Jérémy Bellet is a 23-year-old actor-director and model. He was able to go through the ordeals he endured, a force that led him to make a short film revealing harassment and discrimination. He then embarked on a tour of France of schools in France, with his campaign « Respect for all » to raise public awareness of this cause.
What is harassment?
Harassment is the repetition of words and behavior aimed at degrading the victim’s living conditions. There are many forms of harassment, all of which are punishable by law.
The different types of harassment are: moral, physical, psychological, professional, school, sexual, street, marital, family. or cyber-harassment .. They are characterized by verbal violence (insults, mockery, taunts), non-verbal (obscene gestures), psychological (propagation of rumors, isolation process) or physical (beating and threats)
Who is Jérémy Bellet?
Born in Thailand and adopted at the age of one year and 3 months, he grew up in France, in the Loire Valley where he studied.
Jérémy knows what harassment is, he himself has been a victim in the past, first at school then at college in Blois, where his origins are at the base of insults then in adolescence where his homosexuality points to him. He is not the victim of physical but moral violence with words that hurt.
At the age of 14, he discovered the world of fashion. thanks to the « difference » which characterizes him: « he is a man who can wear feminine creations », it is also what helps him to accept himself. He later declares: « In every human being, there is a masculine part and a feminine part. Some people accept it more than others. Me, I accepted the feminine part …. The ambiguity is a quality, it is the possibility of being one or the other. Woman or man, I remain a man with the possibility of having a feminine behavior. It is very important for me « .
At the age of 16, he thought about quitting his studies but attracted by the artistic world, he ended up integrating a
theater section in high school and obtains his baccalaureate « L » He then moves on to a CAP Hairdressing and a BTS Communication .. It is an opportunity for him, he can finally « get out of his cocoon » and have new experiences like recording a single in 2016 with JB Bullet on abandonment of animals. Unfortunately, that will not work and will earn him the teasing of his classmates.
This musical attempt, having failed, he decides to turn to the theater where he has the opportunity to meet a photographer who makes him do a series of shootings, a real revelation for the actor who is then called upon to tread the catwalks for parades of fashion..
Life in Paris
Very quickly, he decided to come to Paris to take acting lessons and try his luck in modeling A real success since he made great encounters thanks to the nightlife he discovered and the world of fashion and culture that frequents it.
This is how he meets Patricia Charpentier, his best friend and Fiona Gélin, his godmother in the profession, but also Pascal Soetens (Le Grand Frère).
« One Last Breath »
In 2020, he decides to make a short film, inspired by a true story. « A Last Breath » is the representation of the fight against harassment and discrimination in our society. For Jérémy, it is a way of mourning his painful past which had left him with consequences for so long.
In the cast, he includes his friends Fiona Gélin and Pascal Soetens, Patricia Charpentier, Marie Chatelain, Kevhoney Scarlett, Matt Chevalier and himself. The film was released on all platforms and was a great success. Scheduled for November 2020, the release is postponed to April 2021 because of the pandemic.
The short film is a fiction of fifteen minutes, based on its own story but in a romanticized way. It is made up of stories and testimonies, including those of Fiona Gélin and Pascal Soetens, but also of performed scenes.
This is the story of Peter, a young man beaten to death for having accepted his « differences ». He is found on his hospital bed when he asked a journalist to write his memoirs. before dying.
The testimonies denounce homophobia, racism, physical and moral violence. Among them:
Pascal Soetens explains that he suffered from school bullying during his youth, because of his small size. He was able to get by thanks to sport and his strength of character.
Fiona Gélin, for her part, talks about the domestic violence she suffered and her past as a woman beaten and humiliated for years.
Jérémy returned to the school and homophobic bullying suffered during the school period, to this fear in his stomach that sometimes invaded him, making him want to disappear to escape the nastiness and hatred.
Thanks to this film, Jérémy has found real friends, on whom he can count. It is also a way for him to « speak without shame and without modesty » what he has lived.
A reward for talking about your commitment
To reward his commitment, Jérémy receives a silver medal for Arts and Culture on the day of the digital release of his short film. international, cinematographic short film, in the presence of many guests.
Indeed, each year, the International Committee of Arts and Culture, created in 1985, chooses artists in order to make them known. It thus helps beginners and distinguishes the more experienced, making them spokespersons for the culture of their country.
His words carry more weight, thus opening new doors for him, including those of the media.
This reward is aimed more at the combat and the engagement of Jérémy. The goal of making this film is to help all young people who suffer from discrimination and harassment. It is also the best way to give weight to Jérémy’s words.
« Respect for All »
After the short film, Jérémy begins a tour in schools, colleges and high schools in order to make young and old alike aware of the problems of harassment and discrimination. He began with Lyon then Blois and its region, the cradle of his childhood and his education. Unfortunately, it was not until the end of the second confinement for it to begin.
After events in the region during the summer, a launch gala will take place in Paris in mid September. Jérémy then went to Lyon to sponsor the creation of a Rainbow Lightning bolt (limited edition) by the Miette bakery, sensitive to the LGBT cause. It will also be an opportunity to « convince the elected officials of Lyon to give a rainbow touch to the Festival of Lights ». A few weeks after the launch of the campaign, Jérémy receives the support of the Presidency of the Republic.
Homophobic aggression
The day before the day against homophobia, May 16, Jérémy Bellet was the victim of a homophobic assault in Paris, .75008, while leaving a professional meeting. He was insulted by 2 individuals, to which he preferred to respond by passing his way and a couple came to his aid. Unfortunately, this kind of situation is repeated 2 to 3 times a month.
Charitable actions
In January 2019, Jérémy Bellet is organizing a charity gala in Montrichard for the Secours Populaire d’Indre et Loir and Loir et Cher. He has around him artists, creators and a disabled athlete as well as the talents of the region. The protection of nature is at the center of the event which started with a concert, followed by a fashion show. Then an exhibition on the 4 seasons ..
Shortly after, he supported the AAIP association (Aide Actions Internationales Pompiers) for the possibility of having drinking water in Haiti, thanks to the installation of a device whose price amounted to 4000 euros. A jackpot is open on the Leetchi site.
In August 2020, he defends Pierre-Jean Chalençon in the face of the controversy created by Caroline Margeridon.
On September 18, 2021, the launch gala « Respect pour Tous » took place at the Porte de la Villette, in the presence of Jean Claude Jitrois, Fiona Gélin, Pascal Soetens and many other guests. The tour begins with Lyon in October then Blois in November and Rouen in December.
More recently, Jérémy organized on December 11, 2021, a gala in favor of the Association « Séropotes » on the yacht « Joséphine ». The purpose of the « Séropotes » association is to contribute to the well-being of LGBT + people living with HIV, their families and loved ones.
You could meet Jean-Claude Jitrois for whom Jérémy paraded, Fiona Gélin, Grégory Bakian and many other personalities. Hat designer Mira Belle presented her new collection, Taifü and July of St Barth beauty products featured prominently, as did designer Shaleva Couture.
A good start to 2022
On January 5, Laurence Vanceunebrock, Member of Parliament for the second Allier constituency, Montluçon, received Jérémy Bellet to discuss discrimination and harassment. They thought of future projects including an event in Allier. The dream of fighting against discrimination and harassment on a national scale has finally come true, all thanks to the « Respect for all » campaign.
On January 10, 2022, Jérémy Bellet organized the fashion show of stylist André Rodrigues who presented his new collection at the « Salon des Miroirs » (75009) in the presence of many guests including Fiona Gélin. Another new bowstring from Jérémy!
What can we wish Jérémy for the future, if not the success of his campaign and new projects in both his professional and private life.
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