With the opening of the General Assembly, is a few minutes before the speech of Donald Trump, the general secretary of UNO Antonio Guterres deplored a “increasingly chaotic world”, considering it regrettable that “the multilateralism is criticized as much at the time when it is most necessary”.
Tightening the fist on the desk of the hemicycle of UNO, Emmanuel Macron exhorted the leaders of the world Tuesday “not to be accustomed” to the rise of nationalisms, which nourish according to him increase in inequalities.
The Head of the French State did not quote the name of Donald Trump but its speech in front of UNO was often the exact one opposed that pronounced, two hours earlier, by the US president. “Some chose the law of the strongest. But it does not protect any people. We choose another way: multilateralism”, Emmanuel Macron summarized.
Today, Donald Trump thus praised his “daring” peace initiative with the North Korea. He however prevented that the international sanctions against Pyongyang would remain “in place until the denuclearization” of the Korean peninsula.
The Iranian file illustrates this deep difference in approach. When Donald Trump invites the international community “to isolate the Iranian mode”, Emmanuel Macron preaches “the dialogue” with Teheran. “That will make it possible to regulate truly the situation in Iran? ”, he asks. “The law of the strongest? Pressure of only one? Not!” “Do we know that Iran was on the way of the military nuclear power, but what stopped it? The agreement of Vienna of 2015”, he continues. An implicit allusion to the decision in May of Donald Trump to leave the agreement, considering it inoperative to stop the Iranian military programs.
Instead of reinforcing the sanctions, as Washington is on the point of doing it in November, Paris wants to thus continue to discuss with Teheran a broader diary making it possible to treat all the concerns nuclear, ballistic, regional, caused by the Iranian policies.
In his speech, which it finished under hard applause, Emmanuel Macron was alarmed at the “deep crisis” which passes “the international order”, symbolized by “the impotence” of which UNO is threatened. This report joined that of the chief of UNO, Antonio Guterres, who deplored “an increasingly chaotic world”. He regretted that “the multilateralism is criticized as much at the time when it is most necessary”.
For Emmanuel Macron, the “heart of the problem” is the rise of the “major inequalities” these last decades. And to quote the “250 million children who are not entitled to the school”, the “783 million people who live below poverty line” or the “200 million women who do not have access to contraception”. However “the distrust in our companies is nourished of all these inequalities”, added the French president, by inviting the great international institutions “to change method”, without going into the details.
While greeting a “strong” speech, ONG Oxfam invited the Head of the State “to well more join to it epic to the word (…) if he wants to be really credible”. Emmanuel Macron, which tries to get rid of the label of “president of the rich person” who sticks to him with the skin in France, made this fight against the inequalities the priority of G7 that it will chair in 2019.
Rather satisfied with the evolution of the file North–Korean, Donald Trump chooses from now on to put the pressure on Iran, which is in the firing line of the White House. The US president denounced a “dictatorship corrupted” in Iran. He was pleased with the withdrawal of the agreement on the Iranian nuclear power and launched an appeal “to isolate the mode”.
Donald Trump: “the Iranian leaders sow chaos, death and the destruction. This is why so much of nations of the Middle East support my decision to withdraw the United States of the horrible agreement on the Iranian nuclear power. We cannot allow the principal world sponsor of terrorism to have the weapon most dangerous of planet”.
The US president hopes that its intransigence vis–a–vis in Iran will make it possible to obtain the same projections as with the North Korea.
Donald Trump must precisely chair tomorrow a special session of the Security Council devoted to non–proliferation. Belgium will be present as an observer.
In an official statement, the guards of the Iranian Revolution are caught some highly to Donald Trump, introduced like “an evil president” and a “adventurer” who launched a “economic war” against Iran and decided “cruel sanctions to divert the Iranian nation of the revolutionary values and defense of his interests”. “Dreamed of Trump and Pompeo will never be carried out”, Ali Akbar Velayati, principal advisor of the ayatollah Ali Khamenei answered today, quoted by the Irna news agency.
Donald Trump confirmed in a tweet that it was not going to meet its Iranian counterpart, while being opened to the possibility of such a meeting in the future. “Perhaps a day, in the future… I am sure that it is a completely pleasant man”, the US president wrote.
The Iranian president showed the United States to want “to reverse” the mode of Teheran, all in their proposer to dialogue. He denounced the position “absurdity” of Donald Trump who had called the world, a little earlier to the same platform, “to isolate” the Iranian mode “corrupted”. The security cannot be “the toy” of the American domestic policy, hammered Hassan Rohani.
“We must in Europe make our own choices”, Mr. Michel declared after having heard the speech of US president Donald Trump. “Europe should not be following of America. We are a strong partner with regard to the defense of the fundamental values and of freedoms and we must make more for our security, invest more in defense and to have our own strategy for the geopolitical challenges of tomorrow”.
At the Security Council, on the two subjects headlights of the week — Iran and North Korea —, the 15 members of the more high authority of UNO do not speak — or more — about the same voice.
If Europeans are of agreement to reduce the Iranian influence to the Middle East, they are in deep disagreement with Donald Trump on his rupture with the nuclear agreement of 2015.
“Let us not sign any more trade agreements with the powers which do not respect the agreement of Paris”, he declared with the platform of UNO, without quoting by name the United States which left there in 2017.
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