The number 9, a symbolic number, which in numerology signifies, among other things, travel, altruism, philosophy, birth, knowledge, openness of mind. It is also the synonym of new, current, recent, daring, original … Marc Lévy has made this suggestive number the one used in the division of his new saga. 9 volumes for a fictionalized series as he has known so well for twenty years.
With « It Happened in the Night », the author with 50 million books sold around the world was not limited to only two protagonists « Outlaw with a heart of gold, villains well under all reports, manipulators, forgers, smugglers, white-collar assassins, magnetic whores, journalists risking their skin so that the truth comes out ”; a clan of the nine who “work for good, who are friends and who share their secrets and yet have never met. »
A story for a nine-act intrigue in which the writer takes offense. « What is the point of being a writer, if not to tell compelling stories, to ask questions? he explains. A survey that arrives on September 29 at the Robert Laffont / Versilio editions.
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