The UNASUR takes as a starting point the European Union, its objective is “to build an identity and a South American citizenship like developing an integrated regional space”. It is made up of the twelve States of South America which signed on December 8th, 2004 the Declaration of Cuzco, a letter of intent of two pages aiming to the meeting of Mercosur, the Andean Community, of Chile, of Guyana and Suriname in only one supranational community, the South American Community of nations (CSN), on the model of the European Union. Panama and Mexico attended the signing ceremony and obtained the quality of observer.
On October 24th, 2011, the Union of the South American Nations obtains the statute of observant member to the General Assembly of UNO after the commission of the legal affairs approved the application to join with the organization unanimously.
The free movement of persons of South America which is part of one of the 12 of Member States during at more the 90 days (except the French Guiana and Suriname), to have an identity card are the two principal points their claims.
Amauri Chamorro, consultant, international analyst and 20 years of experience rich political economist and having worked for the Latin America and the Caribbean as an advisor of governments and parties progressists, speak on politization about Justice, and political persecution in Latin America. To clarify the Ecuadorian case, and the political persecution of Rafael Correa and Jorge Glas but also of Lula in Brazil east his priority.
“One of my assumptions is that liberalism actually reinforced capitalism, the development for the citizen related to individualism, with the material improvement. The result is a middle class which measures the quality of life of the population. Progressionism did not understand that. It is not enough to adopt public policies for the people, it is always necessary to bring people to the government.
In Ecuador, we gained the elections of very a short head. The country goes relatively well, with the difficulties of a dollarized economy, and now, Lenin Moreno moves away more and more from the ex president Rafael Correa, which possibly makes it possible to create a governance calmer and conflict, but also requires a series of concessions that Correa and his partisans would not tolerate.
Often compared with that carried out by Hugo Chavez to Venezuela and Evo Morales in Bolivia, the policy put in work by Rafael Correa in Ecuador falls under the mobility of the “socialism of the 21st century” and results in particular in a refusal of the payment of the illegitimate sides of the debt, nationalisations, and by a significant increase in public investments. Thus, the established budgets with health and education are triplets, which involves an increase of two years of the life expectancy between 2007 and 2016 and makes it possible to reduce the illiteracy of a rate of 9,3% in 2007 to 2,7% in 2009. At this date, in recognition of good progresses, UNESCO declares the Ecuador “free of illiteracy”. In addition, the assistances brought by the State to the families in economic distress are reinforced and the minimum wage is doubled. In echo with this second measurement, the government also proposes the introduction of maximum wages within the private companies. The social securities specific to the handicapped people, who were almost non–existent before, are increased by 750% and of the quotas henceforth impose on the companies recruitment handicapped employees. 300,000 social housing is distributed free.
On May 24th, 2017 Lenín Moreno succeeded Rafael Correa and became president of the Ecuador. After having taken its functions, Lenín Moreno enters in conflict with his predecessor. The frictions between the two men continue during the months which follow, the close relations of Moreno explaining why he seeks to adopt an attitude and a form of government more conciliatory than did it Correa, privileging the dialogue with confrontation.
But on July 28th, Moreno, public the mandate of the ex president Correa makes on the national TV channel, where he discusses a policy corrupted and untrue of the former president while trying to explain from which comes the daily economy and which are the gaps of the State with respect to Correa, which would have brought the country to the limit of its possibilities.
A few days later, the vice–president Jorge Glas, aimed by accusations of corruption within the framework of the Odebrecht business, applies to the public in a long letter by which he protests his innocence, announces that he will preserve his functions, and attacks very hard president Moreno, recalling him that both were elected to continue the changes initiated by the leader Correa and showing it, inter alia, to reconstitute the emoluments of the “country” and to create a ground favourable with institutionalized corruption.
The crisis takes a more institutional turning when, Correa reacts highly to these assertions, showing Moreno to speak about economy without understanding it and to use erroneous figures, and striking that “all that is cynical, unfair and poor will be transitory”, Correa is withdrawn then in Belgium, country of origin of its wife and where it was appointed professor of economy.
On October 2nd, 2017, Knell is stopped and put in remand, is aimed by accusations of corruption in the Odebrecht business: a name which will have made tremble the Latin America in 2017. The corruption scandal around the Brazilian giant of the BTP touched the near total of the continent, when several frameworks of the group confessed in front of justice to have financed electoral campaigns through all the continent, propelling political careers in return for juicy contracts of public contracts. On the whole, nearly 788 million dollars would have been versed between 2001 and 2016 in 12 countries: Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela. Two African countries are also concerned: Angola and Mozambique.
The Brazilian police in charge of the investigation into the tentacular corruption affair within the Petrobras public company carried out the arrest, in its luxurious residence of São Paulo, of Marcelo Odebrecht, one of the most powerful businessmen, the first group of construction of Latin America with its 168,000 employees, present in 28 countries whose Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and the United States, is in possession of potentially explosive secrecies. Secrecies able to make fall governments in all the area.
In Ecuador, Odebrecht was in the middle of the countryside at the time of the last presidential elections. Lenin Moreno, elected president had been presented in May 2017, indeed in the form of a candidate anti–corruption by promising a “total surgery” several services of the State. Odebrecht had just revealed to have given bribes to high political officials placed of 7 from the last 10 governments.
Political leaders are also concerned in Argentina, in Panama, in Guatemala, in Dominican Republic. And even if it is probably not the concern first of the Venezuelans, president Nicolas Maduro is also blamed.
