27 juillet 2024

Daily Impact European

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Art Capital: Eve and the Trees of Eden, exhibited by two different artists

Art Capital returns for a new edition from February 15 to 19, 2023 at the Grand Palais Ephémère, which brings together 4 fairs and no less than 2000 artists, including 450 independents.

Art Capital returns for a new edition from February 15 to 19, 2023 at the Grand Palais Ephémère, which brings together 4 fairs and no less than 2000 artists, including 450 independents.

Since this year, independent artists are free and without a president at the show, they are present as at each edition with a variety of artistic expressions.

This year, at the independent artists’ fair, we met two artists who wanted to exhibit their sculptures on the rebirth of Eden, if one had to think freely about the feminine freedom exhibited in the image of Eve, and that of the Gardens of Eden through the exhibition of trees where we can understand and express the freedom to know the reality of good and evil.

Maria Teresa Bertina is a painter and sculptor, presenting this year at Art Capital with an extravagant and expressive sculpture by deciphering the existence and the feminine reality. Through Eva, she exposes the feminine symbol since the creation of man.

Of Portuguese origin, born in 1953, she lived in Brazil and arrived in Paris in 1978 where she began her studies in Art History.

She began by painting on textiles, then porcelain and earthenware, in the old Le Tallec workshops.

Maria Teresa Bertina, enrolled at the Atelier Nicolas Poussin (former Atelier Picasso) in the Montparnasse district for teaching drawing from live models, painting and sculpture with Yann Guillon (Beaux arts) and Jean Claude Athanée as teachers (student of Zadkine). Then she returned to the Mac Avoy and Grande Chaumière Academies with Daniel Sciora (a pupil of Mac Avoy) and René Artozoul as teachers. This apprenticeship is steeped in this famous “School of Paris” whose teachers have been strongly encouraged.

His numerous and long stays in Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America (Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Chile), allow him to keep a free spirit and to bring different cultures into contact in his works.

His works are part of several private collections. She regularly participates in many international artistic events.

This year we can see through her works exhibited at Art Capital, and in particular through the sculptures Eva and La Vigne, the existence of women that we can consider today as an art speaking of transformation and life. feminine, from suffering to fulfilment, from contempt to glory. From birth to violence, from education to emancipation, every feminist detail is there.

On the other hand, parallel to the stand of Maria Teresa Bertina, we discover the stand of the artist Myriam Sitbon Mendel and its trees, symbol of the Garden of Eden.

Why in the 21st century do we keep coming back to the rebirth of humanity?
Have we lost faith or has technology cut us off from reality?

YES ! No comment ! It’s just that we are more comfortable and less asked to move to places where there is art, information, cultural or artistic encounters… Today technology has given us rendered inactive in social and cultural life. We like to see everything through a screen or communicate in front of a screen. Are we becoming technology guinea pigs!

We can see that in returning to creation and humanity, we remember that woman is the purpose of life or that nature gives life through her trees.
Even art talks about ecology or the reality of our existence re-adapting or resetting to life.

But who is the artist Myriam Sitbon Mendel?

Myriam Sitbon Mendel, born Azoulay in Casablanca, lived in Israel from the age of six and moved to France at 18. She studied art at the Eole Yenin Ord in Eïn Hod in Israel and at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts in Paris.

Important artists in Europe and Israel have gained from his training.

Myriam Sitbon-Mendel is in her image: open to others and focused on memory. She reveals her anxieties on curious bronzes at the crossroads of the senses. Disconcerting, his mixture of genres can be, but always this leitmotif of memory, from the history of a body to that of man, almost a duty for this artist of the heart.

Her world, like an imaginary mirage integrated between illusion and magic, gives life to reality and to the human structure of Eden in Jerusalem, she sees the earthly space as a marvelous work plan and to relive the moments of intense life.

Art is the life and air of the artist, where the sphere is quite wide between his works and dance, or lyrical music, everything remains within the theme of contemporaneity.

Passing through the hemispherical labyrinth of imagination and contemporary art, we find the true abstraction of life, friendship or existing reality in the sphere of the present.

The sphere where art has neither space nor time, has the power to speak and teleport into the past and the future of humanity.

The tree is above all the symbol of complexity, the only reference being that of “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” in the Garden of Eden, where Eve and Adam discovered it. Perhaps this is one of the most difficult metaphysical notions, proposing the hypothesis that before entering this differentiated and dialectical state of thought between good on one side and evil on the other .
The tree is also what can only bear fruit if it has solid roots, symbols of history and transmission.

The garden is also said to contain “every tree pleasing to the sight and good for food”. However, two trees are distinguished: the “tree of life” in the middle of the garden and the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”.

Works make it possible to express something or things. Myths regarding the residence of one or more adaptations of the garden concept which is easily overlooked by interpreters.

To understand the version of the garden, one must consider the place and the characters that play a role in the story: God, the Garden of Eden, Adam, Eve, the Serpent and the two trees (tree of life and tree of the knowledge).

Eden is the story of an etiological legend seeking to answer questions about human origin, about the already confirmed creation and the existence of the human presence. The first parents who gave birth to mankind.

The Garden of Eden was the first residence of mankind, on the beginnings of human science, which of course would contradict the scientific discoveries of the 21st century, however, the initiation remains to be described and understood. history of humanity by describing a time, a space, a moment or a place, providing human beings with the ability to decipher their existence for millions of years.

Eva, Maria Teresa Bertina
Eva, Maria Teresa Bertina
La Vigne, Maria Teresa Bertina
La Vigne, Maria Teresa Bertina
La Vigne, Maria Teresa Bertina
La Vigne et Eva, Maria Teresa Bertina
La Vigne, Maria Teresa Bertina
La Vigne, Maria Teresa Bertina
La Vigne, Maria Teresa Bertina
La Vigne, Maria Teresa Bertina

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