8 septembre 2024

Daily Impact European

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Attacks against the trans community: Senator LR Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio’s bill is transphobic

Activist collectives, left-wing elected officials, trade unionists, young people: several thousand people demonstrated on Sunday in France where around fifty gatherings denounced the “transphobic offensive” underway against the rights of trans people.

Activist collectives, left-wing elected officials, trade unionists, young people: several thousand people demonstrated on Sunday in France where around fifty gatherings denounced the “transphobic offensive” underway against the rights of trans people.

Several thousand people gathered in Paris and in several cities in France, this Sunday, May 5, to respond to the right and the extreme right who attack trans people, and more broadly LGBT+ rights and freedom to dispose of one’s own body.

The climate is deteriorating for transgender people and at some point we have to stop letting it happen, says “bread and roses,” at the gathering this Sunday, launched by 800 associations, collectives and personalities, including Annie Ernaux, Vanessa Springora, Act Up -Paris, Family Planning; France Insoumise and the Socialist Party had also called for demonstrations.

In the sights of activists: the bill from Senator LR Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, relating to the “care of minors with gender issues”, which will be examined on May 28.

Under each pink, purple or rainbow flag that colors the square, the same fear is expressed. Since the release in bookstores on April 11 of the transphobic pamphlet by activists Marguerite Stern and Dora Moutot, who now call themselves “femellists”, conservatives and the far right have led the offensive.

“It starts with attacks against transgender minors but we don’t know where it will stop,” warns Vi-vi Strobel, trans figure of the Bi’Cause association.

“This is a very strong attack on trans people. And from the moment we attack our identities, our bodies and just our basic human rights, we step up and respond.” A petition has also been launched for the rejection of this proposed law, which, according to activists of the transgender cause, is akin to “establishing conversion therapies organized by the State”.

The associations also denounce the publication and promotion of the book Transmania, which presents itself as an “investigation into the abuses of transgender identity”, and a proposed law from National Rally MP Joëlle Mélin aimed at “protecting minors against certain medical and surgical practices” regarding gender transition. The operator JCDecaux removed the posters promoting the book from the streets of the capital, after being questioned by Paris City Hall, which deemed them contrary to its ethics charter and apologized.

“Faced with these attacks against the right to control one’s body, we need a united response, and to forge alliances from below, on a national scale, including to be able to support feminist and trans collectives finding themselves isolated and more exposed to attacks from the extreme right”, hence the rallies on May 5.

“Young people do not need uniforms or Islamophobic, racist, sexist and transphobic measures! As parents, we will not let you use our children, the students, to justify hate campaigns and repressive laws!” Henda, activist, parent and teacher in 93 at the rally, Place de la République in Paris.

The signatories of the platform also demand a “depsychiatrized transition, free and free for adults and minors, access to PMA for all trans people, an end to mutilations on intersex children, massive resources for services public in order to ensure real access to abortion, transitions and contraception and education on gender and sexuality issues taken care of by education and health workers. »

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