16 octobre 2024

Daily Impact European

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Demonstration “against the Macron-Barnier government” in Paris

Around sixty rallies were announced in France, while the announcement of the composition of a new executive is imminent.

In the capital, the meeting is scheduled for Place de la Bastille at 2 p.m. The demonstrators will then take the classic route to reach Place de la Nation.

Several thousand people demonstrated from Paris to Marseille, via Bordeaux, on Saturday, September 21, to denounce the appointment of the new Prime Minister, at the call of France Insoumise, environmentalists and feminist, student and environmental associations.

While the call to demonstrate covered several dozen cities throughout France, the authorities expected to see 20,000 to 40,000 people march in the capital to denounce “a denial of democracy” after “stolen” elections. But this second day of protest since the start of the school year, after that of September 7 which saw 26,000 demonstrators march according to the Ministry of the Interior (160,000 according to the rebels) is not full, far from it. If the indignation is widely shared, the ranks are quite thin.

While the final composition of Michel Barnier’s government was to be announced in the evening, several young people in the procession say they are disgusted by the appointment of ministers “who are against marriage for all, who are racist or who are accused of embezzlement”.

“Everyone has understood that France has a problem at the moment, and that his name is Emmanuel Macron, harangues the rebel MP Mathilde Panot into the microphone, standing on a float. He shames us internationally – he is also the first president of the Fifth Republic to have impeachment proceedings against him.” Part of the assembly applauds him.

Before handing over to the environmentalists and then to her colleague Louis Boyard, the president of the LFI group in the National Assembly, her chest girded with the tricolor sash, took the opportunity to salute “the Martinican people in revolt against the high cost of living”, before expressing her full support for Gisèle Pelicot “so that the shame changes sides”.

But these calls to demonstrate were poorly followed. There were 3,200 people marching in Paris, according to the police headquarters, compared to 26,000 on September 7, according to the same source. Elsewhere in France, there were only 2,200 demonstrators in Marseille, 400 in Bordeaux, some 200 in Angoulême and Nantes, and a hundred in Strasbourg. LFI aimed to “increase popular pressure” after the day of September 7, which brought together between 110,000 left-wing demonstrators throughout France, according to the authorities, and 300,000, according to the organizers.

List of the new government


Mr. Didier MIGAUD, Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice;

Ms. Catherine VAUTRIN, Minister for Partnership with the Territories and Decentralization;

Mr. Bruno RETAILLEAU, Minister of the Interior;

Ms. Anne GENETET, Minister of National Education;

Mr. Jean-Noël BARROT, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs;

Ms. Rachida DATI, Minister of Culture and Heritage;

Mr. Sébastien LECORNU, Minister of the Armed Forces and Veterans;

Ms. Agnès PANNIER-RUNACHER, Minister of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention;

Mr. Antoine ARMAND, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry;

Ms. Geneviève DARRIEUSSECQ, Minister of Health and Access to Healthcare;

Mr. Paul CHRISTOPHE, Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Equality between Women and Men;

Ms. Valérie LÉTARD, Minister of Housing and Urban Renewal;

Ms. Annie GENEVARD, Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry;

Ms. Astrid PANOSYAN-BOUVET, Minister of Labor and Employment;

Mr. Gil AVÉROUS, Minister of Sports, Youth and Community Life;

Mr. Patrick HETZEL, Minister of Higher Education and Research;

Mr. Guillaume KASBARIAN, Minister of the Civil Service, Simplification and Transformation of Public Action;

Mr. François-Noël BUFFET, Minister attached to the Prime Minister, responsible for Overseas Territories;

Mr. Laurent SAINT-MARTIN, Minister attached to the Prime Minister, responsible for the Budget and Public Accounts.

Ministers Delegate:

At the Prime Minister and the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs:

Mr. Benjamin HADDAD, responsible for Europe;

To the Prime Minister:

Ms. Nathalie DELATTRE, in charge of Relations with Parliament;

Ms. Maud BREGEON, Government Spokesperson;

Ms. Marie-Claire CARRÈRE-GÉE, in charge of Government Coordination;

To the Minister for Partnership with Territories and Decentralization:

Ms. Françoise GATEL, in charge of Rurality, Trade and Crafts;

Mr. François DUROVRAY, in charge of Transport;

Mr. Fabrice LOHER, in charge of the Sea and Fisheries;

To the Minister of the Interior:

Mr. Nicolas DARAGON, in charge of Daily Security;

To the Minister of National Education:

Mr. Alexandre PORTIER, in charge of Academic Success and Vocational Education;

To the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs:

Ms Sophie PRIMAS, responsible for Foreign Trade and French Nationals Abroad;

To the Minister for Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention:

Ms Olga GIVERNET, responsible for Energy;

To the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry:

Mr Marc FERRACCI, responsible for Industry;

Ms Marie-Agnès POUSSIER-WINSBACK, responsible for the Social and Solidarity Economy, Profit-Sharing and Participation;

Ms Marina FERRARI, responsible for the Tourism Economy;

To the Minister for Solidarity, Autonomy and Equality between Women and Men:

Ms Agnès CANAYER, responsible for Family and Early Childhood.

Secretaries of State:

To the Minister of the Interior:

Mr. Othman NASROU, in charge of Citizenship and the Fight against Discrimination;

To the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs:

Mr. Thani MOHAMED SOILIHI, in charge of Francophonie and International Partnerships;

To the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry:

Ms. Laurence GARNIER, in charge of Consumption;

To the Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Equality between Women and Men:

Ms. Salima SAA, in charge of Equality between Women and Men;

To the Minister of Higher Education and Research:

Ms. Clara CHAPPAZ, in charge of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technology.

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