The Council of Europe changes its presidency every 6 months. After Slovenia, France thewill preside from January 1 to June 30, 2022 . On this occasion, the president and the government of the countrychosen for this period, hold the presidency.
What is the Council of the European Union?
The Council of the European Union also called the European Council or Council of Ministers of the EUis an EU institution which brings together the heads of state and government of the member states. Healso brings together the ministers of these governments who work with the European Parliament toamend and adopt European laws.
The Council of the EU has 10 formations:
• Agriculture and fishing
• Competitiveness
• Justice and home affairs
• Employment, social policy, health and consumers
• Transport, telecommunications and energy• General affairs
• Foreign Affairs
• Education, youth and culture• Economic and financial affairsEach member state chairs the council in turn for a period of 6 months.
The roles of the Council of the EU
• Negotiate and adopt legislative acts with the European Parliament within the framework of theordinary legislative procedure, called « codecision ».
• Coordinate the policies of member states such as economic policies andbudgetary; education, culture, youth and sports; employment policy.
• Define the EU’s common foreign security policy
• Conclude international agreements in trade, cooperation or development,on issues like fishing, customs, science, etc …
• Adopt the EU budget, jointly with the European Parliament.
Presidency of the Council of the EU
The Presidency of the Council of the EU is a rotating presidency. It changes every 6 months and isexercised by the government of the member state as a whole. Since 2007, we have been witnessingtriplets over a period of 18 months. A common program allows during this period ofmaintain the continuity of political action.
The last triplet consisted of Germany, Portugal and Slovenia. France succeeds himand will be followed by the Czech Republic and Sweden.The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy assumes the presidency duringof the Councils of Ministers of Foreign Affairs.
The ambitions of the French presidency
France started its presidency on January 1, 2022 and will leave it on June 30.
President Emmanuel Macron opened this session by declaring: »We are living in a European moment. Faced with health and economic challenges, the affirmation ofhostile powers, or to climate change, the best answer is European. « He also insisted on the fact that « no political space has vaccinated its population so much, whiledonating the largest number of vaccines in the world. « …. » Solidarity and democracy, this is theEuropean model « .
Prepared since 2017, this presidency will focus on:
• A more sovereign Europe by strengthening the Schengen Area, protectingborders, migration control and an improved asylum policy and a commitmentin the Western Balkans and its relationship with Africa.
• A new European growth model to make Europe a great continent ofproduction, job creation, innovation and technological excellence.
• A humane Europe that listens to the concerns of citizens within the framework ofConference on the future of Europe.
• Promotion of multilingualism in the work of the Board and the meetings organized inFrance.
« For 4 years, the EU has been deploying a sovereignty agenda with common debt, neutralitycarbon for 2050, a first common military budget and the review of seconded work « …. »French Presidency must be a moment of truth for the responsibility and regulation ofdigital platforms, the carbon price at European borders on imported products, on theminimum wages, on our relationship with Africa, « said the President.
A national moment
How will France live these 6 months of presidency? « Hundreds of events will beorganized throughout the territory in order to talk about Europe, say what it lacks, agree on whatmust do « . It will be possible to participate in conferences, artistic workshops, debates, films, actionscollective « . » In the wake of the Conference on the Future of Europe, new projectsEuropeans will be open to young people, to the defense of our democracies and our values, tostrengthen the feeling of belonging to a European culture and history that we have insharing « , he continued, before concluding: » It is this pride and this ambition that he wants to carry,in the name of the French, for the Europeans « .
The priorities of the triplet until June 2023
• Protection of citizens and freedoms• Promotion of a new model of European growth and investment• Construction of a greener Europe, more socially fair and more protective of thehealth of Europeans.
• Promotion of a Global Europe, a global player in multilateralism with strongrenewed with its partners and the development of a 27 vision of strategic threats.
• Commitment to the fight against the covid-19 pandemic and its economic consequencesand social
On July 1, the Czech Republic will take up the torch for 6 months. Sweden will followfrom January 1, 2023 and will end this « triplet on June 30, 2023.
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