« Violence against women is an obstacle to the achievement of the objectives of equality, development and peace. It constitutes a violation of the fundamental rights and fundamental freedoms of women. It partially or totally prevents them from enjoy their freedoms « .
A few days before the day against violence against women, on November 25, the #Nous Tous collective organized demonstrations throughout France on November 20. from 14h.
Who is this day for?
STOP! gender-based and sexual violence, that was the purpose of these gatherings. Indeed, this violence is not only physical violence which can go as far as feminicide. Cyber-violence, discrimination linked to grossophobia, race, gender or disability are also part of it. Let’s not forget the harassment at work, attempted rape or incest.
The revendications
The fight for this cause has existed for decades and concerns the whole of society. It demands the attention of candidates for the next presidential election.
Although solutions exist by dint of fighting, the government refuses to put them in place. Despite the progress made since the « Grenelle » organized in 2019. For this, 60 feminist and child protection associations, unions and political parties have called for a parade alongside #We All.
For the demonstrators, the fundamental right to live free from violence is not acquired: Too many communication campaigns, great speeches without real results. and above all too much indifference. Regarding financial means, this is not sufficient.
Why November 20?
The date of this event coincides with that of World Day. children’s rights It is not by chance since thousands of children are collateral victims of domestic violence. In addition, November 20 is also the international day of « trans » remembrance. This event therefore makes it possible to remember the murders of trans people because of their gender identity.
Who established this day?
On October 19, 1999, the UN chose to establish the day against violence against women, on November 25. She commemorates. November 25, 1960, the day when the Puerto Rican Head of State, Rafael Trujillio, gave the order « to assassinate 3 Puerto Rican militant women, the Mirabal sisters.
A few years later, the law of August 6, 2012, gave a more precise definition of the offense of sexual harassment. It increases the maximum penalties incurred, represses discrimination committed against victims, and strengthens the prevention of sexual harassment in the professional world. (8% of these assaults and 25% of inappropriate actions take place at work1 or study places).
Some figures in 2021
In France
- 4 times more fat women risk being discriminated against at work.
- One in 5 young girls is a victim of cyber-sexual violence
- 69% of racialized women are victims of discriminatory comments at work.
- 85% of « trans » people testify to having already undergone a transphobic act.
- 65% of femicide victims had taken legal action.
- 85% of women with disabilities have already suffered violence.
- 1 in 3 women has experienced sexual harassment at work.
- 250 women are victims of rape or attempted rape every day.
- 6.7 million people have suffered incest.
- 36% of reports during the first confinement and 60% during the second.
- 101 women who have died since the start of the year (between 120 and 150 each year)
- Nearly 220,000 women victims of domestic violence each year.
- 18% of women who have suffered violence file a complaint.
- 76% of femicides take place at home following an unacceptable separation (35% after violence, 75% had lodged a complaint to report the facts)
- No accommodation offer for nearly 40% of victims, 12% get a suitable place, with support.
In the world
At least 155 countries have passed laws on domestic violence. In addition, 140 have legislation on sexual harassment in the workplace and access to data has improved following pressure from institutions and the mobilization of civil society, the media, public opinion and associations. The health crisis has worsened the situation and increased the vulnerability of women.
- 48 countries integrated in September 2020 the prevention and response to violence against women. in their anti-covid-19 plan.
- 121 countries have adopted measures to strengthen services for victims of violence during the pandemic
- 1 in 3 women experience physical, sexual or psychological violence from an intimate partner
- 137 women are killed by a family member every day
- Less than 40% of women who experience violence ask for help, whatever the form.
Associations and collectives mobilized
We All
The #Nous Tous collective is one of the best known and most active. Created in July 2018 to denounce gender-based and sexual violence, it brings together activists, associations, unions and political parties. Together, they marched for the first big French march in 2018 and defend this cause, bringing together 30,000 people. In 2019, there were 5 times more participants .. the following year, online mobilization on November 21, following the pandemic.
Women with ….
The association « Woman with … » (« femmmesavecviolencesconjugales) acts in defense of women’s rights. » Multidisciplinary and national against domestic violence « .
It offers in collaboration with the association of insured AGIPI, (#agipiviolencesconjugales) a guarantee « Conjugal Violence », integrated in the CAP provident contract of Agipi, without deductible or additional cost.
This national, multidisciplinary and national solution is unique in France. What does the specific Violence Conjugales cover offer?
* A dedicated number, open 24/7: 01 55 92 24 58
* Psychological assistance without limitation of calls.
* Legal cover up to € 15,000 to cover the costs of lawyers and bailiffs, from the start of the procedure to the trial.
* Coverage from the first day, without excess, of work stoppages in the event of temporary incapacity to work.
How to react in the event of domestic violence?
There are 2 national numbers available to victims.
- 3919, free number from a landline and invisible on telephone bills. It is aimed at victims and witnesses from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
- 08 victims (08 842 846 37). Number dedicated to any victim or witness, whatever the damage suffered. He can also be contacted in the event of harassment. Non-surcharged number, he is open 7 days a week from 9 am to 9 pm.
Demonstration of November 20
Saturday, November 20, date of International Children’s Day, several thousand people were present at the rally organized by the feminist collective #Nous All. The march started at 2 p.m., from Place de la République in the direction of the Nation. In the procession, we could also see associations for the protection of children and for the first time, a « Christian » procession carried by Christian feminist organizations and LGTBQIA.
Yannick Jadot, green presidential candidate, was present among the demonstrators.
If the organizers spoke of 50,000 participants, the prefecture only indicated 18,000. There was therefore a drop of almost half compared to 2019.
On the purple signs (color of feminism), we could read « I believe you, you are not responsible for it »; « Justice does not protect our children »; « Ras le rap » or « Transphobia kills »; « We are not born a woman, but we die of it ».
In the crowd, we heard the song of the singer Angèle, « Balance your what ».
En marge du cortège parisien, des heurts ont éclaté avec un petit groupe d' »extrême droite ». Certains avaient des barres de fer et déployaient une banderole. On y lisait : » La haine des femmes n’est pas un enrichissement culturel. » » 99 % des Afghans respectueux de la charia « . Au slogan « Nous sommes chez nous », auquel les manifestants ont répondu par : « Rompez ».
D’autres rencontres ont lieu entre le 20 et le 27 novembre, partout en France, notamment le 25, date de la Journée internationale pour l’élimination des violences à l’égard des femmes.
Un lieu dédié aux femmes et femmes victimes de violences
Le conseil municipal de Paris et le conseil du 13e arrondissement ont voté à l’unanimité en mai 2021 pour qu’une place, située en face du Mobilier national, soit nommée en l’honneur des femmes victimes de violences. Il sera inauguré le 25 novembre. En complément, une exposition en partenariat avec l’association « Cartooning for Peace » (fondée par Plantu et Kofi Annan et présidée par le dessinateur Kak). Il se tiendra sur la place pour sensibiliser tous les publics aux violences de toutes sortes, subies au quotidien. Enfin, une cérémonie de dépôt de gerbe aura lieu place de la Bergère d’Ivry, Aimée Millot, victime à l’âge de 19 ans d’un féminicide au XIXe siècle.
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