possible.
  • Medical reasons (go to hospital, pharmacy, doctor, medical analysis).
  •  Overriding family reasons, for assistance to vulnerable and precarious persons.
  • Assistance for persons with disabilities or for child care.
  •  Judicial or administrative convocation, go to a public service or to an operator (CAF, Employment Center, departmental houses).
  •  Training, test (driver’s license) or a competition.
  • Participation in missions of general interest at the request of the administrative authority
  • Maraudes of associations to fight poverty, distribution of food aid at home.
  • Physical activity (only for an individual outdoor practice such as jogging).
  • Take the air or walk a pet for an hour and within a maximum radius of one kilometer.
  • Relocation authorized on proof of the removal company.

Open locations

  • Nativity scenes, schools, colleges and high schools, with a strengthened health protocol including compulsory masks from the age of 6.
  • Guardianships, aerated centers, medical-educational institutes and specialized care facilities for children in physical or mental difficulties.
  • In higher education, courses and directed work are conducted at distance, except for some practical work. Take-away sale in university restaurants. Access to university libraries is only possible by appointment.
  • Visits in EHPAD and retirement homes are allowed in strict compliance with barrier measures.
  • Telework is 100% compulsory wherever possible.
  • Public transport.
  • Essential food stores.
  • Service stations and garages.
  • Laundry and laundry facilities, newspapers and tobacco shops, opticians.
  • Specialty Stores: computer equipment, telecommunications, car and equipment rental
  • The construction and public works sector, as well as factories and farms, can continue to operate.
  • Postal offices and public service counters.
  • Wholesale, food markets.
  • Parks, gardens, beaches and water bodies.
  • Worship venues open for funeral ceremonies (maximum 30 people) and weddings (maximum 6 people).
  • Cemeteries.

Mandatory closures

Non-essential businesses and establishments receiving public (LES) must close. Re-evaluation of the closure decision every 15 days according to the changing health situation.

The state grants up to 10,000 euros through the solidarity fund following the administrative closure. It extends partial unemployment until 31 December 2020. It extends the loans guaranteed by the State until 30 June 2021. Provision of rent support for SMEs.

  • Borders outside the European Union. For the moment, internal borders remain open. The French from abroad can return to the national territory. A negative test of less than 72 hours is required to enter the territory. Conducting rapid tests for all arrivals at ports and airports.
  • Movements between regions
  • Bars, restaurants except take-away, discos.
  •  Multi-purpose rooms, conference rooms, amusement parks, trade fairs and exhibitions.
  • Clothing shops, bookshops, hairdressers, aesthetic establishments.
  • Entertainment rooms and cinemas.
  • Sports rooms and gymnasiums (group sports even outdoors prohibited).
  • Institutions for extra-curricular, sports or artistic activities, such as conservatories or sports clubs.

Drives and booksellers side by side for opening libraries

Independent booksellers have been closed since Friday, but large stores have kept their book department open. In the face of this injustice, bookstores have called for the radius to be closed. Since then, politicians, intellectuals, and readers have come to the fore. The award of literary prizes is postponed in solidarity.

In several major cities (Perpignan, Brive, Beaune, Valencia, Chalon-sur-Saône, Colmar, etc.), the municipalities have decided to open the bookstores, lungs of cultural life. The state responded negatively, but some overlooked it. In Paris, Anne Hidalgo and Rachida Dati are speaking out against this measure which is a blockade of access to culture.

Policies and the United Literary Environment for Bookstores

– « Closing libraries and libraries means closing access to culture to those who cannot necessarily enjoy it at home » … « I call for libraries and bookstores to be kept open for the duration of confinement. This is also a measure against separatism, » said the mayor of the 7th arrondissement.

– In addition, 68 senators called in « Le Figaro » for bookstores to be considered « essential stores ».

« As the bad wind of obscurantism and new totalitarian ideologies blows, let us bear in mind that they are a place where the values of moderation, benevolence, tolerance and collective intelligence live, » they said.

-The literary critic François Busnel decided to launch a petition, while declaring on France Info: « We all heard the President of the Republic tell us « we are at war ». Why deny us the best battalion to allow us to face obscurantism. »

-The Association of Mayors of France (AMF) has advocated for the reopening of these local businesses, and the UDI has encouraged its mayors to make such orders.

– The mayor of Paris, for her part, announced a joint initiative with other cities, for the reopening of bookstores that like hairdressers are « local shops and a social link to fight against isolation ». She asked readers not to buy on Amazon.

« I really tell Parisians: do not buy on Amazon. Amazon is the death of our bookstores and our neighborhood life »…  « Culture is essential, it is a mistake to sacrifice it ». said the mayor to the press.

« Turn the lights of our bookstores back on

Founder of the Abbesses’ Bookstore, Marie-Rose Guarnieri initiated the operation « Turn on the fires of our bookstores » of the bookstores « Turn on the fires of our bookstores ». Every day at 3:00 pm, writers will come to a bookstore to show their resistance and solidarity and rekindle their lights symbolically.

On November 2, the mayor of Paris inaugurated the initiative at the Abbesses bookstore with the writer Sylvain Tesson.

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