In Brazil, the amount of the bribes poured by Odebrecht with political officials would rise with more than 300 million dollars. And it is the workers party, with the power between 2003 and 2016 which is the most splashed, and in particular Dilma Roussef and Ignacio Lula Da Silva. The current president, Michel Tener, are also concerned. Other political officials are marked, whose some which could play a significant role in the countryside for the presidential elections of October 2018.
Marcelo Odebrecht, chairman of the family business of BTP and telecoms in the middle of the scandal, was condemned to 19 years of prison in April 2017. On December 19th, 2017, it left the prison to pass under house arrest, a reward for its collaboration with justice.
Only Brazil, the declarations of Marcelo Odebrecht made it possible to inquire into eight ministers, the conservative Michel Temer, a third of the Senate and about forty deputies.
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, saved his head, it is for the moment in Ecuador that the political official moreover high level condemned within the framework of Odebrecht is: the vice–president Jorge Glas.
He was condemned on December 13th to six years of prison by the Supreme court to have perceived nearly 13.5 million dollars of bribes of the group of Brazilian BTP.
The former president Ecuadorian was convened by justice to testify about a corruption affair supposed bearing on commercial contracts considered to be potentially favorable to the interests inhabitant of Thailand and Chinese to the detriment of the Ecuadorian State. Correa denounces a “instrumentalisation of justice” by the Head of the State Lenín Moreno.
But the former president presented himself to the Ecuadorian consulate of Belgium, where it has resided for one year. Judge Daniella Camacho thus decided to order his arrest.
The business goes back to the night of August 13th, 2012 in Colombia. Fernando Balda, then appointed Ecuadorian opposition of the patriotic Party company January 21st (PSP), is in Bogota. Five people challenge it with violence and force it to get into a car. One hour and half later, the police intercepts the vehicle and ruins removal.
After six years of stagnation, the investigation is released in May 2018. Current Ecuadorian president Lenin Moreno announces the declassification of confidential information of the National secretariat of the information.
Information which would have made it possible justice to establish a link between the attempt at removal and Rafael Correa.
“I did not think of turning over to Ecuador, I live in Belgium and I said it to the Ecuadorian people. Today, it is still worse considering the circumstances, it would be suicide. I am the object of a warrant for arrest and in Ecuador I would go directly in a prison without any warranty in a dictatorship. Such a warrant for arrest does not have any chance of success in a country like Belgium, it is even ridiculous. And provided that Interpol does not accept it either. Because Interpol cannot be interfered this kind of political matters. In all the cases, they want to humiliate me with this message: “Warrant for arrest in Ecuador, diffusion with Interpol, Correa flees justice”. It is like that since last month and the problem it is that we do not make vis–a–vis Ecuadorian justice, but rather with the injustice, the abuses and the Ecuadorian dictatorship “declared Correa.
On September 10th, 2018, it is shown to have used public money to encourage indigenous militants to organize a campaign against Rafter.
Rafael Correa reacted to the announcement made by the national government of possible sanctions for bad management, during his mandate, of the business against the American oil company Rafter–Texaco.
To attack the previous government, instead of recalling to the world how Rafter destroyed Amazonia, does not leave any doubt that these traitors already made a pact with the transnational one. “It is necessary to be naive to believe that the declarations on Rafter, against Assange, the American planes, etc, all after the visit of Pence, are” coincidences “.
During this day, the general secretary of the presidency of Ecuador, Eduardo Jurado, announced the possibility that the country will receive sanctions for the bad management of the litigation against the American oil company.
He also declared that the eagerness of the executive of the former president to have an international notoriety and all the powers between its hands could generate damage.
According to him, the administration of Correa used 10 million dollars in the national and international communication campaign: “The dirty hand of Rafter “, to which took part of the international personalities, like the American actor Danny Glover, who, he says, was paid for its visit.
In this case, by repetition, a possible judgment against the country is transferred to the civils servant from the previous administration, within the framework of a process of arbitration with the oil company, a request already made at the office of the Public prosecutor of the State.
Rafter required of an international court to ratify the sentence of a million dollars inflicted at the Ecuadorian State for serious environmental damage in Amazonia.
The company was sanctioned to pay 9.5 billion dollars to the Amazonian people, after a process considered as successful by the Ecuador and which, of the opinion of transnational, was the result of a plot.
In February, the Ecuadorians approved by referendum a limit with the presidential mandate to prevent Correa from returning in 2021, a poll sounding like a victory for Lenin Moreno in his fight with Correa.
During its mandate, this last had launched reforms, had increased the welfare expenditures, had reduced the profits of the oil companies and suspended certain payments of debts which he regarded as illegitimate.
Since his election last year, Moreno did not cease dismantling the heritage of left of Correa, making openings in the business world and the political right.
Amauri Chamorro the specialist in the political communication worked on campaigns for several Latin–American candidates and analyzes the decline of the sector in the area.
The political communication must start from an analysis of the political environment, communication social and economic of the country. And this work is not done solely for the election time.
The use of political justice as instrument was only greeted for the continental line. After legitimate decades of electoral victories of the left, the only thing what it removed was to incline the democratic ground and to be bought to the referees to continue in the conflict. For a few years and without realizing, the movements and the parties of the field progressist had started to lose political battles in another theatre
operations: Justice. The legal systems, elitist par excellence, easily were co–opted to replace with the political parties in confrontation against the forces progressists.
The analyst Amauri Chamorro considers that Donald Tromps continued to implement the promises made at the time of the electoral campaign on immigration and illegal work in this relates to the Latin America and the américano–Mexican border.
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