18 décembre 2024

Daily Impact European

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Creation of an Emergency Fund for the Living Show by the Paris City Council and the Ministry of Culture

The City of Paris and the Ministry of Culture have teamed up to create an emergency fund for private performing arts (FUSV), outside the music and variety sector.

Following the call of the SNDTP (National Syndicate of the Private Theater) requesting financial aid for private theaters, an endowment of 5 million euros was allocated to the FUSV created by the Ministry of Culture in partnership with the ASTP ( Association for private theater) and ADAMI (Administration of the Rights of Artists and Musicians Performers) which participated for € 200,000. It is aimed exclusively at professional entertainment companies outside of the subsidized or subsidized sector, and outside the music and variety sector, which benefits from an emergency fund of € 11.5 million created by the CNM (€ 10 million), ADAMI. , SPEDINAM (Society for the Collection and Distribution of the Rights of Artist-Performers) and SACEM (up to € 500,000 each.)

Established on a temporary basis, the purpose of this fund is to avoid layoffs, cessation of payments and liquidations, to protect private entertainment companies from the revenue they generate following the cancellation of their shows. It is aimed at theaters, theater show entrepreneurs, private turners, companies involved in the field of theater (including puppets and storytelling), dance, circus or street arts. They must hold a license 1 or 2. Are excluded, the SCI owners of theater walls or those whose activity, in connection with the theater, is distinct from the production or broadcasting of shows (Catering, events, …) As well as companies that do not hold a License 1 and only in charge of programming, by contract with the operator.

This plan is intended to provide exceptional and urgent aid to entertainment companies affected by the Covid-19 crisis, following the measures to ban all gatherings and the total cancellation of shows, it also helps the structures concerned to s  » pay copyright fees and avoid payment cancellations or liquidations. Requests for assistance can be made on the dedicated FUSV website.

The FUSV intervenes, particularly for small, more fragile structures, in addition to public aid from the State and local authorities, in particular as compensation for partial unemployment or the corporate solidarity fund and other measures encountered by businesses impacted by the Covid-19 crisis.

The aid from the FUSV covers a share of the fixed costs of businesses, which continue to weigh throughout the period of cancellation of the shows and the deprivation of their own revenue. They include rents and rental charges, office automation, supplies, fluids and consumables, fees and insurance (excluding shows), but not salaries and social charges.

The ASTP has been designated for the management of the FUSV, as operator, within the framework of agreements signed with each of the contributors. A Monitoring Committee has been set up to ensure the transparency of the aid allocated by the fund. The ASTP does not receive any specific remuneration in this respect. The contributions of the City of Paris are intended exclusively for companies located on its territory.

For companies, this coverage represents 15% of the amounts excluding tax of contracts for canceled performances for which a commitment had been made before March 14, and not postponed before December 31, 2020.

Artists can also benefit from other exceptional measures following the cessation of their activities and the cancellations of filming, shows and festivals. The Adami decided to support them in the form of various aids by unlocking for this purpose:

• 8.5 million euros released for a payment paid directly to artists in the form of an exceptional distribution.

• 1.8 million euros in financial aid maintained for artistic projects canceled or postponed and previously supported by Adami with particular attention paid to artists’ remuneration.
• 330,000 euros in additional funding linked to the « Right to the Heart » system in support of artists facing the most urgent social situations.
• 500,000 euros for the emergency fund set up by the National Music Center (see above).
• 200,000 euros for the private performing arts emergency fund (excluding music) managed by the Association for the Support of the Private Theater. (see above).

The amount of the participation of the City of Paris is voted on May 18 by the Council of Paris.

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