23 février 2025

Daily Impact European

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The United States, France and the United Kingdom carried out strikings in Syria on Friday night

The United States, France and the United Kingdom carried out Saturday the strikings targeted against Syria to punish the mode of Bachar elAssad shown by Donald Trump to have conducted chemical attacks monstrous.

I ordered with the armed forces of the United States to launch strikings of precision on targets associated with the capacities with the Syrian dictator Bachar elAssad as regards chemical weapons, Mr. Trump launched. A combined operation is from now on in hand with France and the United Kingdom, we thank them both, he added.

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After Western strikings on Syria against its ally Bachar elAssad, which will make Russia? A military climbing is not very probable and Moscow should be satisfied with diplomatic protests, according to the experts.

In an initial reaction, president Vladimir Poutine highly denounced strikings, but he did not announce any particular measure of retortion, restricting himself to ask the emergency convocation of the Security Council of UNO.

About everyone is of agreement to say that a military answer of Russia is impossible, that would be very dangerous and could lead to a contrary result with that required. An answer in military matter is not considered, also Alexandre Choumiline estimates, of the Center of analysis of the conflicts of the Middle East at the Institute of the United States and Canada.

Marine Le Pen deplored these strikings with the microphone of RTL. I am sorry, I cannot prevent myself from remembering me the weapons of mass destruction and the flasks which one agitated under the nose of the public opinion to justify the release of the war in Iraq, from which we know the catastrophic consequences, including directly for the French since that was at the origin of the massive migratory waves which we saw breaking. And especially of the reinforcement of the Islamic State since this region was completely destabilized because of these interventions.

François Hollande considered the operation of the Western trio doubling justified […] because there was use of the chemical weapon against children, the innocent ones, women, in any manner of the combatants and because the Syrian mode, with the complicity of its Russian ally, lied: there was to be weapons destruction chemical, refusal of the use of this kind of process. Alas, it was seen that it of it was nothing.

But to strikings are not enough, the former president continues who pleads for an artists resale right, a diplomatic and political pressure so that an exit is found with the Syrian conflict. It is necessary to have a coherence in the action and an objective which is to put pressure on Russia and Iran. This political solution, which cannot be made that within the framework of Geneva, delayed too much, François Hollande underlines.

French president Emmanuel Macron announced on Friday night that France took part in the operation with the United States and the United Kingdom in Syria because Paris and its allies cannot tolerate the vulgarizing of the use of chemical weapons.

The official statement of the Elysium specifies that France and its partners will take again, as of today, their efforts in the United Nations to allow the installation of an international mechanism of establishment of the responsibilities, to prevent impunity and to prevent any inclination of repetition of the Syrian mode.

For Emmanuel Macron, the facts and the responsibility for the Syrian mode are not any doubt concerning the death of tens of men, women and children in an attack with the chemical weapon on April 7th at Duma.

The British Prime Minister Theresa May justified Saturday the British participation in military strikings in Syria, the sides of the United States and France, by estimating that there was no alternative for the use of the force.
There is no alternative for the use of the force to degrade and prevent the recourse to chemical weapons by the Syrian mode, the cheffe of the government in an official statement affirmed, making Damas responsible for a chemical attack supposed in the town of Duma Saturday, March 7, which made up to 75 deaths. We sought all the recourse diplomatic, she adds, but our efforts were constantly thwarted.
Consequently, Theresa May explains that it authorized the British armed forces to lead targeted strikings and contact against the chemical military capacities of the mode of Bachar alAssad, in order to prevent their use.
She shows Damas to resort to chemical weapons against her own people, in cruelest manner the and most odious which is.
The military intervention was thus decided, according to it, as well to protect from the innocent people in Syria, as to prevent the erosion of the international standards prohibiting the recourse to chemical weapons.

The experts of the Organization for the prohibition of the chemical weapons will continue their factfinding mission on the supposed chemical attack of Duma in spite of targeted Western air strikings launched Saturday to Syria, announced the OIAC.

The team of investigators of the OIAC will continue her deployment in Syria in order to establish the facts relating to the allegations of use of chemical weapons at Duma, the organization in an official statement declared.

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