After a first abortive attempt to eliminate by poisoning the opponent Alexei Navalny, the politicians of the Russian system arrested him after his rescue in Berlin.
Two years later, supporters went out to different cities around the world to demand the release of Alexei Navalny and hundreds of other political prisoners in Russia.
Alexeï Navalny was tried urgently the day after his arrest at Sheremetyevo airport, at the age of 2 and a half, for acts of which he is accused following the case initiated by the French company Yves Rocher.
Justice examined on Tuesday, October 18, 2021 the appeal in cassation which he filed after his sentence to 9 years in prison for fraud on March 22, 2022. He was accused of having embezzled for his personal benefit the money of his foundation. anti Corruption.
Since mid-June 2022, Alexei Navalny has been imprisoned in a “severe” regime penal colony, 250 km from Moscow. An example this summer: on August 12, Alexei Navalny was sent to solitary confinement for three days. The reason seems ridiculous: he had unbuttoned one of the buttons of his uniform. So he found himself in a space of six square meters, furnished only with a stool, with a book and a cup. Since then, the opponent has returned there five times and is still there today. Imprisonment periods in these conditions much longer than what Russian law allows denounce his lawyers.
The opponent has the right to see his family only four times a year, he can no longer speak in private with his lawyer and he can only meet him through opaque glass. He would not have the right to communicate with the other detainees according to certain testimonies.
Extremely harsh conditions of detention, and a more uncertain future than ever since, shortly after his sentence to 9 years in prison in March, Alexei Navalny learned that he was the subject of new charges, for creating an extremist organization, with its anti-corruption foundation. He faces an additional 15 years in prison in this new case. At the moment, he is behind bars until at least 2032.
Seeing the politics of justice and the state, under communist rule and determinations to remain silent, such conditions can reduce and scare any citizen who rises up against the system. In Russia, you have the right to remain silent, as you can see, every city is suffering after the war between Russia and Ukraine, but the population does not have the right to have an opinion or to express about the current situation. Any remark made by a citizen to the current political system could be considered treason or a plot against state security.
No matter how many sanctions Russia has received from the West, it has not backed down, because it has a system of control over the people by silencing them and forcing them to respect decisions related to the president. We can see the demands made on Russian companies run by rich people who cannot refuse Putin’s demands, if they do, everything is confiscated and they are arrested as traitors or conspirators against state security.
Known political activist, former declared candidate for the Russian presidential election, Alexeï Navalny is at the initiative of the Anti-Corruption Foundation which has carried out numerous investigations into the corruption that reigns among the high echelons of power in Russia. Several of his videos have been seen by tens of millions of people, including the last one which describes the personal enrichment of Vladimir Putin.
Exactly two years ago, as Navalny was returning from Germany, where he was recovering from poisoning by the FSB, he was arrested at Moscow airport and convicted.
Today, more than 10 criminal cases weigh on him. This politically motivated judicial harassment is totally arbitrary and aims to silence Navalny, Putin’s most famous opponent.
From prison, Navalny continues to denounce the war in Ukraine!
From prison, he continues to denounce the excesses of the regime on the war in Ukraine. This courage and perseverance earned him to be regularly placed in solitary confinement with very harsh conditions: limited access to light, activities, clothing, extremely rare visits.
Today, Russian activists and opponents who have escaped assassination, such as Alexei Navalny and Vladimir Kara-Mourza, denounce the war from their prison cells. Just like Ilia Iachine, Lilia Tchanycheva, Alexeï Gorinov or Alexandra Skotchilenko, who continue their fight against the war while being locked up by the regime.
Guvernul instituie o cenzură totală, blochează accesul la rețelele sociale și toate sursele alternative de informare. Oricine difuzează informații care se abate de la versiunea oficială este pasibil de urmărire penală, până la cincisprezece ani de închisoare. Existența unui război este negata, însăși folosirea cuvântului „război” este interzisă.
Alexeï Navalny și Vladimir Kara-Mourza, Ilia Iachine, Lilia Tchanycheva, Alexeï Gorinov sau Alexandra Skotchilenko, care își continuă lupta împotriva războiului în timp ce sunt închiși de regim, sunt aduși în atenția Kremlinului pentru a fi trași la răspundere pentru fals. informare și condamnat la 15 ani de închisoare.
+350 de prizonieri politici sunt deținuți în închisorile rusești;
+2000 de dosare penale sunt în desfășurare pentru opoziția regimului și războiului din Ucraina.
