27 juillet 2024

Daily Impact European

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The winners of the 2023-2024 season: Ice hockey – Magnus League

The day after the end of the regular season and one week before the start of the play-offs, the Magnus League honored its best players, coaches, referees and managers this Saturday in Paris.

The day after the end of the regular season and one week before the start of the play-offs, the Magnus League honored its best players, coaches, referees and managers this Saturday in Paris.

The Magnus Cup has therefore become the ultimate benchmark reward for all clubs in the French elite championship. At the time of the creation of the cup, French ice hockey was still searching for its historical roots and the choice to honor Louis Magnus (creator of the international federation) with this eponymous cup, a detail all the more relevant as it was French.

Several trophies are awarded annually to reward players, teams, coaches and referees who particularly distinguished themselves by their quality and efficiency on the ice during the regular season of the French championship.

The winners of the Albert Hassler Trophies (best French player), Jean Ferrand (best goalkeeper), Jean-Pierre Graff (best prospect) and Camil Gélinas (best coach) are chosen by vote composed of the coaches of the Synerglace Ligue Magnus and the French team.

The winners of the Charles Ramsay Trophies (best scorer) and Marcel Claret (most fair play team) are designated by statistics (highest number of points and lowest number of penalty minutes). The winners of the Calixte Pianfetti Trophies (best referee) and Damien Velay (best hopeful referee) are chosen by a vote carried out by the National Arbitration Commission (CNA).

The list of winners of the second edition of the Magnus League

  • Best scorer (Charles Ramsay Trophy): Alexandre Lavoie (Grenoble)
  • Best French player (Albert Hassler Trophy): Anthony Rech (Rouen)
  • Best goalkeeper (Jean Ferrand Trophy): Marek Ciliak (Marseille)
  • Best striker (Philippe Bozon Trophy): Anthony Rech (Rouen)
  • Best defender (Denis Perez Trophy): Florian Chakiachvili (Rouen)
  • Most fair-play team (Marcel Claret Trophy): Nice
  • Best hope (Jean-Pierre Graff Trophy): Quentin Tomasino (Rouen)
  • Best coach (Camil Gélinas Trophy): Luc Tardif (Marseille)
  • Best referee (Calixte Pianfetti Trophy): Nicolas Constantineau
  • Best hopeful referee (Damien Velay Trophy): Jason Thorrignac
  • Marketing innovation trophy: Marseille with “GAMEDAY posters”
  • Citizen engagement trophy: Marseille with “waste collection in cooperation with Clean My Calanques”

At 30, Quebecer Alexandre Lavoie put down his skates in Grenoble. For someone who played with a certain Antoine Roussel a few years ago in Chicoutimi, the ambition is great to wear the BDL jersey and discover a new European championship with the Magnus League.
Tonight he had the chance to be the winner of the Charles Ramsay Trophy – best scorer, the prize is designated by the highest number of points and the lowest number of penalty minutes.

The Rouennais Anthony Rech (twice), Florian Chakiachvili and Quentin Tomasino were rewarded on Saturday March 2, 2024 during the traditional Synerglace Ligue Magnus ceremony.

Anthony Rech, the Rouen Dragons striker, was named best French player and best striker in Ligue Magnus this Saturday, during the regular season trophy ceremony.

Florian Chakiachvili received the Denis Perez Trophy as best defender for the second consecutive season.

Quentin Tomasino, the Rouen Dragons striker, was named best prospect during the traditional Synerglace Ligue Magnus ceremony.

Nicolas Constantineau at 34 years old, won the title of best Synerglace Ligue Magnus referee (Calixte Pianfetti Trophy) for the third time in his career after 2021 and 2022. This international linesman has refereed 43 regular season matches.

Referee Jason Thorrignac, at 28 years old, won the Damien Velay Trophy rewarding the best hopeful referee. Having moved from linesman to Head this season, his first experiences have been praised.

The Marcel Claret Trophy rewarding the most fair-play team is therefore awarded to the Riviera club, for the second year in a row. Nice is the fairest team in the championship which has almost 100 fewer penalty minutes than Rouen, second in this ranking.

Marseille received four trophies this evening

Marek Čiliak, accustomed to this distinction when he played for HC Brno, this evening won the Jean Ferrand trophy, best goalkeeper in the Magnus League.

The Marseille club thus won the prize for the best RSO approach, the citizen commitment trophy, for its participation in cleaning the creeks with the Clean My Calanques association and that of the best marketing innovation for its match posters produced by the one the Twittersphere knows under the name of Basile Bilo. “The history of the club is young but we want to be involved in the life of the city, insisted President Éric Lagache from the podium. We will continue and set up an endowment fund. Concerning the best marketing innovation, we wanted make people talk about us other than the fact that we got on the mat…”

Luc Tardif was voted best coach by his peers, having led his team, although promoted, to fifth place. Luc Tardif succeeds Éric Blais.

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