27 juillet 2024

Daily Impact European

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MIA: “Revenge Porn” on display at the 46th Villerupt Italian Film Festival

“Revenge Porn” is on display at the 46th Villerupt Italian Film Festival with MIA, a drama directed by Ivano Di Matteo.

“Revenge Porn” is on display at the 46th Villerupt Italian Film Festival with MIA, a drama directed by Ivano Di Matteo.


A middle-class Italian family, in a peripheral neighborhood of Rome. Sergio (Edoardo Leo), Valeria, his wife (Milena Mancini) and Mia (Greta Gasbarri), their fifteen-year-old daughter. Like many teenagers, Mia goes to high school. She has friends and some are part of a volleyball team like her. Mia finds it difficult to tolerate her father’s finicky supervision and yearns for more freedom by wanting to free herself from parental yoke and start living her life. She meets Marco (Riccardo Mandolini), a rustic boy twenty years older. Mia becomes secretive with her father imbued with a certain possessiveness who does not appreciate Marco’s person, provoking a reaction and a feeling of jealousy and makes him understand. Marco, a seducer, manipulator, but also a sexual predator, achieves his goals by succeeding in obtaining an exclusive and complete relationship with Mia by gradually cutting her off from her friends and her usual relational environment. Then, Mia realizes that her relationship with Marco can only be fleeting, superficial and progressively toxic. MIA then decides to break up. Marco takes revenge… and throws Mia into a real nightmare and into… absolute despair.


During the exchange meeting with the public at the end of the screening, Ivano de Matteo reveals that a simulated trial was filmed with the presence of police officers, professional judges with a completely different accusation, indictment and sentence. of those recounted in his film.

PJ photo of the director with Oreste Sachelli, translator and artistic advisor of the Festival


I have a fifteen-year-old daughter and that’s the first reason why I wanted to make Mia’s screenplay into a film. I am a man. The second reason was my suffering each time I read the script for which,
as a man, I could understand both the positive role and figure of the father but also the boy’s negative attitude and behavior of the boy.
I could perfectly feel both from the heroic side and the dark side.
I’m almost afraid to get so involved, but I’m also aware of the need for me to face this fear and share it because of the sadness of teenage girls losing the will to live, but also the weight (anorexia) isolate themselves, suffer in silence in their room, without wanting to cause any embarrassment… and this situation pushes them towards discretion or even invisibility.
With this film, I want to embrace them and live with my characters by listening to their music, moving from Franco 126 to the compositions of Maestro Francesco Cerasi.
Teenagers devour TikTok, videos, a way of immortalizing themselves for fleeting moments, continuously, in a way that has almost become obsessive.

Beautiful and superb talented, invigorating and dynamic interpretation of all the artists through a scenario screaming for truth, with thrilling scenes and situations arousing emotion and empathy, accentuated because of the tragic outcome and the feeling of injustice which prevails in its issue.

In short: we believe in it from start to finish because of the reality of the situations, their consequences and breathtaking twists and turns throughout the feature film.
Our first favorite.

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