„Războiul este egal cu Putin și Putin este egal cu războiul”, a spus jurnalista rusă Anna Politkovskaia despre războiul din Cecenia, înainte de asasinarea sa la 7 octombrie 2006 la Moscova, ziua în care Vladimir Putin și-a sărbătorit ziua de naștere, care ar putea fi văzută ca un cadou de la subalternii săi.
La fel ca mulți ruși, în exil sau rămași acolo, acești voluntari au decis să meargă împotriva Kremlinului și să se mobilizeze în favoarea ucrainenilor care au fost victimele conflictului. „Refuzăm să permitem ca acest război să fie purtat în numele nostru”, oftă Olga Prokopieva, purtătorul de cuvânt al asociației. Cu siguranță, țara noastră este vinovată… În mod inconștient, încercăm să ne spălăm păcatele.”
Reprimarea, hărțuirea, arestările și intimidarea din partea autorităților de la Moscova au forțat sute de jurnaliști ruși la tăcere sau la exil. Doar propaganda de la Kremlin este disponibilă pentru a menține populația rusă într-o bule, adaugă purtătorul de cuvânt al Rusiei Libertăților.
Astăzi, parlamentarii se alătură societății civile ruse și internaționale pentru a cere eliberarea lui Alexei Navalnîi.
O inițiativă internațională #FreeNavalny a fost lansată în sprijinul lui Alexeï Navalny și deja au răspuns peste patruzeci de parlamentari din diferite țări, partide și grupuri politice, precum: André Gattolin, Françoise Gatel, François Patriat, Jérôme Durain, Xavier IACOVELLI, André VALLINI , Olivier Cigolotti, Bernard Buis, Jacques Fernique, Julien Bargeton, Guillaume Gontard, Antoine Lefèvre, Pascal DURAND, Lara Wolters, Stéphane Bijoux, Marie Pierre VEDRENNE, Pascal Canfin, Jérémy DECERLE, Manon Aubry, Ernest Urtasun, Marie Arena, Nicola Danti, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Katalin Cseh, Christophe GRUDLER, Stéphanie Yon-Courtin, Catherine Chabaud, Mireille Clapot, Agnès Canayer, Calvet François, Pascal Martin, Joël Guerriau, Dany Wattebled, Richard Marguerite Deprez, Rasa Juknevičienė, Bruno Questel, Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam, Bernard Jomier, Stella DUPONT, Christine Pirès Beaune, Emanuelis Zingeris, Claude Malhuret, Thani Mohamed Soilihi, Roberto Rampi, Jean -Luc LAGLEIZE, Ingjerd Schou, Michael Tetzschner, Petter Eide, Ola Elvestue.
Două zile dedicate adevărului, pe 21 și 22 ianuarie, comunitatea internațională rusă s-a mobilizat la nivel internațional pentru a cere sprijin pentru eliberarea tuturor deținuților politici, inclusiv pe Alexeï Navalny.
Alexeï Navalny este mândru să vadă că și în cele mai dificile momente pe care le are susținători, s-a exprimat pe Twitter.
„Am auzit despre campanie în sprijinul meu și despre evenimentele din orașele din întreaga lume prin intermediul avocaților mei. O văd, desigur, ca pe o campanie pentru eliberarea tuturor deținuților politici din Rusia și Belarus, dintre care numele meu este unul dintre simboluri”.
„Și asta este cu adevărat teribil de important – când te găsești în închisoare, îți dai seama foarte bine că nu ar trebui să te simți singur. A te simți singur astăzi înseamnă a fi rupt mâine”.
3/6 I learned about the campaign in my support and events in cities all over the world from my lawyers. I regard it, of course, as a campaign for the release of all political prisoners in Russia and Belarus, where my name stands as one of the symbols.
— Alexey Navalny (@navalny) January 25, 2023
5/6 And this really is terribly important – when you find yourself in prison, you realize especially keenly that you must not feel lonely. Feeling lonely today means being broken tomorrow.
— Alexey Navalny (@navalny) January 25, 2023
Наш сторонник прислал нам баннер с #FreeNavalny на Таймс-сквер ❤️
Свободу Навальному!
— Команда Навального (@teamnavalny) January 17, 2023
Oponentul rus a fost arestat în ianuarie 2021, la întoarcerea sa de la Berlin, unde petrecuse câteva luni recuperându-se după otrăvire, pentru care îl face responsabil pe președintele rus Vladimir Putin.
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