15 mars 2025

Daily Impact European

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Anne Hidalgo represents herself in Paris

After a long suspense that was not really one, the current Mayor of Paris has officially declared his entry into the race for the next municipal elections on March 15 and 22.

While she ran in 2014 in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, a difficult arrondissement where she has been elected since 2001, Anne Hidalgo has chosen for 2020 to be No. 2 on the list of outgoing socialist mayor of the 11th arrondissement , François Vauglin.

This choice is made for a district which suffered during the terrorist attacks of 2015, the sad 5th anniversary of which we have just celebrated. In the eyes of Anne Hidalgo, it also represents innovation, creation, culture and celebration, but also diversity.

The outgoing Mayor is the last to announce his candidacy; to this day, she finds herself facing Rachida Dati (LR), Benjamin Griveaux (LREM), Cédric Villani (dissident LREM), David Belliard (EELV) who also appeared in the 11th. For the first time, this year, the candidate will not be that only of the PS, her party, but that of a platform « Paris en Commun », including socialists, elected Generations, communists and personalities from civil society including former president of the Samu social Eric Pliez (candidate for mayor of the 20th arrondissement) and former journalist Audrey Pulvar (on the lists of Paris Center). Other reconciliations could take place in the second round in order to obtain the widest possible gathering.

Despite criticism from his critics, the outgoing mayor intends to carry out the projects she has started since the start of her mandate, one of whose victories is the designation of the French capital for the Olympic Games of 2024. Climate and ecology are also at the heart of its proposals. The aim of the councilor is to make Paris, a green city 100% cycling. The creation of urban forests Parvis de l’Hotel de Ville, Gare de Lyon and behind the Opera Garnier, as well as the construction of 2 large parks in the Bercy-Charenton districts and the 15th arrondissement, but also the development of 2 large vegetable gardens in the woods of Vincennes and Boulogne are also part of its program. The same applies to the center of the capital which it wishes to pedestrian in the first 4 districts, only taxis, emergency vehicles, electric shuttles and residents will be able to circulate there. In addition, the budget for cleaning (sensitive point in the capital) should be increased to 1 billion euros per year and the number of staff for the future municipal police should increase agents to 5,000 agents against 3,400 currently.

Regarding children, she would like the food in the canteens to be 100% organic and that public transport be free for those under 18 living in Paris. The project envisaged by the elected representative and the « Paris en commun » platform is to create a local network of early childhood professionals to care for children in the event of unforeseen needs, day or night.

On the social level, the share of social and intermediate housing should reach 25% in 2025 (22.6% today), the regulation of rents in the private sector will be maintained. The mayor plans to organize a referendum on the rental conditions for AirBnb accommodation. Finally, the tax freeze is planned just as in 2014. Supporting local trade in front of large chain stores, tourist shops and the massive arrival of e-commerce is also a workhorse of the candidate, attached to development of neighborhood life.

During her vows to elected officials on January 10, Anne Hidalgo had stipulated that it took more than 6 years for the transformation of Paris, which justifies her candidacy for a second term.

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