19 février 2025

Daily Impact European

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Art capital 20024 _ Teulier Rémy

The Art Capital show returned to the Grand Palais Ephémère on the Champs de Mars, facing the Eiffel Tower from February 14 to 18.

The Art Capital show returned to the Grand Palais Ephémère on the Champs de Mars, facing the Eiffel Tower from February 14 to 18.

All contemporary art lovers were able to meet the artists who had voluntarily organized the event. This year, 2,000 artists, emerging or established, from all disciplines (painting, sculpture, photography, etc.) were present to showcase living art.

The origins of Art Capital

Art Capital was born in 2006 from the desire of the “Salons known as “Historiques du Grand Palais” and artists from diverse backgrounds to play on their differences and join forces to create a founding and new event. For 15 years, it has brought together 5 exhibitions (Salon of French artists, Salon of independent artists, Comparisons, Salon of drawing and water painting as well as the “Nationale des Beaux-Arts). More than 2,000 international contemporary artists come to exhibit their creations and reveal their talent to the public.

The history of salons dates back to the 17th century, since the Salon of French Artists created by Colbert and Louis XIV. The Salon des Independents dates from 1884, it hosted more than a hundred paintings before being exhibited at the Louvre. Today, it also presents the great creators of tomorrow who can be met at the show. Among them are Solène Simon (Salon of Drawing and Water Painting), Thomas Waroquier (Salon of French Artists) or Bernard Vercruyce and the Naïf group (Comparisons).

An internationally renowned springboard, Art Capital is the showcase of the permanent commitment of enthusiasts, giving pride of place to creation while respecting diversity. Despite the drop in subsidies for some time, Art Capital continues to support artists for whom participating in the show is a source of great pride. In 2 years, the subsidies increased from €297,000 to €50,000 knowing that the Ministry of Culture did not participate this year and that the rental price of the Grand Palais Ephémère is around €360,000 for this show .

The lounges

Typically French specificity, Art Capital is the bringing together of associative fairs declared to be of public utility without being dependent on an institutional system. Artists present themselves to the public and can sell their works directly, without the intermediary of galleries. After payment (cash, check, credit card, etc.) the buyer can leave with their purchase. This national salon is the heir of a movement of emancipation initiated by modern artists.

The Salon des Indépendents

This year, the Salon des Indépendants celebrates its 140th anniversary. When it was created, in 1884, it was called “Salon des Refusés”, the participants having disrupted the codes of academic painting. Its motto is “Neither jury, nor reward”. Today, it exhibits the biggest names of all schools and the masterpieces exhibited in the major Modern Art museums. There are more than 30 countries represented by more than 450 artists.

The Comparison Fair

Founded in 1956, this year it brings together 31 groups, or 484 artists, with as many sensibilities or trends in current art, mixing styles, approaches or techniques according to affinities. Its aim is to promote the art and artists exhibited at this show.

The Drawing and Water Painting Salon

Created in 1949, this show has welcomed most of the great artists including Chagall, Matisse and Marie Laurencin… Integrated into Art Capital, it is now one of the major events in the world of international plastic art. A world specialist in works under glass or plexiglass, he brings together all the techniques, which makes him essential.

The Salon of French Artists

A historic exhibition dating back over 3 centuries, it is made up of artists selected by a jury. For this edition, there were more than 1,100 applications and 700 artists selected, divided into the different sections (Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Engraving and Photography). Highlighted this year, Chinese artistic creation was exhibited in a dedicated space, presenting 15 artists from the contemporary scene in various mediums (painting, drawing, photography).

The Nationale des Beaux-Arts

Founded in 1862 in Paris by Louis Martinet and Théophile Gautier, the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts (SNBA) designates 2 associations of French artists. The first organized a few exhibitions during the Second Empire and the second which succeeded it in 1890 organized a real salon which has lasted ever since. Its aim is to make art less dependent on public commissions and to teach artists to do their own business. In 1925, she created the Puvis de Chavannes prize to reward the best work at the show while encouraging the younger generation.

Review of the 2024 edition

For this 2024 edition, the number of entries reached a record figure of 9,099 visitors on the opening day of February 13 and 31,599 entries for the total number of entries during the entire show. Art Capital, remaining a springboard for the art world in Paris, has become the largest contemporary art fair in Europe. It is part of French intangible heritage. and we will find it again in 2025 at the historic Grand Palais, although subsidies were lacking for the 2024 edition, the diversity of artists (from 12 to over 80 years old), the use of Artificial Intelligence, artists from increasingly inventive and the presence of foreign delegations (Korea, Japan, China, Latin America, etc.), have been an asset for the art world. To ensure the independence of the artists, it was necessary to count on the presence of 3,000 volunteers.

2024 is the year of the 60th anniversary of Franco-Chinese relations. Placed under the sign of Sino-French culture, this year is the best way to strengthen ties between the two countries. Exchanges between Chinese and French artists have enabled modern educational approaches. The artists present a diverse range of works relating to Chinese culture. This is how we find eminent artists from China like Wang Ying (deputy permanent delegate to UNESCO) who received a “Mention” at the Salon des Arts Français, for his work in ink and China which evoked spring. Additionally, the China Expo organization was chosen to represent China. Among the Chinese artists present, we found Wang Ying (shared between 2 artists with Jean-François Larrieu), Yuan Hongbing (silk fiber), Fu Chong (puzzle painting), Caï Pinghui (bright colors and moving images), Shen Yes (mixture of cultural tradition and Qilin mythology and many others.

Prizes and awards

In the list of prizes and awards, we find the winners of the Taylor foundation. In order to encourage exhibiting artists, a system of awarding prizes and rewards was established in 1793. Around fifty years later, the system was replaced by the constitution of the first jury. Originally named Medals of Honor, 1st Class, 2nd Class and 3rd Class; their name changed in 1946 and they became gold, silver and bronze medals. The medal of honor, the signature award of the Salon des Artistes Français, is still awarded and crowns the artist’s career in its entirety and his investment in the Society of French Artists. Voted by secret ballot during a closed session during the show, the medal of honor is not automatic and can only be awarded to an artist winning a gold medal. The oldest prizes date from 1900 and are still awarded by the Société des Artistes Français. Certain prestigious prizes, such as those awarded by the Academy of Fine Arts, are awarded by the Academicians themselves and presented under the dome of the Quai Conti during their annual session. Private prizes, which are more recent, are awarded by donors according to their own conditions.

List of prizes awarded as part of Art Capital 2024

French Artists Fair

Richard Gautier, painter from Niort, received the medal of honor at the Salon des artistes français, which was held from February 14 to 18, 2024 in Paris.

The Art Capital Salon marked the recognition of the status of Artists, the defense of Large national salons, free, independent, open.

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