22 février 2025

Daily Impact European

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A handful of historical hand, the Joint Declaration remains very vague

The president of the United States Donald Trump and the leader NorthKorean Kim Jongun exchanged a handful of hand this June 12th in Singapore, at the time of their historic summit. This strong image was a long time unimaginable, so much the tensions were sharp during decades between the two countries. No information nevertheless still filtered on possible concrete projections on the subjectkey: the denuclearization of the North Korea.

We will have formidable relations, thereafter launched all to smile Donald Trump, sitted at the side of the strong man of Pyongyang. Judging that this first meeting was good is a prelude to with peace, the young leader NorthKorean stressed that the way to arrive from there there had not been easy, but did not reveal anything of its intentions on the bottom.

At the conclusion of their private conversation of about forty minutes, the US president informed of its optimism on the discussions in progress, ensuring that they occurred very well.

But the formulation of the Joint Declaration remains very vague, in particular in terms of calendar, and relies on later negotiations for its implementation.

The text takes again previous commitments of the mode NorthKorean, ever implemented, without specifying that denuclearization must be verifiable and irreversible as with force the United States claimed it before the Summit of Singapore.

Kim Jongun reaffirmed her firm agreement and steadfast in favour of a complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, he is written.

In spite of the media repercussion of the top, its tangible results, in particular on the key topic of denuclearization, caused doubts, the Japanese newspaper preserving Sankei denouncing a reality show and a Joint Declaration without substance.

Mr. Kim was engaged once again in favour of the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. But this formula adopted by Pyongyang is far from corresponding to the requirements advanced for a long time by the United States, for which a denuclearization NorthKorean, besides being complete, will have to also be verifiable and irreversible.

Pyongyang has good reasons to be satisfied with the event of Singapore, which constitutes a great success for a mode very isolated, subjected to heavy international sanctions and eager for a long time to obtain a legitimacy.

Donald Trump, who explained not to have closed the eye during 25 hours, in particular evoked the tourist and real potential of the North Korea which lays out, he made a point of underlining, of very beautiful beaches.

It hammered that the sanctions against the North Korea would remain in force as long as the threat of the atomic weapons would not be raised and not reaffirmed that a departure of the American troops based in South Korea was not, for the time being, with the agenda.

It is an enormous victory for Kim Jongun, who made a true blow with her facetoface discussion with the president, raises Michael Kovrig, of International Crisis Group (ICG) in Washington, stressing that his father as his/her grandfather had dreamed some.

For the United States as for the international community, it is a positive starting point for negotiations which should be long and difficult, he adds.

China, the principal partner of the North Korea, greeted the beginning of a new history.

Many other countries greeted the interlocking of a diplomatic process, certainly embryonic, but which moves away the prospect for a conflict.

The nuclear arsenal NorthKorean was worth in Pyongyang an impressive round of sanctions of UNO over the years.

To convince the North Korea to give up it whereas the mode of Kim always saw a form of life insurance there, Donald Trump formally and personally committed himself in the common document bringing security guarantees. They will be single and different from those proposed up to now, Mike Pompeo promised.

The fact that more the topranking executives of the two countries sat side by side for talks of equal footing has an important direction and constitutes the beginning of a new history, the Minister Chinese for the Foreign affairs, Wang Yi declared.

China is pleased and supports with it, the minister added. It is about an objective which we hoped for and for which we worked.

For the main ally of the North Korea, one needs a total denuclearization, as the United States claims it, but at the same time, is needed that there is a peace process for the peninsula (Korean) in order to solve the reasonable concerns of the North Korea as regards security, the minister underlined, pointing out the significant role and completely single of China.

The only fact that this meeting took place is, of course, positive, the chief of the Russian diplomat Sergueï Lavrov greeted.

The stop of the provocative actions is an essential measurement in favour of the fall of the level of tension in the peninsula, by creating an atmosphere of confidence there, in an official statement the Russian ministry of the Foreign affairs estimates, which calls with the creation of a solid mechanism in favour of peace and the security.

The intention of Kim Jongun to see a complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula was confirmed in writing. I support this first step towards an overall resolution of the questions concerning the North Korea, Japanese the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared.

The document signed by Donald Trump and Kim Jongun is a significant step, greeted the minister Frenchwoman of the European Business Nathalie Loiseau, while doubting that all was reached in a few hours.

She however regretted the double standard applied by Washington, which recently rejected the agreement on the Iranian nuclear power. The nuclear agreement reached with Teheran is respected by Iran, whereas to sign a document with Kim Jongun who went until obtaining the nuclear weapon, it is practically to reward somebody which was against all the international treaties, she estimated.

The Summit of Singapore is a stage capital and necessary towards a denuclearization, for representing European diplomacy Federica Mogherini. The ultimate objective (…) remains the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, objective which can be reached, according to it.

The International Atomic Energy Agency is held ready to carry out any activity of checking on the nuclear sites NorthKorean if Washington and Pyongyang require it, affirmed his general secretary Yukiya Amano, who greets the result of the top.

The general secretary of UNO Antonio Guterres judged that the historic summit was a big step in the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

In an official statement, Mr. Guterres invited all the parts to seize this historical opportunity and it once again offered the expertise on UNO to arrive at the goal displayed by the US president: to dismantle the nuclear arsenal of Pyongyang.

The British Foreign Minister greets the behaviour of a constructive top.

Kim Jongun perhaps ended up hearing the message that only a change of management can bring a prosperous and surer future for the North Koreans. It still much of work to be made there and we hope that Kim will continue to negotiate in good faith towards a complete denuclearization, verifiable and irreversible, he declared.

Israeli the Prime Minister Benyamin Nétanyahou congratulated Tuesday Donald Trump after his meeting with Kim Jongun and estimated that the policy of the United States bore also fruit on the Iranian nuclear power.

I congratulate president Trump for the historic summit on Singapore which constitutes an important step in the efforts to denuclearize the Korean peninsula, Mr. Nétanyahou in a short intervention affirmed on television.

President Trump also adopted a position offensive against the attempt of Iran to obtain the nuclear weapon and its aggressiveness in the Middle East, which has affected already the Iranian economy, he added.

The chief of the German diplomacy, Heiko Maas, saw in this top a first step in the right direction. It is good that the spiral of climbing that we lived in 2017 is stopped.

This process must lead to whole, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the North Korea, he also judged. Pyongyang must answer concerns of the international community.

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