7 septembre 2024

Daily Impact European

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“Hamlet Take Away” at the Avignon Off Festival 2024

Crédit : ©DR

The actress addresses the audience: "Good evening and welcome". She turns on a large spotlight that violently illuminates the actor, bare-chested, hands tied, crucified to a small mobile theater with open curtains.

The actress addresses the audience: “Good evening and welcome”.
She turns on a large spotlight that violently illuminates the actor, bare-chested, hands tied, crucified to a small mobile theater with open curtains.

“I suffer but I dream, that’s why I live”, says the actor.
“And I seek who I am”.

Thus begins this tragicomic fresco that draws a parallel between “Hamlet”, Shakespeare’s tragedy, and the autobiographical evocations of the actor, a blind actor with a phenomenal presence and energy.

From the outset, we are captivated, carried away. Gianfranco Berardi gives himself totally, as if possessed, hallucinated. “Playing with your guts” takes on its full meaning here.

For him, theater is a passion, love and suffering, like the passion of Christ.

Will he die on the cross to save humanity?
A humanity prey to worrying excesses, evolving towards the society of appearances.

“To be or to appear”, a crucial question, a contemporary tragedy.
Facebook, Instagram, X, Tik Tok, all these social networks have invaded our mental universe with the omnipresence of the selfie … The illusion of likes, of “friends”, of photoshop beauty, of dreamy gastronomic and tourist images … always beautiful, seductive, young, happy, dynamic … to be envied, to be loved …
And suddenly, we are alone, sadness rises …

A deeply moving show, a particularly poignant scene, marked by great tenderness, when the actress and the actor, a couple in the city, are in each other’s arms, reciting the text together, overcome with solitude.

“Preserve our dreams, those that make us feel alive, those that still give meaning to this journey that is ours today. Remember them … always … my love”.

The last words of a dense and powerful text written by Gabriella Casolari.

Until July 21, 2024 at 5:40 p.m. at the Théâtre de l’Atelier Florentin in Avignon
No performance on July 15
Performers: Gabriella Casolari and Gianfranco Berardi

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