18 décembre 2024

Daily Impact European

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“No money for terror”, conference of fight against the financing of Daech and Al-Qaïda

Wednesday the 25th and Thursday, April 26 in Paris a world conference is taken place on the financing of international terrorism in particular of Islamic the State group (EI) and of AlQaïda, and on the ways of blocking it.

Nearly 500 experts, 80 ministers of 72 countries like 12 international organizations G7, G20, GAFI, the IMF, the World Bank, ONG, will confront their experiments, to exchange information and to try to arrive to a set of good practices which could be globalized thereafter, for example to the level as of the United Nations, specified the Elysium.

French president Emmanuel Macron had announced the conference, this conference holding at the time of his speech to the ambassadors from France at this meeting in Paris at the end of August, baptized No money for terror.
It is a political conference of mobilization at the planetary level which underlines the will of a commitment renewed with the service of the expensive multilateralism to the French President.

The terrorist threat is not declining, Daech, Al Quaïda, Boko Haram continue to be organized and are present on Internet and the social networks. Groups very active and threatening collect funds and make them circulate, being played of the borders, using the most sophisticated techniques (anonymous transfers, electronic wallets, prepaid cards), resorting to the crowdfunding, with the bleaching of the money of the crime, the lucrative traffic of works of art.

From 2014 to 2016 , Daech accumulated an enormous war treasure, about a billion dollar a year.
The military victory against the caliphate is an important success , the Elysium commented on Tuesday, but it secures us neither against the resurgence of Daech, nor against the activity of the groups and individuals having lent allegiance to this organization or AlQaïda.

Work of this conference is held in the buildings of the economic Cooperation organization and development (OECD), behind closed doors, except for a speech of conclusion of Mr. Macron.

The day of Wednesday is devoted to three round tables animated in particular by Bruno Dalles, director of the cell antilaundering of the French ministry of Finances (Tracfin), François Molins, public prosecutor, or Emmanuel Moulin, principal private secretary of the French Minister for Finances.
The day of Thursday will be opened by Peter Neumann, director of International the center for the study of toughening of King S College of London, author in August of a noticed study entitled Don T follow the money (do not follow the money, in reference to the mantra of the American film the men of the president, Follow the money), in which it estimated that the war with the financing of terrorism such as it is carried out since 2001 was often expensive and unproductive.

Often, the attacks or attempts at these last years in the world mobilized very small money sums, difficult even impossible to trace and locate in advance.

In January 2015, an enquiring Norwegian, Emilie Oftedal, studied 40 terrorist cells which have, between 1994 and 2013, organized or tempted to organize attacks in Europe. In the threequarters of the cases, the amount of the sums concerned did not exceed ten thousand dollars.

The terrorists collect, transfer and spend the remarkably ordinary money of way, she wrote in his report. The most frequent funding source are the wages and the economies of the members, followed by the minor delinquency.

The attacks which were committed on the European or NorthAmerican ground cost certainly very little money, admitted an Elysian source. But the terrorist groups, that they are with Raising, in the Sahel or in Asia behave like organizations, which have costs of operation, of structure. It is necessary to recruit, form, equip. Yes, there is terrorism low cost, but it is also necessary to treat financing of these organizations.

Syria was not invited, nor Iran (country placed on the blacklist of the GAFI), but a dialogue requires between MM Rohani and Macron. In a surprising way, Israel aenvoyé any minister.

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