27 juillet 2024

Daily Impact European

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A major civic march against anti-Semitism was organized in Paris

Many rallies took place in France this Sunday against anti-Semitism.

More than 70 rallies have been announced across France to say no to anti-Semitism. Several thousand people gathered in Strasbourg, including several LFI deputies from Paris. In Pau, more than a thousand people gathered from 11:30 a.m. The mayor, François Bayrou, spoke to the crowd, launching a call for “national unity”, present on site. In Tours, the call for a rally was very well attended, with around 2,000 participants, again according to France 3. In Nice, the mayor, Christian Estrosi, announced 4,000 demonstrators.

Elisabeth Borne, also present at the head of the procession. The Parisian demonstration, which started at 3 p.m. from the Esplanade des Invalides, and Marine Le Pen launched: “We are exactly where we need to be”, a few minutes before the start of the march. His participation is contested by the left and the majority because of his party’s anti-Semitic past.

In the lead, the presidents of the two Chambers, Yaël Braun-Pivet and Gérard Larcher. Alongside them, former presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande. But also Elisabeth Borne.

Everyone holds a banner “For the Republic, against anti-Semitism”. A strong image of unity that France wants to send to the whole world. Thousands of people gathered to take part in this demonstration as well as throughout France.

The left present in the march

“We have always been in the marches against anti-Semitism,” recalled Marine Tondelier, leader of the Ecologists, alongside Fabien Roussel (Communist Party) and Olivier Faure (PS), who arrived to some boos, including “collaborators », is logical that we are there, even if we are disturbed by the presence of the RN. “It’s amazing to have to walk with them, but it wasn’t up to us to get out of this walk,” she continued.

As planned, a heavy security system was deployed to supervise and secure the demonstration. The procession made up of a large number of elected officials advances under high protection.
Entire lines of law enforcement make up the Parisian procession.

Former President of the Republic François Hollande declared: “The fight against anti-Semitism is a debate that must bring us together.”
“This popular mobilization is important. It was a profoundly republican demonstration. Its popular success should be the guiding principle.”

Reconquest denounces the “sectarian” behavior of the left

Present in Paris for the march against anti-Semitism, the president of Reconquête! and former presidential election candidate Eric Zemmour denounced the “sectarian” behavior of the left, part of which opposed the presence of his party and that of the National Rally at the mobilization. “It’s cheeky of these people who did everything to ensure there were more immigrants in our country. I find that indecent of them. I invite all French people to come but the left is sectarian and we have known it for a long time.

For her part, the candidate Reconquest! in the European elections Marion Maréchal denounced “the choice of the community vote and the anti-Semitic ambiguity” of the “extreme left”. There is also “on our soil, a population closer to Hamas than to our Jewish compatriots,” she also denounced.

The president of Crif, Yonathan Arfi, regretted Sunday, at the end of the march against anti-Semitism in Paris, the absence of Emmanuel Macron, judging that the presence of the Head of State would have made the event “still more historical. “What matters is the figure of mobilization of the French, the political dimension, which went beyond the divisions, the fact that the French responded in a popular way,” the head of the Council underlined to the press representative of the Jewish institutions of France.

“Faced with anti-Semitism, the worst thing for Jews is to feel alone. Through this mobilization, it is this wall that fell today,” said Yonathan Arfi, welcoming the “idea that there are people in France who understood what was happening, that these anti-Semitic acts threaten not only Jews but society as a whole.

Asked about the absence of the head of state, he stressed that he had “called for him to participate in this march”, but “he chose another format”. The President of the Republic addressed the French on Saturday evening, through a letter published by the newspaper Le Parisien. He deplored “the unbearable resurgence of unbridled anti-Semitism”.

“His presence would have made this event even more historic since it would have included it in the sequence of the mobilization of 2015 (attacks), of 1990 after the desecration of the Carpentras cemetery,” said the president of Crif. “This is how. The main thing is to know what will be done tomorrow to be able to begin the fight against anti-Semitism.”

More than 182,000 people marched in France, including 105,000 in Paris, we learned from the Ministry of the Interior and the police headquarters.

At 5:30 p.m., 110 mobilizations (excluding Paris) had mobilized 77,560 people, the ministry said. “No notable incident” is to be deplored, informed Place Beauvau.

Outside the capital, the most important actions:

Marseille: 7,500 people
Strasbourg: 5,000 people
Grenoble: 3,700 people
Bordeaux: 3,500 people
Nice and Lyon: 3,000 people
Nantes and La Rochelle: 2,000 people.

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