18 décembre 2024

Daily Impact European

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« Finally, I’m fine »

An excellent comedy, an effective duet.
A psychiatrist sees a man suffering from obsessive neurosis in his office.

The patient describes his symptoms, his obsession with order – he cannot help keeping his clothes away carefully, he has to write down his every move in a notebook …
We are witnessing a crossover of obsessions between the patient and the therapist.

Deception or sincerity on the part of the latter?

And the interview continues, more and more strange, to become totally crazy, with our lodged patient who, beside himself, ends up exclaiming: « But you are sicker than me! »
Would the author’s intention be to illustrate the clichés: « The shrinks are just as much, if not more, disturbed than their patients » or « The shrink heals you with a wave of a magic wand »?
The funny situations are linked, the scathing repartees fuse, an unexpected outcome …

« Finally, I’m fine » at the Théâtre de l’Ambigu 7, rue de la Bourse Avignon

A comedy written and directed by Julien Gobin
With Aurélien Drapeau and Julien Gobin
Every day at 6 p.m. until July 31 (except Tuesday)

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