5 min read BREAKING NEWS WORLD UNO: Macron is not any more agreement with the president of the United States 26 septembre 2018 Gabriel MIHAI
3 min read BREAKING NEWS WORLD Barcelona: Manuel Valls officializes his candidature for the local elections 25 septembre 2018 Gabriel MIHAI
10 min read BREAKING NEWS WORLD Amauri Chamorro, international analyst and political economist speak about politization in Justice, and political persecution in Latin America 25 septembre 2018 Gabriel MIHAI
4 min read EUROPE WORLD Day of the heritage in the slides of the national Academy of medicine 17 septembre 2018 Gabriel MIHAI
10 min read Fashion WORLD World championship of the Hairstyle in Paris: total culture of the Hairstyle, unexpected styles 15 septembre 2018 Gabriel MIHAI
3 min read BREAKING NEWS WORLD Nikol Pachinian was received by Emmanuel Macron, the Armenian community in France and MEDEF 14 septembre 2018 Gabriel MIHAI
5 min read EUROPE TOURISM – TRAVEL- HOLIDAY WORLD Targu Jiu: an ecological, cultural and tourist city 8 septembre 2018 Gabriel MIHAI
3 min read BREAKING NEWS Presidential election in Brazil: a committee of UNO, asks the government to let Lula present itself to the presidential election 18 août 2018 Gabriel MIHAI
3 min read BREAKING NEWS WORLD Lula launches out in the presidential race in spite of his imprisonment 16 août 2018 Gabriel MIHAI